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Automated Workers

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  • Automated Workers

    I've played Civ, Civ2, and SMAC, and I have to say that this is the first game in which they finally got the automated workers (settlers, engineers, formers) to work properly. I read all these threads complaining about late game micromanagement, and I agree... but at the same time... not since the first game I played have I EVER had to tell a worker what to do. Once my borders are safe, I set them all to automate and never even look at them again.

    Good job Firaxis, you've fixed one of the most annoying parts of all the (real) Civ games.

  • #2
    So, you just let pollution lie and fester, zat it?
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


    • #3
      No, I've never had pollution last more than one turn. By the time I start building factories, almost all my terrain has been fully upgraded and there seem to be plenty of workers to clean up the pollution. Whenever pollution occurs, I see 3-4 workers pile onto it without me having to do anything. I guess if you have serious pollution problems you'll want to give ten or a dozen workers the Automate Clean Up Pollution Only command, but I've only ever had to do that once.


      • #4
        TinCow -
        I think that the AI only puts 2 units/pollution square, no matter how many you have patrolling for pollution.

        I do generally agree though, they seem to get the job done, even if it takes a long time with lots of workers.

