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Which Tribal Attributes Do You Prefer ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SlowwHand
    I would think more credit should be given industrious than you feel willing, AkwaticDudeCity.
    At the beginning of the game, workers productivity expanding your culture is great.
    And even if you capture all your workers eventually, they still work faster.
    I don't have a problem with that at all.
    True, and initially, before i got the game, i had my mind set on Egyptians. But later i decided Industrious was just too weak an attribute to have it instead of Commercial or Militaristic or even Religious. The main reason i chose not to pick Industrious was because of the foreign workers that start coming late Ancient times. When the Industrial Era comes i have a surplus of foreign workers (counting at least six foreign workers per city and about twenty cities) And those foreigners come in large numbers because i usually don't install a new governor in foreign cities because the AI has bad city locations. I've never taken over more than five enemy cities in a game.

    But it's like Dr Spike says
    the ranking of the attributes depends on gameplay style and the difficulty level at which you play.
    With my way of playing i can hardly appreciate Industrious. By the way, do foreign workers working for Industrious civs also work extra fast?
    ugh crud, why won't they fall prey to my Machiavellian schemes?


    • #17
      i like the babalonians( religios and scientific). cheap cultural items are cool and the bowmen are almost unstopable in the early game. and only one turn of anarchy helps to

      i find being scientific to help my money problems more than being comercial. with free advences once in a while and cheeper sci buildings i dont have t fund it as much, so i get extra money.

      i HATE the expantionet atribute. a scout? so what. i'll just build a chariot or horsman. and lucrative barbarians???? big deal. barbarians are only good for free advances and attacking and promoting your units.
      Last edited by zorbop; January 5, 2002, 22:38.


      • #18
        Originally posted by zorbop
        i like the babalonians( religios and scientific). cheap cultural items are cool and the bowmen are almost unstopable in the early game. the one turn revalution helps to.
        Revaluation?? What da heck???
        Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
        Waikato University, Hamilton.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Grrr

          Revaluation?? What da heck???
          ugh crud, why won't they fall prey to my Machiavellian schemes?


          • #20
            Yeah, instead of spending ages in anarchy religious civs revalue quickly. Guess Argentina must not be that religious.


            • #21
              Mimicking some other poster, it has to be Scientific and something. Something is usually Militaristic or Religious, so Babylonians and Germans for me.
              This is because my play style relies heavily on Culture. It is common that my outer rim cities are capture in war times, but the culture of my old cities keep bringing them back to me. And at the same time, I advance scientifically much faster then others and can get the best weapons at best speed.
              Of course Commercial is very handy aswell, with the low corruption and all.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #22
                It seems I'm the first so far to vote for Russia (Exp/Sci). And I find that surprising, because I think Cossack is a great unit, and the tribal attributes are amazingly powerful when it comes to tech lead.
                I enjoy Persia, Babylon and France too.


                • #23
                  That "harumph" concerning scout is misguided.
                  Expansionist may not be your style, but starting with a scout at the first of game is nice.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                  "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                  He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                  • #24
                    Religious is a must for me because of the short revolutions and cheap religious buildings (for exapnding culture). I like scientific with that, so I usually play Babylonians, but I am compatible with Religious and anything, so I always play with a Religious civ.


                    • #25
                      Religious is the best for me. 2nd best is probably Commercial, then Scientific, followed by Industrious and Militaristic. Expansionistic is no good.
                      -- Roland


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Roland Ehnström
                        Expansionistic is no good.
                        I strongly disagree with you. Expanisonistic is very good. It can give you extra cash, an early tech lead, or extra settlers! Having expanisonistic means no barbarians will come out of huts. Having pottery is no prize, however.


                        • #27
                          Religious is BY FAR the strongest

                          There's already been a large and informative thread in the Strategy section:

                          Everybody knows Industrious and it's double-speed workers is extremely powerful, but once you really understand how the game works, Religious is by far the most powerful trait.

                          If there was multiplayer in Civ3, everybody would quickly see that proper exploitation of the advantages of Religious would win every time.

                          HALF-PRICE TEMPLES:
                          HUGE benefit. Temples are the first things you build. In the early game, say you've got a city making 3 shields. Half-price temples makes the difference between 15-turn temples and 30-turn temples. Nothing compares to that kind of boost. The only thing that would come close to that kind of benefit would be some sort of a "half-price wonders" ability, and cheap temples would still be arguably better at higher difficulties. Under despotism, your civ will be rushing temples with 1 population instead of 2, and happy/productive citizens aren't the only benefit -- everybody loves that edge on culture.

                          DYNAMIC GOVERNMENT:
                          Even if you don't take advantage of it, 1-turn anarchy is like having a few free techs and a few free units over the course of the game because of the extra production/science output. Most people, however, know that it is also very useful switching governments to avoid war-induced disorder.

                          FORCED LABOR:
                          This is where your dynamic government becomes ridiculously strong. In the mid-game, you can switch back to despotism and make 1-turn cathedrals (also half-price), and in the late game, when you've got big cities at their max population, you can switch back to despotism and make 1-turn universities or whatever.

                          Late-game despotism is something that isn't remotely practical with non-religious civs, and the benefits of it are far above any other trait. The only reason not to play a religious civ is because you think forced laber is too much of an exploit and refuse to use it.

                          If you want to play a simple game on an easy level, and you hate micro-management, maybe that would be a reason not to use religious. Switching governments, rushing things, going to war, etc... maybe that's just not your style. In that case, sitting back with the Greeks and your fortified Hoplites while you research your way to victory might be more fun.
                          To secure peace is to prepare for war.


                          • #28
                            Statements regarding certain attributes being no good aren't really that helpful; as always it depends on the game. If you play on the larger maps or with a single continent expansionist can be great. Also on higher levels where huts are very stingy being guaranteed no barbs is very useful. Having said that, in a default settings game I would have to agree that expansionist is relatively weaker.


                            • #29
                              I placed the data (as of 84 votes) in matrix, to see if I could get a sense of any trends.

                              Not surprisingly, Industrious is #1 with a commanding 54/84 choosing it as one trait. Commercial, Religious and Scientific are about equal at 27-34/84. Expansionist is dead last. But within these general trends I saw some correlations.
                              Industrious types were generally Commercial or Religious
                              Commercial types are usually industrious
                              Expansionist type prefer industrious, but there are very few data points from which to extrapolate.
                              Militaristic types prefer industious or commercial.
                              Religious types are industrious or scientific, rarely commercial. Hmmm.
                              Scientific type show a preference for religion ... double-Hmmm ... and nothing else.

                              I wish I could show the chart, but it looked mundo bad in the preview, so I bagged it.
                              John 6:68


                              • #30
                                My general rule is that I have to be either religious or scientific. The Babs are my favorites, the Egyptians are also good, so are the Persians and the Iroquois. In theory, the Indians and Greeks could be good too, but I've yet to have really good starts as either one of those. I have decided that religious is the #1 attribute. After that, I can see arguments for several different ones, especially varying depending on the type of map and difficulty level. Expansionist is crap on tiny -> normal maps, but apparently can really rock on large & huge worlds (which I don't play, b/c I don't have THAT much patience). Industrious is really nice, especially early on and during railroad building time. Commercial is an attribute I end up wishing I had once I've conquered a civ or two and am feeling the corruption. Militaristic is really the only one I could care less about.

                                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

