I guess I play the Americans the most, since I still am playing my first game (45 days going strong) as Americans.
No announcement yet.
Which civ do you play the most?
I'm the first (and perhaps the only) to vote Zulu! I like the name Shaka and their Impi rocks, so I like playing them a lot.
I'll change my vote if they add the Irish in game.
I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!
France and Egypt. Looking at the stats, that makes me Mr. Smack-in-the-middle, dunnit?
Why? I just love industrious, and can't decide if commercial or religeous is the better runner-up. Pre-patch the nod went to commercial, now I think it's probably religeous. Also, they're both lead by babes....
Anyway, playing an non-militaristic civ makes it extra satisfying to whip some warmonger butt; "Ah, Herr Bismark! Didn't get tha rubber, did ya? Too bad... But at least I'm gonna teach you some proper culinary culture, not that revolting schmuck you krauts think is food. Look here at what I can _dish_ out!"
Perhaps I roleplay too much.
I'm considering the Zulus, just to see how bad they actually are."The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
"I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.
I always play as the Germans 1st or America 2nd.Being Germany your always in the middle of things and makes for a tough game.As the Americans you have more time to build yourself up.The two Civs I hate and beat the tar out of every chance I can get are the French and Chinese I will even put my units around thier borders and tick them off
Long live Civ III
John Plavchan
I agree that the French have excellent abilities, but I prefer a male leader and as we can't choose anymore, I don't like it to play with the French. Most of the time I play the Romans, I did so in CIV I, in CIV II, and so I continue in CIV III. I am personally fascinated by the Romans and I have Latin at secondary school.
Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
.... They are pink and French... thats enough to make me run the other way...
-FMK.I'm totally with you on this one!!! that pink is awful to look at it, and I generally clear it off the maps in my games...
and in my games, I've mostly played the babylonians, their jazzy modern era music is pretty cool, and yes, i like their attributes. also, they either start as red or blue, two of my favorite colors! (i'm not partial to yellow or brown, or green for the amtter, and well.. you know about pink...)
Less Grecian votes than I'd have expected. Thought the "die hard scientist" type player like I tend to be would be more common, and it doesn't get more science-focused than scientific and commercial, since all commercial means is more science too ;>
Also surprised at so few Babylonians. They're culture-optimized to the max.
Looks like all the votes are going to the industrious civs, mostly. Guess it's popular opinion that that is the best quality of the six.
Persia and Babylon here. Gotta have that science and, depending on weather I play a conquest or culture game, an economic or religious boost.
Anyone else out there prefer playing conquest games with civs that don't have 'Militaristic' in their make up? To me, the economic bonus allows me to cultivate a stronger military then the simple military bonuses do."Life is formidable. Suspect everything and expect nothing." --Yours truly.
Well I started off favouring the Babylonians for their cheap temples and libraries and it suited my playing style.
Then tried the French as "everyone" here says they are the best loved the quick workers but couldn't handle full priced temples.
So now I'm favouring the Egyptians they get the quick workers and cheap temples.
Personally I don't see how you can manage without the religious traits cheap templesHoping that 4 is closer to 2 than 3
Hey Dissident stop playing your fairground games.
How can I vote when my choice is not here. I like surprises so I always go random. Choosing your civ before the start of mankind seems a little pathetic to me.
I want RANDOM on your voting list. I wander how many others would have liked to see this choice?