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Rate the patch!

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  • #16
    Re: Rate the patch!

    Originally posted by siredgar
    Also, I would like to know the necessity of having up to 512 cities when the city lists for each civilization have not yet been expanded? Does one have to continue to be exposed to viewing cities named "New Paris" and "New New Orleans" all over the map?
    OMG, what a useless rant. this is like the time somebody came to the civ2 forum and asked if there was a city names list he could download somewhere. I say the same thing to you:
    Get an atlas and start typing, it's not that hard.

    as for the patch:
    I am glad for all the gameplay issues and bugs it addresses. strangely, I had encountered most of these bugs and just went on playing.

    but the editor still lacking some basics keeps this patch from being the greatest. hope whoever said so is serious about them working on the editor.
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


    • #17
      Again, the point is is that the attention to details was not there and still isn't there.

      The patch has a lot of good fixes, but it just doesn't address some key issues such as the ability to specify player starting locations, AI trading, and stacked moves.
      "I've spent more time posting than playing."


      • #18
        Originally posted by siredgar
        Hey, Skanky, can I borrow that dog for a few weeks?
        It will cost you 20 gold per turn...

        Originally posted by Father Beast
        OMG, what a useless rant...
        Hey!! I was already flaming him for that remark!!
        Step in line, and wait until I have finished.
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #19
          Has anyone played a full version with the new patch yet?

          I'm already getting crashes and lags.
          "I've spent more time posting than playing."


          • #20
            I give the patch an "Excellent" simply because they fixed the problem with the AI patrolling. Even holding down shift, it got really boring watching the AI move 30 cavalry around in a circle.


            • #21
              Re: Re: Rate the patch!

              Originally posted by Father Beast
              OMG, what a useless rant. this is like the time somebody came to the civ2 forum and asked if there was a city names list he could download somewhere. I say the same thing to you:
              Get an atlas and start typing, it's not that hard.
              There's a reason we paid $50 for the game. We shouldn't need to do any typing for it to work properly. And what about the ancient civs? Your atlas cover Babylon?
              Humans are like cockroaches, no matter how hard you try, you can't exterminate them all!


              • #22
                Originally posted by siredgar
                Also, the patch doesn't have anything to alter the AI trading system (getting more 1-for-1 trades). But then I read somewhere that the developers didn't think this was a "problem".
                You are trying to trade a tech from the AI by choosing it and asking 'What may I trade you for ?' This usually results in a silly offer, 2 techs + something.

                Instead ask what the AI would like to offer for and you usually get 2 techs for 1 (if it's good enough) or one plus other useful stuff (like lots of gold per turn). Try to find the 'cheapest' way of gaining what ever it is you want. If you have a trade agreement, try renegotiating it (or cancel and try to get AI to pay again).

                If you're saying that not even the AI should trade you more for your resource/tech, just take them out and not 'abuse' the AI's stupidity


                • #23
                  Results from finishing a game.

                  I played a saved game with the new patch and here are the results:

                  1. Various animation bugs.

                  ex) The ships do not have any sound until the last space moved.

                  2. Advisor screens, especially diplomacy and science ones, do not fully work.

                  ex) No arrows in science advisor screen, but more importantly, at some point, all of the diplomacy lines (peace, war, mutual protection pact, etc) disappear.

                  3. Odd: I found Chinese workers and French longbowman in my cities.

                  4. The mech infantry in my cities would attack and kill any of my other units trying to pass through. A couple of times, I found a a sneaky Chinese unit in there. Any connection?

                  5. The ending with all of the quotes from the defeated leaders has bugs.

                  ex) My character (winner), Elizabeth, and Gandhi (eliminated) did not show up to say anything.

                  6. I have noticed that after the first test, the lag has nearly disappeared and there are fewer crashes. Hurray!

                  7. AI patrolling seems to have been thrown out. Yes!

                  8. The patch adds bonuses to units rather than adjusting them, which is good.

                  ex) I played a gamed with modified rules and gave the privateers an attack of two. The patch added an attack of one, for a total of three. I recommend giving the privateers an attack of three now, anyhow. This is because they should be able to attack frigates, but not defend very well against them (they still have a defense of only one).

                  Overall, I give the patch a rating of "excellent" because it fixes essential playability issues (less lag and fewer crashes). Also, it has a lot of great fixes.

                  However, it still does not add the ability to:

                  1. Specify player starting location in the map editor.

                  2. Stack moves.

                  3. Allow "fairer" trading with AI.

                  In conclusion, this first patch lets me enjoy the game for now, but I can't wait for the second patch to take it further (esp. for customization).
                  Last edited by siredgar; December 10, 2001, 15:21.
                  "I've spent more time posting than playing."

