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WTH is so special about the AI?

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  • #76
    Do you really think his fleet could compete with yours?
    Well I think that his destroyer would be able to compete better than his galleons and ironclads. I know what you're saying, that if he only has one then he should let it wait sit there til he has more. He brought it out though, only to put it back in port after moving around the same 4 squares for a couple of turns. For the record, he had a buttload of ironclads and galleons out in the oceans. Basically it was doing that stupid patrol that the AI does. How difficult would it be to make the AI use the "fortify" command?

    Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the game but for how long I don't know. Watching 12 cavalry patrol the same 10 squares EVERY SINGLE TURN does tend to take the shine off the game.


    • #77
      hm, it would be interesting to know if the upgrade problem could also be solved in the patch...fiddling with the editor should be the last resort....


      • #78
        "If it only took IBM 10 years and Millions $$ designing a computer to defeat the second rate Chess Master Casparov"

        Kasparov is not a second rate Master. He has only been beaten by one human player ever, the current world champion. Also, the second match against IBM's computer was unfairly tilted against Kasparov. (and it wasn't a full match) And yes I am aware of the sarcasm in your post...


        • #79
          Originally posted by Kookullin

          (Yawn) Barchan, at the risk of turning this thread into a hair-splitting extravangza, the hyperbole and tone of your reply prompts me to intervene on Moraelin's behalf.
          Agreed, no need to split legal hairs. And, fair enough, I am not an EU attorney and so cannot speak to how things are done in Europe. Sorry if my post set you off, but I was only using hyperbole to combat hyperbole. I believe the original assertion was "you cannot renounce your rights in a contract.” This statement is false, and I was merely pointing that out. Using the example of a slavery contract to reinforce the false assertion seemed a bit excessive to me, so I responded accordingly. (I’d say “so sue me”, but since it appears as though you personally could, I’ll refrain from doing so….)

          But you are right in that you’d get nowhere in suing Infogrames. The game does work, after all. It might not do everything the way we want it to, or even as we were told it would. But you can load the game and play it. Thus, it meets the minimum standards for merchantability and distribution to the consumer market. Even with its flaws, it poses no health or safety risk (aside, perhaps, from causing high blood-pressure in frustrated fans ) to warrant recall or sanctions. Besides, the consumer’s usual remedy for receiving defective goods is replacement or repair, which is exactly what Firaxis/Infogrames is doing right now.

          I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting to see Infograms “squirm” at the threat of legal action. Infograms has access to plenty of litigators, all of who would love nothing better than to easily crush any feeble legal actions filed against their client while ringing up hundreds of billable hours. As far as representing Moraelin against Infogrames, well, Sir, I wish you the very best of luck. You’d need all you could get….


          • #80
  , that is actually false. I actually went and made all the units upgradable before reading that post, simply because I was tired of having special units that can't upgrade. So in my world, Hoplites can upgrade, War Chariots can upgrade, Musketeers can upgrade, and so on. Heck, even every single kind of ship can upgrade.

            Should fix everything right? Bzzt, wrong.

            True, it helps get rid of _some_ obsolete units sooner. E.g., the hoplites were finally gone from my list by the late middle ages, so at least that was an improvement.

            But most units still stay on that list regardless. It wasn't until Mech Infantry that the obsolete units finally disappeared from the list. But until then, my unit list still was a long mess of obsolete units. I still had the whole complement of musketmen, riflemen and infantry on that list, and my offensive units list still proudly featured longbowmen and cavalry, right next to tanks. And my governors still offered to build longbowmen after I had finished making infantry in a town.

            And the AI was still cheerfully sending archers and swordsmen all over my teritory, to fight each other. I thought it was for lack of resources or funds or something. So I contact the English, who've been my trusty allies in so many wars, and give them a source of iron and 200 gold per turn. I mean, really, seeing them send archers and warriors against the Greeks was making my eyes sore already. Now we should see some real war, right? Well, wrong, they're still sending archers and warriors.

            Then on the left I have the mighty German empire, who does send some Knights too. Once every third warrior. Didn't warriors disappear from their list already?


            • #81
              they never disappear and are great cheap resistance quellers, which is kinda stupid


              • #82
                Originally posted by Moraelin
      , that is actually false. I actually went and made all the units upgradable before reading that post, simply because I was tired of having special units that can't upgrade. So in my world, Hoplites can upgrade, War Chariots can upgrade, Musketeers can upgrade, and so on. Heck, even every single kind of ship can upgrade.

                Should fix everything right? Bzzt, wrong.

                True, it helps get rid of _some_ obsolete units sooner. E.g., the hoplites were finally gone from my list by the late middle ages, so at least that was an improvement.

                But most units still stay on that list regardless. It wasn't until Mech Infantry that the obsolete units finally disappeared from the list. But until then, my unit list still was a long mess of obsolete units. I still had the whole complement of musketmen, riflemen and infantry on that list, and my offensive units list still proudly featured longbowmen and cavalry, right next to tanks. And my governors still offered to build longbowmen after I had finished making infantry in a town.

                And the AI was still cheerfully sending archers and swordsmen all over my teritory, to fight each other. I thought it was for lack of resources or funds or something. So I contact the English, who've been my trusty allies in so many wars, and give them a source of iron and 200 gold per turn. I mean, really, seeing them send archers and warriors against the Greeks was making my eyes sore already. Now we should see some real war, right? Well, wrong, they're still sending archers and warriors.

                Then on the left I have the mighty German empire, who does send some Knights too. Once every third warrior. Didn't warriors disappear from their list already?
                Mmh, I made all unit upgradable to make the obsolete ones disappear from my list (and have not this *censored* governor building musketeers and swordsmen in the modern era), and it succeeded. The only places where I still had the ancient units where the ones that were not linked to ressources, and then not able to produce some units. Are you sure that it's not what made your cities producing old units ? (well, if it's not that, then I don't see what it can be... Another Civ 3 secret )
                Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                • #83
                  sadly, no computer will ever be able to put up a real fight, But as long as it is alot BETTER than Civ2, im happy. But this AI can surprise me quite often with a inteligent attack, or what looks like a half assed (remember, this isn't a brain, its a few pieces of plastis and wires) plan. I think its quite good
                  "Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"

