In a recent interview with Firaxis designers, we asked them about the apparent flaws in the gameplay and codeing. It almost seems like a bunch of kids made this game. In reply Firaxis said that
"Yes, a bunch of kids did make this game, we solely made it from the accumulated requests of the forumers at Apolyton over the years between Civ II and Civ III."
What about the codeing, the game run very slow, what ever happened to Firaxis Quality and compatible-with-anything design that has endeared your fans till now?
"Oh thats simple, those greedy bastards over at Infogrames forced us to publish the game out before it was fine tuned. THis isn't a new occurence, its becomeing the latest fad amongst the gameing industry. Another good example of this fad is 'Cossacks'."
Yes, we were going to ask you about that, you do realize that cossacks made it in with your game and Empire Earth for the title of Strategy game of the Year award. Yet Cossacks is little more then a beta.
"Thats right, but you have to understand the consumers today will consume just about anything these days. The activist spirit has left there timid souls. They may cry and whine, but they still dish out money to buy our latest production."
Arn't you worried that people might stop buying your games?
"No, infact we hope so, we as designers don't like being hurried and if the consumers whould make it clear to the publishers that they don't like there games rushed, changes whould be made."
So, what are your plans now?
"THe other fad of this industry, make a bunch of patches and add ons. Which is better then some other leaches that include patches Only in their add-ons. Don't you people realize the acctual price for a complete game is 80$? Thats 40$ for the first half and 40$ to finish it."
Ok, the above is fiction and theroy and is obvious flame bait for the newbs and Firaxis worshipers. I don't really know why Civilization 3 was hurryed, but I'm calling from experience. Cosacks was rushed in the above-mentioned way and ended up being sold practicly as a beta.
They will be makeing add-ons and such for this game to improve the game quality. Thus all the current "broken" features WILL be fixed......but for people with outdated machines like mine, I'll just have to sit and twittle my thumbs because Firaxis didn't take the time to make the game runable for me.
P.S. I sorta understand how those arabs feel, When I see people boasting about there 1 gig proccesors and 300+ mb RAM, I just wanna take a big club and bash there computer into a pulp. Or maybe "accidently" leave a magnet on it, preferably near the HD. I know, its wrong but it is a primal feeling I get, s'called "Jealosy" (and yes I know I speeled that wrong.
"Yes, a bunch of kids did make this game, we solely made it from the accumulated requests of the forumers at Apolyton over the years between Civ II and Civ III."
What about the codeing, the game run very slow, what ever happened to Firaxis Quality and compatible-with-anything design that has endeared your fans till now?
"Oh thats simple, those greedy bastards over at Infogrames forced us to publish the game out before it was fine tuned. THis isn't a new occurence, its becomeing the latest fad amongst the gameing industry. Another good example of this fad is 'Cossacks'."
Yes, we were going to ask you about that, you do realize that cossacks made it in with your game and Empire Earth for the title of Strategy game of the Year award. Yet Cossacks is little more then a beta.
"Thats right, but you have to understand the consumers today will consume just about anything these days. The activist spirit has left there timid souls. They may cry and whine, but they still dish out money to buy our latest production."
Arn't you worried that people might stop buying your games?
"No, infact we hope so, we as designers don't like being hurried and if the consumers whould make it clear to the publishers that they don't like there games rushed, changes whould be made."
So, what are your plans now?
"THe other fad of this industry, make a bunch of patches and add ons. Which is better then some other leaches that include patches Only in their add-ons. Don't you people realize the acctual price for a complete game is 80$? Thats 40$ for the first half and 40$ to finish it."
Ok, the above is fiction and theroy and is obvious flame bait for the newbs and Firaxis worshipers. I don't really know why Civilization 3 was hurryed, but I'm calling from experience. Cosacks was rushed in the above-mentioned way and ended up being sold practicly as a beta.
They will be makeing add-ons and such for this game to improve the game quality. Thus all the current "broken" features WILL be fixed......but for people with outdated machines like mine, I'll just have to sit and twittle my thumbs because Firaxis didn't take the time to make the game runable for me.
P.S. I sorta understand how those arabs feel, When I see people boasting about there 1 gig proccesors and 300+ mb RAM, I just wanna take a big club and bash there computer into a pulp. Or maybe "accidently" leave a magnet on it, preferably near the HD. I know, its wrong but it is a primal feeling I get, s'called "Jealosy" (and yes I know I speeled that wrong.
