Arabs in general do not hate us. They all are, however, angry over Isreal. Why? Because the land that the jews got isn't theres.
The bibble is proof of this. Wayyyy back in biblical times, when the jews emerged from the wilderness into the holy land, the first thing they did was drive out the locals. Guess who those locals were? Well, it took about 1000 years but they got there land back in the dark ages and the jews disspersed all over the world.
Later, thanks to hitler, The jews get together and decide to take that land back again, and so they do.
Now, there you have it, because historical texts go back to practicly the begining of civilization in the contested area, there is quite a loonnnggg record on who has claims there.
Now, the israelies after conquering the west bank, settled it. Now the Palestinians living there still want control over that region, but the isrealis already there don't want to leave, they've got familys and such there now. So its become an embattled area. The palestinians hold NO power in israeli politics so they feel the only way to win back there land is through military activism.
THere you have it, the jews arn't innocent by any means, so don't fool yourself.
Now, theres the main gripe the AVERAGE arab has against us. Now the radicals hate us for just about everything eles, even the air we breath.
The bibble is proof of this. Wayyyy back in biblical times, when the jews emerged from the wilderness into the holy land, the first thing they did was drive out the locals. Guess who those locals were? Well, it took about 1000 years but they got there land back in the dark ages and the jews disspersed all over the world.
Later, thanks to hitler, The jews get together and decide to take that land back again, and so they do.
Now, there you have it, because historical texts go back to practicly the begining of civilization in the contested area, there is quite a loonnnggg record on who has claims there.
Now, the israelies after conquering the west bank, settled it. Now the Palestinians living there still want control over that region, but the isrealis already there don't want to leave, they've got familys and such there now. So its become an embattled area. The palestinians hold NO power in israeli politics so they feel the only way to win back there land is through military activism.
THere you have it, the jews arn't innocent by any means, so don't fool yourself.
Now, theres the main gripe the AVERAGE arab has against us. Now the radicals hate us for just about everything eles, even the air we breath.
