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I give up - 5 minutes between turns is silly. Please let their a fix in the patch.

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  • #46
    I want to play on huge map too, but face it, if the problem of the speed isn't going to be fixed (and it most probably won't) just won't finish a single game you start. Standart map is large enough anyway. Yes its wrong but what can you do about it.
    2 choises:
    1) waste your time and ruin the game experience.
    2) play with a delay but much smaller one and have a good game experience.


    • #47
      Huge maps are too problematic anyway. If the unit move rates do not scale with the size of the map, the huge map is just too big.


      • #48
        I just recently got Civ 3, and have not gotten to a point when comps actually have railroads (playing a low difficulty level the first time plz don't laugh). I play on a huge map, and have a railroad across a large section of it. With auto animations off, it takes approx 3 to 5 seconds to move settler from one side to the other. I have a 933 mhz Pentium 3 (not the P4 with 2 times as many pipes). There is no combat that turn, no units in the way, no movement graphics being shown, and (this prob doesn't matter) the entire area is within my culture and has no units in the way of its path.
        Seeing as how the pathing was done before the move, why does the computer take so long to auto-move a unit? Its just: get next spot off path list, ensure spot is clear, update x,y coords, is this last move?-repeat. Its like 150 squares tops. Even if it takes 10 cpu cycles (outrageous) per move it should only 1 and a half or so seconds! Take that times 100 computer moves that you don't see times 15 other comps and it is a wonder the wait isn't longer. It seems to me that it isn't the AI "thinking" more an almost insignificant railroad movement bug times a lot of units.


        • #49
          Have you guys tryed playing w/ the no-cd crack? It looks like it made my games faster, but I don't play on huge maps. If you want it then go to

