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Computing power and Civ III

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  • Computing power and Civ III

    Ok I got Civ3

    Now let's capitulate a bit on the system requirements:

    please post you system specs and how civ 3 is running on your PC.

    my System specs:
    Pentium Celeron II 433
    96 MB
    Crap video card of 4 MB

    Civ 3 runs... slowly. The advisor screens take 5 - 10 seconds to load up

    Please post yours and your impressions on how civ 3 runs on your PC.

    (I hope I won't have to buy a new PC. I'm still in the early turns and the game runs slowly. It can be played but it is jerky.

    Last edited by Bereta_Eder; November 24, 2001, 05:51.

  • #2
    should I had posted this in civ help?

    Markos, Ming do what you please...


    • #3
      in other words, those that have problems with the speed with which the game runs, what are your system specs?


      • #4
        paiktis, this is not the OT-forums, so you need to wait a little longer for an answer than you were used to .

        my system is:

        Athlon 500
        GeForce 256
        about 300 MB RAM memory

        and civ3 runs slow like hell
        justice is might


        • #5
          Celeron 300 A, 256Mb ram

          runs ok on standard map, though in latter game delays can be more than a minute.

          I do turn of mail-client, IRC and most else - they take up valuable ram an cpu. I also check task-manager for any hidden processes (taskmgr.exe) that use cpu.


          • #6
            Originally posted by oedo
            paiktis, this is not the OT-forums, so you need to wait a little longer for an answer than you were used to .
            Point taken

            (i'm in an internet caffe though!)

            my system is:

            Athlon 500
            GeForce 256
            about 300 MB RAM memory

            and civ3 runs slow like hell

            I fear to imagine what will happen to me when I build more cities and units...


            • #7

              Runs nicely in the ancient era, a little sluggish in the middle ages, industrial age AI turns take forever, modern age is slower than CTP2. I hate it how the adviser screen has to load every time..

              Has anyone tried running the game on DOS, it would free up alot of RAM.


              • #8
                "Has anyone tried running the game on DOS, it would free up alot of RAM."

                LOL if only...
                "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                • #9
                  I'm sorry, but theres really no excuse for how sluggish the interface is.

                  I have a p3/800. Gforce2, 256ram.

                  And the thing just moves too slowly. Even screen scroll is even slow. Actual game turns in the modern age during war time is unacceptable.

                  I realize the AI has more to work on in civ then say AOE (arguable). But theres still -no excuse- for the performance. It can only be one thing....

                  bad code.

                  Sorry guys, but its the truth.


                  • #10
                    Pentium 4 1700 Mhz, 630 MB Ram, G-Force 2 with 64 MB Ram.

                    No speed Problems.


                    • #11
                      I have a p3 800mgh (at 133mgh bus), 128 mgs SDRAM, a 32 mg Matrox Millenium video card and 7400 rpm harddrive. The game moves quickly usually, but occasionally pauses for a few seconds for advisor screens. With 8 civs, some turns do slow down considerably late in the game though.

                      NEVS?! They are up to 1700mgh?! Geez, I still remember my Atari 800 at 48k (not megs, k).


                      • #12
                        To Jack_frost: I have p600, geforce1, 256MB, and no problems (except for the science advisor) Do you have the latest video drivers? (Detonator XP 21.83 i think...)
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                        • #13
                          933Mhz PIII
                          256Mb RAM
                          32Mb Geoforce 2Mx
                          Soundblaster PCI64

                          No real complaints about how long turns take, except sometimes I get a little tired of watching the enemy units running around willy-nilly (tried turning them off--didn't seem to work).


                          • #14
                            runs ok

                            750mhz athlon
                            abit(iirc) kx133 mobo
                            128mb pc133
                            31gb hard drive
                            gf1 ddr 32mb
                            directx 8.1
                            det 21.83
                            sblive!(need to update drivers, doing so now)

                            game runs ok. on a standard map with 8 people i experience 30secs-1min in wait per turn max in the modern ages and during war time too(i find this a bit high but ok). what is the worse is that my game will only do minimal install and thus has to read the cd often for music, and pauses frequently up to 30 secs every 5 turns or so. the advisors/other screens are 'laggy' they can take up to 15secs sometimes. oh and the ai moving units especially ships in patrol takes a while depending on the number of ships. i don't understand why they need to move back and forth and couldn't just fortify them in strategic places like i do.

                            one other thing, pcs of the same specs can have drastically different preformance due mostly to motherboards. brand name pcs, or ones bought from stores tend to use cheap motherboards which sometimes can make your pc run 50%+ slower than a pc with the same specs with a good motherboard.
                            Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


                            • #15
                              started with:
                              400 mhz celeron
                              128 mb pc133 ram
                              voodoo 3 2000 pci

                              not too bad, on the smaller maps. huge maps are completely unplayable, as AI turns take forever and ever even before the middle ages. there is lots of stuttering of unit animations and map scrolling.

                              recently upgraded my computer to:
                              athlon xp 1800+
                              512 mb pc2100 ddr ram
                              voodoo 3 2000 pci

                              much much better, especially in the length of time it takes to do the AI turns, but there is still unit animation stuttering (it's either my video card or it's the game itself.) unfortunately, i have to say that huge maps are pretty much still unplayable, even on a system that can even outperform a P4 2 gigahertz. i will NOT wait over 5 minutes just to play a turn. i still believe this is fixable. hell, the guys at cavedog entertainment made total annihilation: kingdoms more than twice as fast for their patch. why? because all the fans kept complaining of complete slowdown on big maps with lots of players, even people with good systems. i hope firaxis steps up
                              Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.

