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Dear Worker Automation AI

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  • Dear Worker Automation AI

    Dear Worker Automation AI,

    You are fired. Your continued gross miscononduct on the job has forced me to release you. You must understand not to take this personally, it is strictly a business decision. You have served me well in the past, but now I have taken the business to new competitive levels and you have become a liability to me. You seem to have a reacurring problem with authority and a failure to respect my decisions. I just can't have that on my watch.

    When I have ordered you, specifically, to irrigate a square and then automate you, 3 turns later you change it to a mine, even though it is counter-productive to my plan and a waste of valuable early-game resources. This brings with it an incredible amount of frustration. You are never to override any direct decision I make without consulting me first. I shouldn't even have to tell you this which is why I am letting you go.

    Your continued dendrophobia started as a small annoyance and has slowly become a major hindrance to my plans. Granted, I am not a big fan of forests either, but they serve a purpose at times. The problem lies when you continually forsake more important irrigation, road building, and mine building projects to clear a bunch of trees, which takes an exhorbitant amount of time itself. Granaries are left stagnant, cities are unconnected, and trade routes are severed while you have my workforce bogged down in some jungle.

    Its not like you haven't pleased me at times. When danger lurkes near, you run for cover. I was very pleased to see you could do this on your own with out supervision from me. Also, while often poor land management, your propensity to make neat rows of improvements across the map is somewhat cute. Its just that the good out weighs the bad.

    I have much more important things to do than watch you bungle around the map. Now I am forced to do your job myself, which I will not enjoy in the least bit. I am sorry it had to be this way but you forced me into it. It hurts me as much as it hurts you. Your plan is just not mine.

    A. Civer
    I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

    I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.

  • #2
    Try reading the manual!

    On page 197 it tells you that pressing Shift-A will "Automate without altering preexisting improvements".



    • #3
      Originally posted by GodSpawn
      Try reading the manual!

      On page 197 it tells you that pressing Shift-A will "Automate without altering preexisting improvements".


      but reading the entire manual is rather hard.


      • #4
        If you find reading the manual tedious ( ), then just take notice of these pages: 196 to 200

        These 5 pages contain all the shortcut keys for everything, and are very handy

        Btw: never press "A"
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #5
          Hehe, okay you got me there


          • #6
            Yeah, it's a pain reading the whole manual. The best thing to do is to read and note the list of shortcut keys - very useful.


            • #7
              There is something wrong with the worker automation. I recently set most of my workers to automatically clean up pollution, and instead of going to the spots where the pollution was, there were running back and forth across my territory like Forrest friggin' Gump. Of course, most of my workers were captured from other civs. Maybe they're just doing this to flip me off.


              • #8
                Cleaning pollution actually sometimes works... But how!?!

                A worker stands next to a polluted square. I order him to "clear all pollution", thinking, that he`ll clear this bloody square he stands next to... Instead, he runs to the other edge of continent to clean it there!


                • #9
                  That could be the best post ever here...


