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All I want for Christmas...

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  • All I want for Christmas... some new features / changes for Civ3!

    - Sentry and Patrol features. Where did these go?

    - Production Rally feature. Why cant I have a city route all its produced units to another destination? Or do it like MOO, and designate a city as being the rally point for certain types of units that are produced by your cities anywhere else on the continent.

    - Food sharing. Why does a city have to starve when the one right next to it has 10+ extra food? Any cities connected together by roads/airports/harbours should have all thier food 'pooled' into one big grainery.

    - Some easy way to cancel a treaty, trade agreement, etc. Can you do this? Maybe you can but I havnt been able to figure out where.

    - A feature that allows you to move a whole stack of units at once. Large armies are a tedious. In fact, I want to be able to say to one of my leaders... 'go conquer the French' and have him take all non-fortified units and go do it. I thought thats what leaders were for.

    - Civilization splits... maybe a chance that in anarchy, your civ could split into two separate civilizations.

    - Partizans appearing outside resisting cities instead of just magically killing all my garrisoned units and defecting.

    - Some kind of attack bonus for units of progressive ages. This way my destroyers wont be sunk by galleys.

    - The ability to load up to four cruse missles / tactical nukes onto a nuke sub. Modern boomers can hold dozens of those things.

    - The ability to load up to 2 cruise missiles onto an AEGIS cruiser or a battleship.

    - An automated scout function for air units. Or perhaps, every square within a fighter's 'air superiority' range should be fully visible to me at all times (they are looking around when doing thier CAP missions right?).

    - Zones of control for modern ground units.

    - Some way to directly compare yourself against other civs, with attributes like total culture value (in numerics), scientific achievement, population, land area, etc, based upon whether you have an embassy/spy there. I know some of this is on the demographics screen, but I want to see these attributes compared to every other civ, in a sortable list, not just how I rank in the overall scheme of things.

    - Full view of the entire map, and all units on the map once Sattelite tech is reached (except perhaps fortified units, units in cities and subs). Probably have to turn this off when its the computer turn or it could take a while waiting for all those units to move.

    - Some of the later techs should reduce corruption civilization-wide, like electronics and electricity.

    - Some way to 'refuse' a diplomatic victory, and instead going to war with all other civs (again, shades of MOO). Losing a diplomatic victory just bites, no chance to for you or anyone else to do much about it. I always turn it off.

    - I've heard this one before, but it would be nice if the you could do other things with the UN other than just vote for a leader, ala SMAC.

    - The ability to buy/trade military units? Lots of that going on in the real world.

    - How about a list of all current trade agreements that happened (or are currently happening) in the previous x number of turns between any other civilizations. It would be great to see who is trading what to whom for what. I want to play the markets!

    - A feature that increases the attack/defense/movement values of all your units by a small amount based upon how many 'future tech' you have researched.

    OK thats long enough, anyone else think of any cool new features that could make this game even better?


  • #2
    I want a rowing machine for christmas
    Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


    • #3
      Sentry and Patrol - a good idea would be to allow you to see any non-friendly unit using a road within your territory, to simulate "patrols".

      Food Sharing - good point, this was a feature of Civ2 wasn't it ?

      Cancelling Treaties - I'd rather see the "20 turn" default become another bargaining chip, you specify the length of any treaty or set a year of expiry, rather like the British did with Hong Kong, for example.

      Partisans - the "resistor" is not necessarily a military unit, just someone stirring up trouble, "partisans" are not really any different from "militia" (which I wish they'd bring back).

      Galleys and Cruise Missiles - just as the Musketeer is not just one man, a Galley is not one ship and a Cruise Missile is more like a salvo of them.

      Air Scouts - agreed, visibility is the key issue here.

      ZOC - back to Civ2 ? I prefer the ZOC being the unit itself, much more challenging.

      Buy/Trade any unit - great idea, just an extension to the current trade interface.

      Trade status - don't you get that from the Foreign Advisor ?


      • #4
        Re: All I want for Christmas...

        Originally posted by ElMeanYo some new features / changes for Civ3!

        - Sentry and Patrol features. Where did these go?

        - Production Rally feature. Why cant I have a city route all its produced units to another destination? Or do it like MOO, and designate a city as being the rally point for certain types of units that are produced by your cities anywhere else on the continent.

        - Food sharing. Why does a city have to starve when the one right next to it has 10+ extra food? Any cities connected together by roads/airports/harbours should have all thier food 'pooled' into one big grainery.

        - Some easy way to cancel a treaty, trade agreement, etc. Can you do this? Maybe you can but I havnt been able to figure out where.

        - A feature that allows you to move a whole stack of units at once. Large armies are a tedious. In fact, I want to be able to say to one of my leaders... 'go conquer the French' and have him take all non-fortified units and go do it. I thought thats what leaders were for.

        - Civilization splits... maybe a chance that in anarchy, your civ could split into two separate civilizations.

        - Partizans appearing outside resisting cities instead of just magically killing all my garrisoned units and defecting.

        - Some kind of attack bonus for units of progressive ages. This way my destroyers wont be sunk by galleys.

        - The ability to load up to four cruse missles / tactical nukes onto a nuke sub. Modern boomers can hold dozens of those things.

        - The ability to load up to 2 cruise missiles onto an AEGIS cruiser or a battleship.

        - An automated scout function for air units. Or perhaps, every square within a fighter's 'air superiority' range should be fully visible to me at all times (they are looking around when doing thier CAP missions right?).

        - Zones of control for modern ground units.

        - Some way to directly compare yourself against other civs, with attributes like total culture value (in numerics), scientific achievement, population, land area, etc, based upon whether you have an embassy/spy there. I know some of this is on the demographics screen, but I want to see these attributes compared to every other civ, in a sortable list, not just how I rank in the overall scheme of things.

        - Full view of the entire map, and all units on the map once Sattelite tech is reached (except perhaps fortified units, units in cities and subs). Probably have to turn this off when its the computer turn or it could take a while waiting for all those units to move.

        - Some of the later techs should reduce corruption civilization-wide, like electronics and electricity.

        - Some way to 'refuse' a diplomatic victory, and instead going to war with all other civs (again, shades of MOO). Losing a diplomatic victory just bites, no chance to for you or anyone else to do much about it. I always turn it off.

        - I've heard this one before, but it would be nice if the you could do other things with the UN other than just vote for a leader, ala SMAC.

        - The ability to buy/trade military units? Lots of that going on in the real world.

        - How about a list of all current trade agreements that happened (or are currently happening) in the previous x number of turns between any other civilizations. It would be great to see who is trading what to whom for what. I want to play the markets!

        - A feature that increases the attack/defense/movement values of all your units by a small amount based upon how many 'future tech' you have researched.

        OK thats long enough, anyone else think of any cool new features that could make this game even better?


        OK, let me see.

        Food sharing, production rally. These are MOO features, and probably don't belong in Civ. the food sharing in particular would require a different growth model. as it is, if one city has less food, it just stays small, that's all. if it really bothers you adjust the tile gatherers in each city so the big one gets off the food producing tiles so the little one can use them.

        sentry, patrol, civ splits, civ comparson, more options for UN, trading for military units. I have to agree with you. these were options in previous games, with little or no reasons as to why they got left out.

        moving stacks, loading stuff. it would be nice to be able to select a stack and move it, but the improved goto helps. some. as for loading, the civilopedia says you can load tactical nukes onto a nuclear sub. is it wrong? or is it just the number you don't like?. Aegis cruisers and battleships have a lot factored into their attack and defense, invisibly.

        Trade agreements and treaties. check with your trade advisor for what they are, and they last 20 turns. unless you "cheat" by pillaging your connection to a resource.

        anyway, enough sniping about yours.

        I would like:
        -some further tweaking of combat, so we don't have tanks being overrun by warriors.
        -fix the danged air superiority bug.
        -yes, I want to be able to give and recieve military units in diplomacy. I don't know how feasible this is. whether it would take a little adjustment, or a lot.

        That's all I can think of right now.
        Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

        I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
        ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


        • #5
          Id rather have a rowing machine than bug fixes.

          People should adjust their priorities between things that are real (e.g rowing machines) and make believe (civ3)
          Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


          • #6
            What about if you've already got a rowing machine (like me), albeit collecting dust and being used as a hat-stand ?

