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AI units prancing around pointlessly and wasting my time

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  • #16
    Der PH- I've seen the same behavior, with workers. it's very odd, seeing a troop of about 17 workers march across your territory, over your repeated objections. I was tempted to just capture 'em and put them to work, but I didn't feel like going to war, and I was curious.

    They tramped across my territory, disappeared for about 20 turns, and then there they were, marching back to France, mysterious mission accomplished. Next time I see this in a game, I'm just gonna nab 'em.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mrbilll
      I've seen the same behavior, with workers.
      Yeah, workers too, but in my game they behave a bit different than the swordsmen.
      The English and the Russians have little enclaves at the fringe of my glorious German Empire. They both consist only of one city with a minimal radius of influence.
      After founding these cities, hordes of workers walked to them right through the heart of my territory.
      After arriving they built roads around the cities in record time (about 4 workers per tile) and went back again.

      BTW both cities are densely packed with combat units and in contrast to a lot of other cities seem immune to my overwhelming culture. Any correlation?
      Last edited by Der PH; November 23, 2001, 06:20.

