Re: I'd sell
1st, I would have some backbone & NOT sell... but be extremely kind & gracious to them. Stress the importance of us getting to know each other 1st... if they were civil they should respect that. Giving in to "what-if fears" is never a good leadership tactic. However, IF the aliens then pointed their giant lazer & said "are you sure?" I would reconsider & say relax, let's talk. Obviously if they were civil enough to ask they would be civil enough to discuss this further.
Someone mentioned that the AI is far more acceptable in negotiations when you have heavy military units near their cities/borders (forget exactly). But if the threat is not there (you have a weaker military than they do) then they have NO REASON to give it to you.
Again the AI loses it's coal advantage it has over you if it sells it to you. If it doesn't have the tech & you don't have the coal & it sells you the coal... now YOU gain the uses of coal. Thus the "cannot use coal" attribute now only applies to that civ & not you. So it is losing something.
That's a little different. If an AI has a resource it cannot use, but *wants* to trade I posted earlier in another thread I don't see a problem with that. I kept saying one doesn't need to know horseback riding to sell a horse. Some starting going into horse husbandry, etc. But that is NOT horseback riding otherwise the tech would be horseback riding & husbandry. If a city can take care of cows, they can take care of horses... and then sell them. Someone also made an additional point of saltpeter just laying around waiting to be picked up. And who says that civ that is selling the resource is the one extracting it? Why couldn't the Civ buying it send in their scientists & engineers... for the right price?
1st, I would have some backbone & NOT sell... but be extremely kind & gracious to them. Stress the importance of us getting to know each other 1st... if they were civil they should respect that. Giving in to "what-if fears" is never a good leadership tactic. However, IF the aliens then pointed their giant lazer & said "are you sure?" I would reconsider & say relax, let's talk. Obviously if they were civil enough to ask they would be civil enough to discuss this further.
Originally posted by GePap
If a civilization that advaced came here and asked for something, i would sell in a heartbeat. A Civ so advanced could probably wipe us out easily, so if they are offering to pay, they are being nice as hell- better take advantage of that quick before we make them angry- which was the original point of this thread. Sometimes others make 'offers you can't refuse' so why refuse and risk destruction? It makes no sense to try to defend the undefensible(is that a word?) while risking everything in the process, which is something the A.I. does all too often.
Besides, none of the strategic resources are finished products, they are the things needed to make a finished product. As such, yes, they could be exploited by a civ, mining them,while not knowing their use.
If a civilization that advaced came here and asked for something, i would sell in a heartbeat. A Civ so advanced could probably wipe us out easily, so if they are offering to pay, they are being nice as hell- better take advantage of that quick before we make them angry- which was the original point of this thread. Sometimes others make 'offers you can't refuse' so why refuse and risk destruction? It makes no sense to try to defend the undefensible(is that a word?) while risking everything in the process, which is something the A.I. does all too often.
Besides, none of the strategic resources are finished products, they are the things needed to make a finished product. As such, yes, they could be exploited by a civ, mining them,while not knowing their use.
Until I get steam power, I don't even KNOW if I have a coal supply, and neither does the A.I. Until the necessary tech is found, the A.I. has NO USE whatsoever for this resource, so we can't claim to be depriving it of anything.
The point of my argument is to allow the A.I. to trade resources it CAN'T yet use.