For the most part the Civ3 A.I. is far better not only than the Civ2 (duh) but also in many ways better than SMAC's (specially at war
). At the same time, it has a warped sense of priorites and strengths. When talking to other leadres, my adviser tells me how in awe they are of my culture, tech, and power. Well, if they are in such awe, why do they make crappy deals or fail to realize sometimes when things are not going to go their way? The bab's built a city close to my capitol, right smack in the middle of my continent. No safe passage agreement, so they could get to reinforcement to it. I got sick of it and marched a huge army right up to it. I was then nice and offered things for this city (even thought i had the force to take it, no problem) just to keep things civil- do they take the sweet deal? No. So then i threaten, telling them to do it or else. Do they listen? No. In the war that followed I took 6 cities and crushed many an army- all because they would not surrender one single city they could not have ever kept, even after i was nice! The A.I. needs to know fear (like we do) and sometimes do what is trully in their best interest.
2 side notes: Why would a civ not want to trade one luxury it lacks for one I lack? We both gain in such a deal so why oppose it? Again, ignoring self interest.
One major issue is the inability to trade resources with civs that have not discovered the necessary techs yet. When they get the tech they will realize how important it is and won't be likely to trade anyway. All I want is some shiny black rocks of no use whatsoever for this gold, isn't that just a great deal huh? Think of it, gold for useless black shiny rocks (or glowing green rocks, or gooey black slime)

2 side notes: Why would a civ not want to trade one luxury it lacks for one I lack? We both gain in such a deal so why oppose it? Again, ignoring self interest.
One major issue is the inability to trade resources with civs that have not discovered the necessary techs yet. When they get the tech they will realize how important it is and won't be likely to trade anyway. All I want is some shiny black rocks of no use whatsoever for this gold, isn't that just a great deal huh? Think of it, gold for useless black shiny rocks (or glowing green rocks, or gooey black slime)
