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Fire power is not what we need, we need modern units to have more hit points

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  • Fire power is not what we need, we need modern units to have more hit points

    I know this is a long post so I devided it up into 2 parts for people who might just want to read about hitpoints/firepower.


    There are many things that I like about this game, yet there are just as many things that I highly dislike. I am not going to go over all the bugs here because they have already been posted about millions of times. My bigest thing with the game is the combat system. I hate it when my elite tank that is in a forest is forced to retreat when attacked by a regular longbow men (this has happened too many times)

    People keeps saying that we need to bring back firepower. They are wrong because only a few units had fire power. The major deciding factor in civ2's combat system was the hit points. warriors had 10 hit points whereas musketeers had 20 hit points. thats why musketeers defending at 3 won when being attacked by catapults with an attack of 6. What needs to be done about this is to give more modern units more hit points.

    Does anyone else find it funny that in civ3 an ancient warror can take the same amount of damage as a battle ship and tanks? I think that ancient warriors should have only 1 hit point starting out. As more modern units come out they should have an ever increasing amount of hit points, just like in civ2 (battle ships had I belive 40 or 50 hit points in civ2 and tanks had 30. this is why tanks, unless they were all the way damaged, would never get killed by ancient units). With a system like this in civ 3, the battle out comes in the game would be much more realistic. Also, if something like this is implemented, then the veteran elite system would need to be redone. I belive that the units should gain an attack and defese bonuse each time they gain a level. I also think it would be kool if a unit became elite, that It would gain an extra movement point per turn.


    One addition note about movement and aircraft ranges. Air craft ranges should be much much more then they are now. I would not mind it if their range was determined by the size of the map but I just started a game in a world that is 256x256 and it is unbeliveably huge. I also want to be able to decided on the dimensions of the map I want to play on in the new game screen. I dont like the preset options. There should be a custom size available too. I don't like having to go in and edit the huge map dimensions so that I can play on a map that is 256x256. Also, along the lines of huge maps, I should have the option at start up of making all units have twice as much rate of movement a-la civ2 multiplayer gold multiplayer games. This is because it will take me 50 years for my modern task force to reach another country in the map I am currently playing on (256x256). One additional thing about the start new game screen. I want to be able to choose a mix of continents and archipelogo. The real world is not made up of just continents or islands. It is made up of a combination of the 2. I want there to be a mix option that makes some big continents and some small ones, and then a bunch of islands, or perhaps one really big continent and then a bunch of really small islands. We should be able to mix it up.

    Another Idea. This is just an idea I have that I think would be really cool if it could be implemented. Mid-air refueling. If the current airplane system is kept it could work like this. You would station your mid-air refueling aircraft in citys or carriers and you would set them to "patrol" or "refuel" just like you set fighters to air superiority and what this would allow you to do is if any fighter or bombers range overlaped with that of the tanker, then it would allow the fighter/bomber to continou through the tankers range and then go its set range again. so if the tankers range was 6 then a fighter going through it would have its range extented 6 beyond that of the tankers range in all directions from the tanker. Also, you would be able to use multiple tankers to fly your bombers and fighters around the world to bomb/recon a target in a single turn. This from the fact that the US sends B-2s from Whitemans airforce base in the middle of missouri all the way over to afganastna and back. Of course only modern fighters/bombers would be capable of being refueled in midair. Also, I think it that the air base improvment should come back and that you can make a treaty with you allys (assuming that you can again have a strait allience and not just this ally vs enimy crap) to allow you to build an airbase in their teritory so that you could station fighters/bombers/tankers there. Also, you should be able to land your aircraft at bases other then from where they took off. Additionaly, fighters should scramble and bomb any units attacking their city/base if there is another ground unit in the city/base defending (the fighters scramble while the groudn units engage). Along those lines, if a city/base that has only fighters in it when it is attacked, there should be a 50% chance for the fighters to get off the ground and bomb the attacking unit. not 100% chance like if there were ground units in it because the enimy ground units have time to get the air base and attack the aircraft as they are taking off because there were no ground defenders to stop them. (A company of knights from the middle ages should not be able to walk into a city that has 8 f-15s in it and destroy all of the f-15s). Another thing, air units and artiery units should be able to destroy units. Why is is that I can bomb a city of size 12 with 15 city improvements down to size 1 and 0 city improvments and yet barely damage the defeneding units? (I know because I went gung-ho with f-15s as soon as I got them in a game I was playing because I thought they would kick royal butt). Once the city was at size 1 (which would be like me killing millions of civillions), and all the improvements were gone, I bombed it twice as much as what it took me to get it to size one and yet nothing happened? Does anyone see something wrong with this? Finaly, AEGIS crusiers should have a fairly weak bombard, and should be able to carry cruise missles. The cruise missles would be their primary attack form and cruise missles should have a range much farther then 2. When was the last time you saw a Ticondaroga class crusier bombard the shoreline? You dont see that because it doesnt happen. We (meaning USA) destroy stuff by attacking with cruise missles and fighters/bombers. Perhaps instead of having the ablitiy to bombard, the AEGIS crusier would have a missle attack option that would have a range of like 4 or 6 or somthing. It could have a limited number of shots before it has to return back to base for more missles, spending at least one turn in port to be resupplyed. Also, you should be able to station 1 ATTACK helicopter on the crusiers. This assuming that there is an attack helicopter put into the game. I wouldnt mind it if air units had less of a chance of damaging/destroying infantry units if the attack helicopter had an increased chance of killing soldiers. Ok, one last thing. Why is it cannons from the 15th century can bombard my battleship down to 1 health? the cannons first of all most likely cant shoot that far, even if the battle ship was just off the coast and secondly, the steal ball from the cannons would just bounce off the battleships, or any other modern vessle for that matter. Question, why is it that my battle ship only does damage like 1 out of 6 bombards? Doesnt its guns do tons and tons of damge? thats what I thought, maybe Im wrong. Subs should have a strait out chance of sinking any vessel with no damage. I want there to be the possiblity for me to sink a battle ship with my sub, yet not have the battleships defense so low that destroyers esily sink them, or the subs attack so high that destroyers cant defend agasint them. Ok, I just thought of something else, if you bombard a bombard unit (with ground/sea bombard units, then there is the chance that that unit being bombarded may bombard you back (assuming it has the range to do so. thus simulating artillery duels.

    Ok i know this was a long list of stuff, but it is stuff that I have not yet read on the forums that I thought people should hear about. If you read all of this then you have my thanks.

  • #2
    Talk about redundant

    Dude I explained all this in a thread this morning...

    HP/FP are part of the same system however. You can substitute a rise in one for the other and get the same result, at least with small numbers. Make the numbers too high and you'll get the right number of victories but end up with wierd results like units not taking any damage or inflicting damage before they are destroyed...

    Using FP also keeps you from using some ridiculous size numbers in modern day units...still, they are two sides of the same coin in Civ2.



    • #3
      Quit whining! You can do almost all of what you suggested, by using the editor. If you want to increase the power of modern units, increase their offense and defense rating. If you want long-range bombers, increase their range.

      Of course you'll unbalance the game, but if that's what you want to do, go ahead. Just stop complaining about things that you can easily change yourself!


      • #4
        Originally posted by woody
        Of course you'll unbalance the game, but if that's what you want to do, go ahead. Just stop complaining about things that you can easily change yourself!
        Listen newbie priçk, it's not up to us to finish the game for them. People paid $50 for a game that works not a game they have to tweak to make sense.

        Die troll die!



        • #5
          funny, I think the game worx just fine, right now, as is.

          its been explained to you many times why ancient units are allowed a better chance than "realism" against modern units. but you scoff it off. well I'm sorry u scoff it off but thems the reasons.


          • #6
            Originally posted by yavoon
            its been explained to you many times why ancient units are allowed a better chance than "realism" against modern units. but you scoff it off. well I'm sorry u scoff it off but thems the reasons.
            If you feel your gameplay requires a handicap and unreasonable unit strengths, please try a challenging game of "Candyland" or "Chutes and Ladders". Id like a game about history and controlling a nation and the world to include things resembling what happens in history and the world...



            • #7
              funny u mention handicap since 99.9% of the complaints are of player's battleships losing to computer's galley's, NOT the other way around. it would seem u want to remove a feature so u lose less.

              there are SO MANY unrealistic things about civ3, its just silly. but trust me, if u have tanks, and he has spearmen, not counting incompetence, which u might indeed posess. you will win, the more battles you fight, themore this will bear out, because the more the dice will have been rolled, and the more the tanks higher stats will attest to.

              that doesn't mean you won't lose the odd battle, but like I sed, I'm sorry you dislike the reaons the combat system is how it is. and I'm sorry your so hostile to anyone who disagrees, but u know, at some point, why not go play a simulation game instead of a strategy game?


              • #8
                Originally posted by yavoon
                funny u mention
                U ? Who R U, Prince?

                handicap since 99.9% of the complaints are of player's battleships losing to computer's galley's
                I didn't mention a battleship - thanks though.

                it would seem u want to remove a feature so u lose less.
                Oh, goofy combat results aren't a bug, they're a feature!

                there are SO MANY unrealistic things about civ3, its just silly. but trust me, if u have tanks, and he has spearmen, not counting incompetence, which u might indeed posess.
                Who said tanks attacking spearmen? Another made up line...

                that doesn't mean you won't lose the odd battle, but like I sed, I'm sorry you dislike the reaons the combat system is how it is.
                Why would I like any reason that something is broken?

                and I'm sorry your so hostile to anyone who disagrees, but u know, at some point, why not go play a simulation game instead of a strategy game?
                Did you read what you wrote? Strategy is based on reasonable expectations. Creating a Civ and researching and striving and building a musketeer after 5000 years of Civ time only to see them lose regularly to units that were around in 4000 BC is NOT a reasonable expectation. Plus, it makes the feel of rewriting history and making your own empire an exercise in tedious randomness, SUPPOSEDLY designed for "gameplay balance". Can they not find "gameplay balance" with "gameplay reason"?



                • #9
                  sorry strategy isnt simulation. all my examples have been brought up in some analogous form before, just cuz u haven't sed them in this thread doesn't mean u can call them bulslhit. but thats just part of ur misdirection tactics.

                  why aren't u mad at the 100000 other unrealistic things about civ? huh? thats wut i thot, now sit down.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Venger

                    If you feel your gameplay requires a handicap and unreasonable unit strengths, please try a challenging game of "Candyland" or "Chutes and Ladders". Id like a game about history and controlling a nation and the world to include things resembling what happens in history and the world...

                    No you don't. The only thing you want is a horribly unbalanced game where the first guy who gets guns wins.



                    • #11
                      I never should have bothered trying to point out anything to guys like "Venger". He's so closed-minded. The problem is that guys like him, who whine about tanks losing to pikemen, completely lack the ability of abstract thought. He can't understand that Civ is an abstraction of reality. Civ doesn't try to emulate reality. If it did, it would be a boring, unbalanced game.

                      Still, the editor allows him to change the units to what he wants. Instead of doing that, he'd rather whine, and have the game horribly unbalanced for everyone.

                      Venger, why don't you simply return Civ3 and never buy another strategy game. We'd all be better off.


                      • #12
                        Woody huh? Well you do act like a diçk...

                        Originally posted by woody
                        I never should have bothered trying to point out anything to guys like "Venger". He's so closed-minded.
                        As opposed as to you, open minded to the point your brain has fallen out.

                        The problem is that guys like him, who whine about tanks losing to pikemen, completely lack the ability of abstract thought.
                        We non-abstract thinkers indeed don't enjoy playing a game that basically treats combat like a game of three card monte. Guys like you will swallow whatever software Firaxis ejaculates because you are fanboys who are easily amused and do not require your time to be well spent.

                        He can't understand that Civ is an abstraction of reality.
                        Civ3 combat is an abstraction of irrationality.

                        Civ doesn't try to emulate reality.
                        Which is why the Civs all have real names, real city names, real leader names, real unit names, real building names, and real terrain types, all because they were trying to avoid emulating anything like reality. Doofus.

                        If it did, it would be a boring, unbalanced game.
                        What you have is a tedious, unbalanced game. But boring? Never! Can't wait to see what miraculous feat those 5000 year old warriors are going to pull off!

                        Still, the editor allows him to change the units to what he wants.
                        I cannot change the HP/FP rules, dork, which is the real fix for the game, and I would rather have gotten a game that had decent values in the first place. Of course, an obsequious peon like yourself would be happy with a screen sized paper cutout that looked like it was really a running program.

                        Instead of doing that, he'd rather whine, and have the game horribly unbalanced for everyone.
                        Everyone! Nice sample size. Funny, a majority of respondants to polls in here seem to think the system needs a good deal of work. Care to revise your statistical analysis? Or would you rather brown nose some more with the other fanboys who love the Emperor's new combat?

                        Venger, why don't you simply return Civ3 and never buy another strategy game. We'd all be better off.
                        Well, Mr. Settler, I've done a good deal more than show up late carrying a big bag of overpowering ignorance like you. I recommend games like "Yahtzee" and "Old Maid" for someone with your gaming preferences...



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by uXs
                          No you don't. The only thing you want is a horribly unbalanced game where the first guy who gets guns wins.
                          Yet another settler doofus heard from. I didn't get guns first in my current game, and often don't in Civ2, but I manage to struggle through. See, when outclassed, you must outnumber. But see, that's STRATEGY. Quantity has a quality all it's own. If you cannot win because someone else has a qualitative advantage, that's your lacking, not the systems. But you want to deny an advantage to the advanced unit, simply because you cannot win otherwise and you'd have unbalanced "gameplay". Nice sissy answer.



                          • #14
                            I think Venger's lack of class goes a long way to showing that his ideas are as confused as he is.

                            I have a question: is it possible to killfile someone in this forum, so I don't have to see anything he posts? (As a user, not as a moderator.)


                            • #15
                              As I've said in this forum before, sometimes when people are unable to refute something that they don't like, they have to block it out.

                              Does the truth hurt that badly, woody?

