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On Corruption (A Different Take)

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  • On Corruption (A Different Take)

    When Rome's empire spread throughout Europe and into England, England's cities did not shut down. They probably did not contribute (much) to the Roman empire, but locally they still were able to produce.

    To reflect this, my suggestion is to make production unmodified (or slightly reduced) by corruption/waste, but have monies (revenue and science) not contribute to the empire as a whole.

    It would take many years (decades or more) for the appropriate buildings to be built to get the city to a point that it contributes revenue and science to the empire.

    This has the desired goal of reflecting reality and making sense without weakening (too bad) the intent of corruption.


  • #2
    the roman empire was not that big

    there I said it . but europe is not that bid a continent.

    my empires in the game are much bigger, and I correct problems using forbidden palace. the bad thing is it requires a leader to complete.


    • #3
      Size is relative, sure. But, I think my solution has some merits. And (at least) makes sense to me. But if I play on the world map and occupy the same land area, I still have a rough time with corruption. And it takes FOREVER to get it corrected.

      As an aside, can you disband units to help build a minor wonder faster?



      • #4
        Not as far as I know, you can't.

        And since when did the forbidden palace require a leader? Mine was built just fine, and I haven't even gotten into any wars yet.

        As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.
        -Christopher Dawson, The Judgment of Nations, 1942


        • #5
          it requires a leader if you want to build it fast. I prefer to build it under 150 turns thank you


          • #6
            I think the most widely spread (if not largest in area) empire was the British Empire. Australia and New Zealand are about as far away as you can get...

            The Empire didn't suffer much from "corruption" (i.e. loss of production/revinue) at first, but it seemed to at the end.

            A famous (in the UK!) Prime Minister, Disraeli, declared the colonies were 'millstones around our necks'

            By 1914, countries such as German and the USA that didn't have an empire had a larger industrial base, while Britain's declined.

            It seems to me that a certain amount of corruption in Civ3 is a fairly accurate model of what happens - but it does seem that it has been overdone a bit. (I'm fairly confident that the patch will fix that...)


            • #7
              howzabout russia? in civ3, they would have 99% corruption for novisibirsk (?), no exaggeration. in one of my cities, not too far from my capital, i was (republic) producing 1 of 16 possible shields...

