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Play Civ3? i think not.

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  • #16
    Sorry, but I just don't see how Civ3 is 'broken.' I hope someone won't take this as a flame, but maybe some people just hate it because the newness of turn-based SP games is just gone for them.

    Maybe their tastes have moved on. Civ1 was new and revolutionary. By now, though, the genre is 'mature' and its bloody hard to be revolutionary. Everything has been done, and all we can hope for is evolution of a formula.

    For some people (I'm one of them), this is just fine. For others, maybe it's time to move on to some other type of game.

    I've been having a wonderful time with Civ3. It runs flawlessly on my AMD K-6 400MHz machine with 128 M memory, which surprises me because I had a lots of problems running CTP2.

    I think Civ3 gives me a lot of fun things to do. I think even the so-called 'problem' with high levels of corruption is simply a new challenge. Perhaps it's a way for the developers to get us to take a new approach to turn-based strategy. (I get the feeling that lots of Civ3 detractors have not taken the time to read the manual.)

    To me, Civ3 doesn't feel like its predecessors, and it doesn't feel like SMAC. That's good, although I'm a HUGE SMAC fan.

    I like Civ3 a lot. I paid the full retail price of $49.99 and I think it's worth every penny.

    That's my 2 cents. To each his own. I hope people for whom the Civ experience has gotten stale can find something else worth their time. Maybe Empire Earth would be more to their liking.


    • #17
      There is one thing that would speed up the mid-late game a lot, and probably make it more interesting: Remove the 4 turn limit on tech development. When everyone hits this limit (and the AI does, I have noticed), you can only accumulate wealth, as well as waiting around for the next tech. No one can suddenly overtake anyone else technologically as they are fixed. There is no tech race either...this needs to be removed, it is my one grumble about the game, and I have very few...
      Speaking of Erith:

      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


      • #18
        Originally posted by Provost Harrison
        There is one thing that would speed up the mid-late game a lot, and probably make it more interesting: Remove the 4 turn limit on tech development. When everyone hits this limit (and the AI does, I have noticed), you can only accumulate wealth, as well as waiting around for the next tech. No one can suddenly overtake anyone else technologically as they are fixed. There is no tech race either...this needs to be removed, it is my one grumble about the game, and I have very few...
        provost, i feel that the late techs are actually cheap....


        • #19
          Originally posted by Antonin
          To each his own. I hope people for whom the Civ experience has gotten stale can find something else worth their time.
          Agreed Civ 3 is not for everyone. Well actually not for anyone outside of North America anyway. Only three days and I can join in the group hugs or cry into my biscuit tin. Except I can't get the LE outside of the USA.
          Can anyone see a pattern here ?
          There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.


          • #20
            Its a good game, just that ppl were expecting a great one.

            I agree with that other geezer, buy it for civ4
            Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


            • #21
              Empire Earth, the game where you get to play paper-scissors-stone with your unit types, because we all know that arrow beats sword beats pike beats arrow (or was it the other way round?) Repeat ad nauseam for the different ages and types of unit. No strategies like applying archers at range necessary.

              Nothing has ever left my hard drive so fast as the EE demo.
              To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


              • #22
                I'm very tired too, i was up to a very late hour playing the game. Geez it makes getting up for work really tough.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Grumbold
                  Nothing has ever left my hard drive so fast as the EE demo.
                  It lastest about 30mins on my PC, a total insult. I've had gastric ulcers that were more pleasant.
                  Some of the people who complain about CivIII should be given a dose of the EE demo.
                  There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by LaRusso

                    \1) hold shift while AI moves. it will be over in 15 secs. try normal worlds until you get p4
                    2) try playing at a higher difficulty level
                    3) yeah they blew it. they should have probably taken civ 2 glorious approach whereby you slept through middle ages, and then went on tank blitz over railroads and bribing spree, mopping up all the civs.
                    so i guess civ 1 is your fav then?
                    SOrry your "arguments" are flawed.

                    1. Nope, a P3 1 GHz machine should be able to handle ANY TBS easily. WTH should I have to get a P4 to play Civ3 when I can play any other game on the market with NO performance drop?

                    If they turn off the "patrolling" feature for the AI and not show EVERY SINGLE UNIT MOVING (even with this turned off you still see them) then the PC would probably move faster. It can't be hard to program in a simple routine to have the AI move all it's "unused" offensive units to a central location to be ready to be "rapid-deployed" when needed.

                    2. Playing at a higher difficulty level does NOTHING to fix the problem caused when Firaxis took units and tech's OUT of the game, thus leaving LESS for the player to do other than build military units.

                    The only thing playing at a higher difficulty might do is make the player build more military units anyway, and as the original poster stated why would you want MORE military if you like to play peacefully?

                    3. No, the game play is much better now (IMHO) and I, like others, actually do like how every age is usefull now, but, BUT, just because the middle and even ancient ages are more important does NOTHING to fix the problem that there isn't enough for a peaceful player to do at times!

                    Oh, and as for the idea of "building" WEALTH, well "wealth" seems to be anything but wealth-giving, at least until you really don't need it by the time you hit industrialization and railroads.

                    Is Civ3 a good game, yes. Does it have some balance issues, a few. Could it stand to have 20% more tech's and about 35%-40% more stuff to build other than military units? Yep, you betcha.


                    • #25
                      okay lets look at your 'arguments'

                      Nope, a P3 1 GHz machine should be able to handle ANY TBS easily. WTH should I have to get a P4 to play Civ3 when I can play any other game on the market with NO performance drop?
                      if my 500MHz PIII handles it easily then perhaps something is wrong with his machine

                      If they turn off the "patrolling" feature for the AI and not show EVERY SINGLE UNIT MOVING (even with this turned off you still see them) then the PC would probably move faster. It can't be hard to program in a simple routine to have the AI move all it's "unused" offensive units to a central location to be ready to be "rapid-deployed" when needed.
                      shift. you can also set is as a preference.
                      alternatively we may ask firaxis to turn off patrolling toghether with building temples.
                      rapid deployed - why? i sometimes patrol my borders to see what AI is amassing in the background

                      2. Playing at a higher difficulty level does NOTHING to fix the problem caused when Firaxis took units and tech's OUT of the game, thus leaving LESS for the player to do other than build military units.
                      build empire to stand the test of time without a single casualty. no bodybags. just shopping malls. is that ever gonna happen? and please do not say - 'look at the US.....'

                      the only time one needs harder techs is endgame....

                      Oh, and as for the idea of "building" WEALTH, well "wealth" seems to be anything but wealth-giving, at least until you really don't need it by the time you hit industrialization and railroads.
                      every espionage mission costs 2K+

                      Could it stand to have 20% more tech's and about 35%-40% more stuff to build other than military units? Yep, you betcha.
                      we already had 2 incarnations of CTP


                      • #26
                        Looks like you're not going to convince each other.

                        Looking on the bright side, Firaxis seem aware of the slowdown issue and are addressing both hardware specific problems and the excessive patrolling. The minute the proper editor arrives every budding modmaker will be adding techs and buildings. A little patience should make these problems go away. In the meantime:

                        Dark Age of Camelot is a good MMORPG
                        Morrowind looks like being a good 1p RPG
                        Monopoly Tycoon is reputedly a good peaceful strategy sim
                        10+ new RTS will have been released by christmas
                        EU 2 is released in the States and will be worldwide soon
                        Rails across America is available
                        SimGolf is going to prove to be Sid's best game ever

                        Broaden your horizons and the future looks rosy. Damn, which spectacles am I wearing?
                        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Grumbold
                          SimGolf is going to prove to be Sid's best game ever

                          Broaden your horizons and the future looks rosy. Damn, which spectacles am I wearing?


                          • #28
                            Everyone is entitled to an opinion. If someone gives up before the patch comes out, that's their right. I just don't think posting that you traded Civ III for an RTS gets a lot of brownie points here.


                            • #29
                              I think I remember somebody saying that intelligent gamers plays TBS games, idiot gamers who think they're intelligent play RTS games.

                              I don't know if that's true but it's a thought.

                              I believe we need to remember that Civ is an empire management game. If you thought going into this that it was a "build units and attack an enemy until they are dead" game, Civ would probably disappoint. If that is what you are looking for then please leave Civ and go play Galactic Battlegrounds (a very fun game by the way) while you can.

                              Those gamers that want to nurture an empire through a simulated span of existence and while doing so, attack, defend, cultivate, research, and play, have fun with Civ III - it's the perfect game for doing so.
                              Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home.

                              -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)


                              • #30
                                It seems some people just bought the wrong game... if you want a game where you can sit peacefully for centuries & never need a military play SimCity or SimEarth or TheSims... or SimAnt or SimFarm or SimCityStreets or SimSim or Simbad or Simballa or Sim'merDownNow or ...

                                The minute the proper editor arrives every budding modmaker will be adding techs and buildings.
                                And some people don't have patience to wait & act shocked a game company would actually release a game that still needed a patch. Were they born yesterday? Constructive critism posts are healthy, this "TBS days are over" drama is just attention-hunger.

