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How Joan D'Arc beat me up without saying a word

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  • #31
    I "edited" part of the story. You see, I reloaded the game a few times to see if there was something I was doing that I could control to stop the weariness. I even tried for peace before my attack force was launched from my shores. I got frustrated that I was being shoehorned into this disorder, so I thought maybe if become completely ruthless they'll (the Germans and the French) roll over because I'm crazy. Otherwize I'd never raze a city. My entire game has been fighting defensive wars and trying to stay at peace. But in the long run, its just a game....geez, its not like i REALLY burned an entire city to the ground killing the inhabitants.
    First off, my genocide comment was by no means a serrious one. I was trying to illustrate what the leftists in your country were probably saying... Remember, under democracy you can't just shut them up.

    The core problem here is that you were considered to be on the offense, and your civ had no tolerance for it built up. Multiple wars with the same guys during the game build a tolerance for wars with those civs, and any time you are suffering decent damage at home will raise tolerance for counter attack. The simple fact is that the damage you mentioned the french doing is insignifigant, so you suffer war weariness for going out to beat them up. Brining the fleet home would have cured the weariness. After they make a serrious attack on your shores, then you could probably get away with an invasion.


    • #32
      One thing I noticed about mutual pact is that if I don't attack the enemy units inside their own boarder, I won't trigger the pact.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Setsuna

        War weariness is an interesting idea. It ceases to be interesting right about the time your people decide that steam rolling over an aggressive foreign country warrants destroying their own homes and setting their hair on fire.
        Heh, ever been to Berkley in CA? Perfect example of morons who'd rather bend over and drop their collective pants for some aggressor than have their country fight back for apparently ANY reason.

        Hrumph, morons should be shipped to the places they want peace with and see how "peacefully" they are treated.


        • #34
          Re: Workers of the world unite!

          Originally posted by Venger
          Sev -

          My problem with this is on two fronts:

          1) Communism is morally bankrupt and I cannot bring myself to use it, even in a game.

          hm, and despotism isn't morally bankrupt? yet you use despotism for a long while I'm sure...

          it's only a game. it's not like switching to communism will turn you into a bad person/send you to hell or whatever.


          • #35
            Re: Re: Workers of the world unite!

            Originally posted by narmox

            hm, and despotism isn't morally bankrupt? yet you use despotism for a long while I'm sure...

            it's only a game. it's not like switching to communism will turn you into a bad person/send you to hell or whatever.
            narmox, you will go to hell for saying that. And for sacraficing all those innocent people to force build your army!
            Paul Zastoupil


            • #36
              hm, are you talking of all those people I forced-labor'ed in real life or in civ3 ???


              • #37
                Re: Re: Re: Workers of the world unite!

                Originally posted by paulz

                narmox, you will go to hell for saying that. And for sacraficing all those innocent people to force build your army!
                Like I've said, there's nothing wrong with killing imaginary numbers.

                Especially in "front mission 3" where you have to fight the Imaginary Numbers.


                • #38
                  I'm on the fence when it comes to defense pacts. They may drag you into wars, but they can guarantee that you won't get gang-banged by the AI.

                  On Regent, I was playing a solid, peace-loving game as the French. I was way ahead in tech, and the only real threat was the Egyptians. I was building my space ship and figured it might be a good idea to have a few spies to keep an eye on the other civs. Planted one in Egypt, then figured I might as well hit Germany, too, as they seemed to have the capacity to at least make a run at a ship.

                  Whoops! My spy was killed and Bismarck declared war! No problem, I thought. I've had my eye on his extra aluminum for a while, anyway. A few turns into that little war, Egypt lands eight antiquated units on my continent and declares war! Over the course of the next five turns, every other nation declares war on me and agrees to trade embargoes.

                  And no one answers the damn phone.

                  Eventually I got Germany to agree to peace, and all the others, too, but man oh man did that war weariness suck, even with Universal Suffrage. It might have paid to make a few pacts, if only to keep some luxuries flowing.


                  • #39
                    The treaty and alliance system gets vastly more complicated as the game progresses.

                    In the beginning ages you can rely basically on squaring off 1 on 1, or 2 on 1, or 1 on 2, somthing simple.

                    By the Industrial age one war signals the beginning of a....


                    what would you call it

                    World War?

                    The game really is a fairly marvelous recreation of historical tendencies sometimes even if it isnt historical on the specifics =)


                    • #40
                      Re: How Joan D'Arc beat me up without saying a word

                      Originally posted by D4everman
                      Damn! Fifty game years or so and hours of my time down the drain. I'm kinda pissed.
                      Next turn: rampant civil disorder. All of the infrastructure I spent thousands of game years building and HOURS of my time (not eating, not getting fresh air, not getting my ass outta this chair...damn you sid!) Research centers, Colloseums, banks, marketplaces, etc all being destroyed. Firaxis, you really need to tone that down a bit. ...the five or six turnsd of anarchy would have wrecked infrastructure)
                      Sorry, but mostly your mistake, I think. Why didn´t you switch to Communism, or even Monarchy, or even Despotism? They don´t have War Weariness, you know.

                      Much better than losing any or all improvements.
                      Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                      Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                      • #41
                        Re: How Joan D'Arc beat me up without saying a word

                        Originally posted by D4everman
                        (the five or six turnsd of anarchy would have wrecked infrastructure)
                        This is where you are wrong. Anarchy doesn´t hurt infrastructure, because you don´t have to pay maintenance. Employ a lot of entertainers and just wait for the return to normalcy.
                        Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                        Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                        • #42
                          Re: Re: Workers of the world unite!

                          Originally posted by narmox

                          hm, and despotism isn't morally bankrupt? yet you use despotism for a long while I'm sure...
                          Only cause I have no choice - I consider the games representation of despotism to be the same as monarchy without the crown, simply representing a tribal ineffecient ruling member.

                          it's only a game. it's not like switching to communism will turn you into a bad person/send you to hell or whatever.
                          I just don't do it. I don't play the South in the Civil War, I don't play Hitler in WW2, and I don't play the Russkies.



                          • #43
                            Re: Re: Re: Workers of the world unite!

                            Originally posted by Venger
                            And someone in Volgograd ought to know what a corrupt and reprehensible form of government communism is...

                            I won´t go into 'reprehensible', because this is a question of opinion, and you are entitled to yours. But 'corrupt' is factually wrong.

                            Ask anyone -capitalists, I mean- who have done trade with the Soviet Bloc. They will all tell you there was little or no corruption.
                            Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                            Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                            • #44
                              Re: Re: Re: Workers of the world unite!

                              Originally posted by Venger

                              Only cause I have no choice - I consider the games representation of despotism to be the same as monarchy without the crown, simply representing a tribal ineffecient ruling member.

                              I just don't do it. I don't play the South in the Civil War, I don't play Hitler in WW2, and I don't play the Russkies.

                              and do you play the germans who committed immense atrocities in WW2? Or the Egyptians who enslaved a whole people? Romans who ransacked the whole mediterranean and beyond? Aztecs with their bloody sacrifices to their gods? English, etc, who enslaved many many people? Chinese who still today conduct executions, are communists, etc? The scalping-happy Iroquois? and so on....


                              • #45
                                Mutual protection pact

                                There was some talk about never getting into a mutual protection pact but I just had an interesting game where I used it to my advantage.

                                I'm playing the English and the Egyptians and Japanese were south of me on a huge continent. The Japanese were moving through my territory so I told em to get out or go to war. They chose war and I wasn't in a great position to defend my cities. So I contacted the Egyptians and traded for a mutual protection pact to help me out. The Egyptians had plenty of War Chariots and fought it out with Japan while I built up my forces.

                                The best part was after the war ended Egypt had some tempting cities to capture and since I needed to expand I rolled in and took the Egyptian cities. Apparently their war with Japan had weakened them immensely since I wasn't attacked by any war chariots.

                                You can use the pact to your benefit so I wouldn't say never use it.

