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subdividing an empire into "states" to combat corruption?

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  • subdividing an empire into "states" to combat corruption?

    as we all know, corruption is a biatch here. what would happen if we had "regions" or "states" though - have a 'state capital' that reduces the corruption significantly in that region, but not to the extent that the forbidden palace or the palace itself does. this state capital would of course be triggered by reaching a number of cities (30 - 40?) and then every certain amount of cities (20 or so) you can add a new one. the corruption settings would stay the same, but these capitals could decrease it in a limited radius (20-30 tiles all round) and provide culture to that city, as well as happyness (you'd be happy if your city had the capitol, right?).

    just an idea

    silly typos

  • #2
    I think theres something in this idea. What if you could build an improvement in each city like a State/County Capitol building etc. The buildings would be expensive enough for you not to have on in each city but their effect would equal that of a palace for the surrounding cities. Only applicable under republic, democracy or communism of course. I think this might be the way to go, perhaps you might even have to build the 'devolved government' wonder first.....

    Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


    • #3
      Hmm, don't you think it's just a *little* too late to be suggesting changes to the game? Maybe if we just had a patch reducing the supposedly over the top corruption levels that would be enough?


      • #4
        I don't see any reason not to suggest changes. Its a great game (in my opinion) but I do beleive it is unfinished....

        Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


        • #5
          me too

          i agree with redstar. but i think this is a viable change, i've already seen ppl claiming to have added buildings and other things, i see no reason why Firaxis can't (i'm not saying they should drop everything and add it). but instead of making it overly expensive so not too mayn can be built, i think that just limiting according to the numbers of cities is better.


          • #6
            you could expand on this by each state having it's own culture... although that could get difficult if not handled properly... (different states revolting & fighting the rest of your Civ... states which have vital resources blackmailing you to give them improvements first...)


            • #7

              that would be hard to implement and control though =\ it would mimic real life (like in the USA, Michigan and Texas are very different). but what happens if you loose a "state"? thats too dangerous, and i know i wouldn't like to end up like the USSR did...


              • #8
                they are going to adjust the corruption rate because too many people have complained.

                out of all the fixes the next patch will do, firaxis confirmed corruption first. I sincerely hope they adjust it to a minimum though. If civ3 becomes corrupt free (or near-like) as it was in civ2, then it makes this game that much more easy.


                • #9
                  I hope they fix it soon because as it stands it makes expansion difficult if not nigh impossible on higher levels. Corruption is a vital game concept and hopefully they will make its effects slightly less while giving us something worthwhile to combat it with.

                  Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                  • #10
                    It's a very good idea that would bring more realism to Civ3.


                    • #11
                      You could do it, if you figured out a way to make the Forbidden Palace a city improvement. Then just name it "State Capital" or something and make it really expensive.


                      • #12

                        maybe instead of a forbidden palace, just copy & paste the courthouse, change names & graphic models & attributes (give it palace-like ones), and there you go (of course this is just talk. i am rather useless when it comes time to doing something )


                        • #13
                          Well, a very easy fix is to go into the civ3mod file and use the editor. There is a checkbox that says "Reduce corruption" for the various improvements. For example, you could say that temples and cathedrals reduce corruption (more ethical citizenry), and that barracks/police stations reduce corruption (more govt presence). That and changing the max number of cities before corruption becomes a problem (right now at 8/16/24/32 I think) would really help until the patch comes out.



                          • #14

                            yea, i changed the city limit, added a 0 to the end of ea. so now corruption is only... ohhhh... 25% of all my earnings. Washington (capital) even has corruption!!! 133 commerce, 1 corruption. lol!


                            • #15
                              about city limits...

                              for the maps, does that reflect world levels, or only your own? For example, on huge, it says 32 is the maximum before corruption. But, is this for every civ combined(so with 16 civs, each city can have 2 cities before corruption?) or is it for each civ(so, with 16 civs, huge map, that means possibly, there could be 512 cities(yeah, each one is a one tile city). Just curious. Thanks
                              Hey, whas tha pointy thing, and why is it sticking in the ground? And why is there a human head on it... Oh damn.

