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The irony of whining about "whiners" & what it reveals

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  • The irony of whining about "whiners" & what it reveals

    At first I was frustrated about the insults and being told to shut up. But when I realized the amusingly ironic nature of the whiners, I decided to have fun with them.

    Now I have a theory of why they are so upset. The stated reasons don't hold water (too many threads or Victor's hilarous "bandwidth" comment). Let me explain what is probably the real reason.

    When I hear a negative movie review before seeing the movie it often shapes the experience; problems I would not have noticed stand out. The Firaxis fundies must be having a similar experience: when they come to these threads their eyes are opened to the game's many failings.

    The problem is that they have a lot invested in Civ III being the ultimate experience. Our bubble-bursting is painful, since they now are aware of flaws they did not see before. Perhaps another analogy is the child learning about Santa Claus.

    Now I am fully aware that there are many informed, intelligent mature people who love the game. I am very happy for them. This thread is about another group- the people who are inexplicably angry at those of us who make critiques. Inexplicable, that is, until perhaps now.

  • #2
    this is a good point, imho
    Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum


    • #3
      I don't mind people who find bugs and submit them to Firaxis and post them here. I like that.

      I dislike it when people stay around here (trolls!) and complain all the time, insisting that everyone who likes the game and does not see it as seriously flawed is somehow stupid or thereby bribed by Firaxians.

      That being said, I really do like Civ3, and the bugs will be corrected. I do not see any major gameplay or process flaws, and if people don't like these aspects -- well -- what are they going to do about it? This may not be the game for them. However, the insistance that everyone must be unhappy is equally absurd as saying everyone must likewise be happy.

      Anyhow, I will leave you with Murphy's law of software development lifecycles: there will always have to be a patch.



      • #4
        That's not half as ironic as whining about people whining about whiners...


        • #5
          Originally posted by GodSpawn
          That's not half as ironic as whining about people whining about whiners...
          LMAO Oh so funny, yet oh so true.
          I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

          I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GodSpawn
            That's not half as ironic as whining about people whining about whiners...
            That would be- have you found any examples?


            • #7


              • #8
                Perhaps I need to explain my point agin . . . .


                • #9
                  Re: The irony of whining about "whiners" & what it reveals

                  Originally posted by n.c.
                  At first I was frustrated about the insults and being told to shut up. But when I realized the amusingly ironic nature of the whiners, I decided to have fun with them.

                  Now I have a theory of why they are so upset. The stated reasons don't hold water (too many threads or Victor's hilarous "bandwidth" comment). Let me explain what is probably the real reason.

                  When I hear a negative movie review before seeing the movie it often shapes the experience; problems I would not have noticed stand out. The Firaxis fundies must be having a similar experience: when they come to these threads their eyes are opened to the game's many failings.

                  The problem is that they have a lot invested in Civ III being the ultimate experience. Our bubble-bursting is painful, since they now are aware of flaws they did not see before. Perhaps another analogy is the child learning about Santa Claus.

                  Now I am fully aware that there are many informed, intelligent mature people who love the game. I am very happy for them. This thread is about another group- the people who are inexplicably angry at those of us who make critiques. Inexplicable, that is, until perhaps now.

                  What about Santa Claus

                  I am in Total agreement with you NC, not just because I am over in Onslow County.. but because in business, you H-A-V-E 2 H-A-V-E Thick skin, and part of growth is pain, plain truth pain!

                  CIV III is a great game, but still room for improvements,

                  As for whiners, often people "Express" in a way that vents to the extent of whining, much like the new Toby Keith song, SOMETIMES..I wanna talk about me..funny how people want to view their own viewpoints as pertinent or important, believe in them staunchly, but when someone come sthrough OVERBEARINGLY, they become chastised, thus the CHASTISEEE now becomes a whiner himself...

                  Ya'll have a great day!!

                  Yours in Civin

                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #10
                    You nailed it, squid. We all know there are some problems with the game. And we all know the difference between reporting a problem and holding your breath until you turn blue.
                    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                    • #11

                      Whining about the whining of the whiners perhaps reveals that that some people just can't come to the realization that some people actually love the game.
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • #12
                        I love whiners.. actually no i don't, no one likes whiners so just stop it !


                        • #13
                          How about whining about whiners who whine about whiners of whiners of the game? This is...umm...starting to get philosophical, or of the two anyway.
                          You're civin' like a fool, but what about DaddyCool?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Admiral PJ
                            I love whiners.. actually no i don't, no one likes whiners so just stop it !
                            Stop whining!


                            • #15
                              Perhaps Imran should learn to post something more insightfull and original than that trite snoozing emotican and a one line quip.

                              We're not whining here, I'd describe it more along the lines of patronizing, pointing and laughing, making idiots of others, etc. etc. We're not asking anyone to shut up and leave. We're voicing our complaints, which are relevant, truthfull, and quite obviously hurtfull. I love the analogy of Santa Claus, my man

                              Oh hey, Imran. Do I need one of these?

