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Happines Chart

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  • Happines Chart

    Is there anyway to determine what is causing unhappiness in a given city at any time, like in Civ2?

    I see the happiness smiles, but I still have problems figuring out what is going on. I have a city, not far from the capital, on prince, with 4 unhappy people in a republic, with no troops in any enemy territory. I have 1 luxury and 2 smiles from my luxury funding (as opposed to science) and still have 2 unhappy people afterwards.

  • #2
    Click on the unhappy ciitizen from the city screen and it will tell you the reason for the unhappiness listed as a percentage, a really neat feature.

    I think its really wrong that conquered cities still have unhappiness from the draft that was opposed by the former ruler, they should be happy because I doposed those bad guys that was drafting them.



    • #3
      Thanks so much, that is a BIG help!

      I still can't figure it out though. I started with 4 unhappy citizens, have 2 luxuries coming in and 2 happy faces from a 30% luxury rate (30% science, 40% tax) and i wind up with 1 happy citizen, 1 content and 2 unhappy instead of 4 content or happy citizens. what gives? Any help appreciated!
      Last edited by Raleigh; November 10, 2001, 23:29.


      • #4
        I found the happiness indicators a little tricky until I studied it more closely through the civlopedia. There are 2 kinds of happy faces you see, the ones that make content folks happy and the ones that make PO'd folks content. I'm at work now and can't take a peek for myself but if i remember it right luxury items make content folks happy while temples and military police make unhappy folks content. Was surprised to learn that marketplaces can increase the effects of your luxury items (had been wondering about a bit before I looked it up).

        Um, that's all I can think of now. Clicking on the citizen really does help the most however, if it says 100% Its just way too crowded here there isn't much you can do about it, just the price you pay for a large city. I always enjoy killing off a civ and watching all those conquered cities that were upset about the war I was waging against the motherland suddenly go into WLTK status due to the fact the war suddenly ended and that large sorce of unhappiness disappeared.



        • #5
          Check if you have a marketplace in the city. If not, then the luxuries dont help your population at all.
          If you do have one, then im all out of guesses Dont have Civ 3 yet, damn infogames
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • #6
            Luxuries do help even without marketplaces. Marketplaces sometimes allow luxuries to produce more than one smiley face, not really sure how it works. In my best game so far at the end I think I had all but 1 luxury and in the large cities with marketplaces the first 3 or 4 produced one smiley face each with the last 2 on the list producing 2 and 3 respectively.


