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Boycott Civ 3

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  • #46
    Originally posted by GP
    Actually the publisher/game developer relation also has the valuable attribute of allowing blame shifting. No one knows who's responsible for anything
    I agree. It ALLOWS blame-shifting and confusion-raising. And they are using it
    The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


    • #47
      OK, that's more or less the way I thought it was: Infrogrames is the big player. I don't always follow the Apolyton news the way I should , but what was the transition in the rights to the use of the "Civilization" name? Did Infrogrames or Firaxis buy it from Hasbro/Microprose?
      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


      • #48
        Since we keep getting the "that's up to the publisher*" line, could we get an interview with the publisher. Firaxis isn't willing to ask themselves so we may as well.

        *Take that with a grain of salt. Both parties affect the decisions. It's a partenership.


        • #49
          Originally posted by techumseh
          what was the transition in the rights to the use of the "Civilization" name? Did Infrogrames or Firaxis buy it from Hasbro/Microprose?
          in the begining there was Microprose, who had the rights to the "Civilization" name

          then Hasbo bought Microprose through their subsidiary Hasbro Interactive

          finally, Hasbro sold Hasbro Interactive to Infogrames
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


          • #50
            Markos, wasn't the Oracle in Greece as well?
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #51
              Thanks. Who can keep track of modern capitalism without a scorecard?
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #52
                ...or in your case, it sounds more like the Book of Genesis!
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #53
                  I'm not going to boycott Civ3 (too late for that anyway) but I am going to boycutt future Firaxis games if the current release of Civ3 sets the new standard.

                  Though I like C3 I think it's a step back from SMAC, and SMAC in itself had a horrible patch history.

                  (Did they ever fix the infinite range AI nukes ?)



                  • #54
                    Yin: If I am not mistaken, the Oracle was in Delphi, Greece. There were many minor oracles, but the most famous one was in Delphi (not pictured in the Civ2 wondermovie).

                    Now, why is Civ3 so broken?
                    It isn't so much broken as unfinished and there is a simple explanation to that. Brian Reynolds (Civ2, SMAC) was the head developer of Civ3 to begin with. He and much of the original Civ3 team left seven months into the development process. It seems as if Firaxis had to build a new team and start froms scratch. It makes sense. Think what Civ3 would have looked like with 7-9 months extra development time.
                    To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                    • #55
                      So theoretically, Infogrames could have contracted any company to develop the software? How much control does someone like Sid Meier then have over the final product? My impression from your replies is that he has very little control. It's obvious that Firaxis wants everyone to believe that any problems are Infogrames's fault, so perhaps we should start trying to get interviews with Infogrames guys.

                      If Infogrames gets the royalties, then does Firaxis also get royalties? Who does the game as "intellectual property" belong to? Why hasn't any company come up with the idea of combining production and software creation?
                      "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by techumseh
                        Sorry Hoek, I've already bought it. What I find interesting though, is that a number of new posters have suddenly appeared on the boards, singing the praises of Civ3. Now I know there's nothing unusual about that, but take ComputerEnginee for example. (S)he's new today, and has 27 posts so far, posted between 19:07 and 20:50. All are Civ3 BJ's. Someone's working pretty hard to counter the negative reaction of many experinced Civers.

                        And there are others, too. Maybe they're legit, but maybe they're Anonymous.
                        Interestingly enough, 11 threads started by ComputerEnginee have now been closed by the moderator. (As of the time of this posting, they are on about page 17 of the threads for this forum) May we ask why?
                        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                        • #57
                          Originally posted by techumseh
                          Interestingly enough, 11 threads started by ComputerEnginee have now been closed by the moderator. (As of the time of this posting, they are on about page 17 of the threads for this forum) May we ask why?
                          techumseh, do you have some kind of passion with conspiracies? i seem to remember a thread of yours about the fan site list...

                          the threads were closed because he posted all 11 of them in 15 minutes. at around the same page you should have also found the thread i made for him afterwards so that he posts all his impressions in one thread....
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by MarkG
                            techumseh, do you have some kind of passion with conspiracies? i seem to remember a thread of yours about the fan site list...

                            the threads were closed because he posted all 11 of them in 15 minutes. at around the same page you should have also found the thread i made for him afterwards so that he posts all his impressions in one thread....
                            Markos, just because someone is paranoid, doesn't mean that someone isn't really following them! Besides, the consolidated thread just doesn't have the same passion as "Sid you are the man!!!", or "Soren, you are the best!".
                            Last edited by techumseh; November 18, 2001, 14:20.
                            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                            • #59
                              I don't buy many games. But I bought all the other Civ titles.
                              This version has is flaws, but it plays ok. When the patch comes out it will play even better.

                              So stop whining and give some good strategies!!!!!


                              • #60
                                My biggest concern is getting the wait time between turns to be significantly faster. Get rid of the 5-8 minute wait time when number of cities in game becomes many. 1 minute would be totally acceptable compared to what many, including myself, are going through. I have never made it to flight so I don't know how airplanes are handled in the game although many here have complained that something is not right. That certainly is worth fixing too.

                                MP is not an issue with me. I'd glady pay extra for an expansion pack or a MP edition of the game. OTOH maybe civ3 the way it is now is not really meant to be a MP game. Imagine having to wait 30 minutes between turns even with cable modem?

                                Other than that I am very happy with the game. The AI is definately challenging and I have yet to win a game. I've been playing on monarch level and just can't seem to compete. However I've learned a lot from everyone here and have improved my game a lot. I really like the way the AI will go after your resources and cut them off from your cities. The computer definately knows where to strike!

                                Good gaming to all, waiting for the patch that will save us all from long wait times between turns.
                                signature not visible until patch comes out.

