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Who hired Greenpeace to do the resource management??

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  • Who hired Greenpeace to do the resource management??

    Good GOD this is starting to irritate the hell out of me ... I'm seriously considering uninstalling the game because this happens EVERY SINGLE GAME, and after it does there isn't much point in continuing to play.

    The same sources of Horses, Saltpeter & Iron supply my civilization with all its needs for thousands of years. Then I get to the Industrial Age, and discover Refining. Voila! I usually have multiple sources of Oil already under my thumb, waiting to be used at a later date.

    4-10 turns later, I discover Steel and Combustion ... and ALL MY OIL FIELDS HAVE DRIED UP?!!? How?? I haven't produced a single unit or building that requires oil yet. I JUST discovered that Oil existed, and within a few turns every single source on my continent dries up (the game I've been playing for 5 days, I had all 3 sources after beating everyone to Refining by a mile). This happens to me in nearly every game, but only with Oil & Uranium. As a consequence I'm never able to build the spaceship, or very many (if any) modern military units.

    How the hell is that possible? My game is completely hamstrung now - I will not be able to build anything from the modern age, and this has happened in every game I try to play. Am I the only person this is constantly happening to? Am I the only one that is scratching their head wondering what Greenpeace developer on the staff decided to force political statements down our throats? Why is it only Oil & Uranium that are constantly depleting themselves after just a few short years of use?

    Last edited by DaemonGate; November 10, 2001, 10:28.

  • #2
    Lol, I believe you can change the percentage chance that resources will run out in the editor.
    Rome rules


    • #3
      Oh so *IF* you get the Oil resource it dries up in a few turns... hmm great.

      I have so far only been able to obtain iron and aluminum at best. Makes for a nice combination of building options: Knights or Cruise Missile a.o.

      Oh wait! Late in the game...did I say *very* late... I also got a lucky scout of Coal! Ironclads!!!

      No salpeter, no oil, no rubber = no modern units except the cruise missiles and the artillery. Idiocy, by the way: being able to build artillery but no infantry. Pfff.

      Of course, everyone else has all they need, and yes, I *have* been able to trade. So I got a precious army of Marines (rubber!) and some infantry too! I can't build them anew of course, as they all allied against me... as usual.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Grim Legacy
        Oh so *IF* you get the Oil resource it dries up in a few turns... hmm great.

        I have so far only been able to obtain iron and aluminum at best. Makes for a nice combination of building options: Knights or Cruise Missile a.o.

        Oh wait! Late in the game...did I say *very* late... I also got a lucky scout of Coal! Ironclads!!!

        No salpeter, no oil, no rubber = no modern units except the cruise missiles and the artillery. Idiocy, by the way: being able to build artillery but no infantry. Pfff.

        Of course, everyone else has all they need, and yes, I *have* been able to trade. So I got a precious army of Marines (rubber!) and some infantry too! I can't build them anew of course, as they all allied against me... as usual.

        What you do if you want your oil to last until you want to build something useful is as follows. Pillage the road(s) connecting the oil sources to your cities, since whether you us it or not, resources begin a check vs depletion if they're connected to your civ. So just unconnect your sources of oil, or coal, until you need them, and just connect one at a time.

        The only downside to this is, later in the game, it's difficult to see where certain resources are (due to mines, roads and mountains etc) so you might miss disconnecting some, and you won't be able to trade them with the AI.
        I have no signature.
        -Bob Dole


        • #5
          A useful tip. I had so far only run into trouble with iron in another game in the very early days.

          I'd like to turn this 'disappearance act' off though. Random strike of lightning type of thing. Not much fun.


          • #6
            Am I the only one that is scratching their head wondering what Greenpeace developer on the staff decided to force political statements down our throats?
            It's not a political statement but a scientific/mathematical statement. Oil is very limited and the speed we use it raises expansional so put those 2 things in a mathematical function and you will see that it will become exhausted someday most likley within the first 100 years.

            Iron and other resources on the other hand are so plentifull that they won't be use up ever most likely + iron and most other resources can be reused.


            • #7
              I'll bet they're also responsible for the global warming in the Middle Ages that I experienced.

              Man, I really wish you could turn off global warming (Hey, maybe during the 70's the game could briefly switching to global cooling!) :P


              • #8
                Originally posted by kolpo

                It's not a political statement but a scientific/mathematical statement. Oil is very limited and the speed we use it raises expansional so put those 2 things in a mathematical function and you will see that it will become exhausted someday most likley within the first 100 years.

                Iron and other resources on the other hand are so plentifull that they won't be use up ever most likely + iron and most other resources can be reused.
                Yeah, but they weren't used up 200 years ago before we had actually used them much


                • #9
                  I think it's safe to say that Sid & friends are environmentalist wackos. In my game, about 4 or 5 pollution squares appear EVERY TURN!!!! And most of my cities don't even have factories!!!!! At the beginning of the game, I was longing for tanks, battleships, & subs. Now that I see all this pollution #?!* going on, I remember how good I had it back when my people were running around half naked in the ancient times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Just to know

                    Chances of depleton:
                    Horses & Rubber: never
                    Saltpeter & Iron: 1 in 800 chance
                    Coal & Aluminium:1 in 400 chance
                    Oil: 1 in 200 chance
                    Uranium: 1 in 100 chance

                    I think that this is an answer to your question.
                    (look in the editor)


                    • #11
                      New resourses will be discovered from time to time.


                      • #12
                        *Phone rings*

                        [DeamonGate] of Romans
                        ALL MY OIL FIELDS HAVE DRIED UP?!!? How??

                        [Abdul el Fazzad] of Persians (with a middle eastern accent)
                        Oh good sir, president of the Romans! How are you, how are you? How is the roy- er, presidential family doing? Is everything OK in Rome?

                        I JUST discovered that Oil existed, and within a few turns every single source on my continent dries up.

                        [Abdul el Fazzad]
                        No more oil? Oh that's really sad news. Sad. (cries)

                        game is completely hamstrung now - I will not be able to build anything from the modern age.

                        [Abdul el Fazzad]
                        Er, you know that last war where Indians captured two of our units? That was really unfortunate. Our Persian soldiers are brave, but they had Tanks! No matter, my scientists assure me that I will discover modern armor. Oh, hold on. It's time for my oil bath. Mohammed? Prepare my bath please!

                        Now, listen here you backward, over-agressive- eh, did you say oil?

                        [Abdul el Fazzad]
                        Why, yes good sir. But I have to go get my bath. Bad for health, you know, to skip them. I will instruct Mohammad to send you a few barrels of oil for your next bad - we dont want the great leader of Rome to be unhealthy, do we? Good sir said last time that us Persians caused too many troubles here with our immortals hundred years ago, but us Persians are generous people too!

                        *Disclaimer: This should be taken only in game terms. I do not wish to offend anyone.


                        • #13
                          The oil dissapearing before you built units with it is perfectly justifiable. The way I see it is, they could've dried up because the oil was put to domestic uses before you got a chance to use it pro patria.

                          After all, you, the ruler don't exist in a have to imagine all your people consuming the resources too.
                          You're civin' like a fool, but what about DaddyCool?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by player1
                            Just to know

                            Chances of depleton:
                            Horses & Rubber: never
                            Saltpeter & Iron: 1 in 800 chance
                            Coal & Aluminium:1 in 400 chance
                            Oil: 1 in 200 chance
                            Uranium: 1 in 100 chance

                            I think that this is an answer to your question.
                            (look in the editor)
                            LOL @ my 10-turns-poofff-Iron. 1 in 800 I'm so lucky.


                            • #15
                              Personally I love the resource depletion factor. It adds a whole new aspect to the game - you have to continually develop new strategies to cope with the problem. It is very frustrating to lose your only iron deposit while waging a bloody swordsman fight with your enemies. I love how it makes you scramble to find or take a new iron supply.

                              Don't have saltpeter? Take it from someone, explore the map, grab a foothold in/near a desert. Same thing with coal or rubber - just get near some jungles! Military conflict over resources makes the game a whole lot more interesting. Instead of taking cities because they have 4 whales, now you have to take cities because they have coal!

                              Sure corruption is extremely high, but the further you expand - especially on different land masses, the better the position you will be in for that illusive uranium!

                              Its just like the real world - North America has most of the developed resources, everyone else has to find their own or trade with us for them!

