While at first I wasn't much a fan of CTP, I actually got to really enjoy playing it until it got to the point where on Diety I could fight with Fusion Tanks when the AI was still using Machine Gunners. The endings to the game sucked though. They all kinda suck in the Civ games, for some reason. CTP2, however, just plain sucked.
I'm not really all that "disappointed", but simply for the fact that I refused to get my hopes up to the best of my ability. But even with that something that is really annoying me is that I was anxiously awaiting a game that seems like they threw away all the Civilization II/SMAC code, did a complete rewrite, and this is a late beta version.
I even have cought myself thinking "with a month or two more of work this game will be cool"...and then I realize this is the release version.
All the other Civ games I played hours and hours and hours without changing or modding a single thing. I just played as-is.
But with this I find I'm unable to do that. There are just too many issues to leave.
Ships take too long to become available. Only towards the middle/end of the middle ages are even sea worthy ships available, when in fact ocean going vessels seem to actually have been in existance before 4000 BC. But I'll just take the sea worthy vessels that have been dug up near the Pyramids in Egypt.
Heck, the 60+ changes so far in my mod are there for a reason. I don't want to CHANGE the game, I just want it to SEEM reasonable to me, and it just ain't doing that now. With all those changes I haven't even yet addressed naval units and technologys, and before those are complete it will require like 10-20 changes (and by change I count changing a unit as 1 change, not 1 for each thing about that unit I change).
Then Missles and Air power aren't quite right and deserve a change. The tech tree in the Industrial Era seems empty in places.
The game just lacks any place to sink your teeth into, which tells me the game is "newy" and more or less beta.
The great unconventional units from CTP such as Lawyers, Corporate Branches, Nanoinfectors (Bioterrorists), the spy special abilitys like bribe...all not present.
They added culture and a bare-bones implementation of Small Wonders and pretty much removed everything else. I can't think of ANY other feature that is actually "new" to the Civ series (short of the "espionage missions" which are nothing more than dialog boxes), yet the amount of features which are gone just go on and on and on...and hell, I didn't even play SMAC which had tons of new features.
I just get the sick feeling that Civ3 should really be called Civilization Light. Because that's what it seems to be; a civilization clone for people who don't really like this kind of game.
When it comes down to it, those of us who are hardcore strategy buffs, history buffs, tactical wizards, and mod-geeks just weren't the target audience for Civ3. The target audience is "Everyone", meaning "Mostly people who aren't big computer gamers, especially those who prefer platform games but want something 1/2 inch deeper".
The money is in the masses, and look around. Intellectuals, those with attention to fine detail, and deep-thinkers are most definately NOT in the majority. Never have been, most likely never will be.
It's just a pity gaming has been taken away from the original gamers and pioneers of the industry and has been thrown to the 3D Disney generation and to the people who didn't want to have anything to do with games before they saw Quake.
The creative people are now just slaves to the deadline and the "Profit IS Virtue" philosophy of today.
But we can't turn back the hands of time, so we have to just make the best of it. In short, squeeze the fun out the unfinished piece or crap. Hack it to pieces and mod the hell out of it, because otherwise we're left with a $49.99 coaster and matching bird-cage liner.
And maybe with a little time the unwitting Deadling Slaves will be able to patch the game to make it actually play like it should have in the first place.
Welcome to the Anarchy Online Generation of Gaming.
Makes you long for Pong, doesn't it?
I'm not really all that "disappointed", but simply for the fact that I refused to get my hopes up to the best of my ability. But even with that something that is really annoying me is that I was anxiously awaiting a game that seems like they threw away all the Civilization II/SMAC code, did a complete rewrite, and this is a late beta version.
I even have cought myself thinking "with a month or two more of work this game will be cool"...and then I realize this is the release version.
All the other Civ games I played hours and hours and hours without changing or modding a single thing. I just played as-is.
But with this I find I'm unable to do that. There are just too many issues to leave.
Ships take too long to become available. Only towards the middle/end of the middle ages are even sea worthy ships available, when in fact ocean going vessels seem to actually have been in existance before 4000 BC. But I'll just take the sea worthy vessels that have been dug up near the Pyramids in Egypt.
Heck, the 60+ changes so far in my mod are there for a reason. I don't want to CHANGE the game, I just want it to SEEM reasonable to me, and it just ain't doing that now. With all those changes I haven't even yet addressed naval units and technologys, and before those are complete it will require like 10-20 changes (and by change I count changing a unit as 1 change, not 1 for each thing about that unit I change).
Then Missles and Air power aren't quite right and deserve a change. The tech tree in the Industrial Era seems empty in places.
The game just lacks any place to sink your teeth into, which tells me the game is "newy" and more or less beta.
The great unconventional units from CTP such as Lawyers, Corporate Branches, Nanoinfectors (Bioterrorists), the spy special abilitys like bribe...all not present.
They added culture and a bare-bones implementation of Small Wonders and pretty much removed everything else. I can't think of ANY other feature that is actually "new" to the Civ series (short of the "espionage missions" which are nothing more than dialog boxes), yet the amount of features which are gone just go on and on and on...and hell, I didn't even play SMAC which had tons of new features.
I just get the sick feeling that Civ3 should really be called Civilization Light. Because that's what it seems to be; a civilization clone for people who don't really like this kind of game.
When it comes down to it, those of us who are hardcore strategy buffs, history buffs, tactical wizards, and mod-geeks just weren't the target audience for Civ3. The target audience is "Everyone", meaning "Mostly people who aren't big computer gamers, especially those who prefer platform games but want something 1/2 inch deeper".
The money is in the masses, and look around. Intellectuals, those with attention to fine detail, and deep-thinkers are most definately NOT in the majority. Never have been, most likely never will be.
It's just a pity gaming has been taken away from the original gamers and pioneers of the industry and has been thrown to the 3D Disney generation and to the people who didn't want to have anything to do with games before they saw Quake.
The creative people are now just slaves to the deadline and the "Profit IS Virtue" philosophy of today.
But we can't turn back the hands of time, so we have to just make the best of it. In short, squeeze the fun out the unfinished piece or crap. Hack it to pieces and mod the hell out of it, because otherwise we're left with a $49.99 coaster and matching bird-cage liner.
And maybe with a little time the unwitting Deadling Slaves will be able to patch the game to make it actually play like it should have in the first place.
Welcome to the Anarchy Online Generation of Gaming.
Makes you long for Pong, doesn't it?