I have this incredible start position in this game! Regent, with my Pre-Patch mod 1.5; 16 civs on huge map (16 civs is a great way to play, btw). Standard settings everywhere else.
Kept up to pace with AI expansion, even exceeding some of my opponents. I have to say that, not only did I get some great terrain, but my idea about assimilating the free worker seems to have paid off.
So now, with most of the local territory used up by me and my neighbors, I, yes, the great and powerful I, am filling up the gaps with my rascally settlers!
BWAHAHA! Stoopid AI can't keep up with my expansion....
Kept up to pace with AI expansion, even exceeding some of my opponents. I have to say that, not only did I get some great terrain, but my idea about assimilating the free worker seems to have paid off.
So now, with most of the local territory used up by me and my neighbors, I, yes, the great and powerful I, am filling up the gaps with my rascally settlers!
BWAHAHA! Stoopid AI can't keep up with my expansion....
