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10 GAMEPLAY FIXES *please read*

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  • #16
    >12 to 16 moves a turn

    I think that would be too unbalanced when attacking and defending against other ships and stopping transports landing on your continent.

    You'd have to develop some new rules to implement this eg give ships an operational range of say 2 squares, whenever an enemy unit enters this range then movement cost per square goes from 1 to 2.


    • #17
      Re: Re: Air Units/Carriers/Bombardment and other stuff...

      Originally posted by Wolfgang76
      4. ARMIES shouldn't require leaders to start! MILITARY academies shouldn't require so much crap!! i mean, come on, it doesn't exactly take NAPOLEON to realize that "grouped units are good," does it? military academies should be available in the industrial age at the latest!

      I havent used the leaders for this function since I figured out thier real purpose. To close the frigging gap on Wonder Development with the AI. I normally save the first one I get to make the forbiden palace in one turn. If I get any others they are always saved to finish up really important ones like the Workshop or Theory or Evolution.

      well... i always thought that complete great wonders function of great leaders was kind of ridiculous.... but anywho...

      yeah leaders are alrite but i don't really care about them. i just want my armies =)


      • #18
        Originally posted by fanatic civver
        >12 to 16 moves a turn

        I think that would be too unbalanced when attacking and defending against other ships and stopping transports landing on your continent.

        You'd have to develop some new rules to implement this eg give ships an operational range of say 2 squares, whenever an enemy unit enters this range then movement cost per square goes from 1 to 2.
        that's a great idea!! yeah i'm gonna look into implementing that with the civ editor.


        • #19
          9. Unit OBSOLESCENCE (mentioned by someone else) When fighting a unit from any advanced AGE, combat stats should be halved. It's ridiculous to siege a city with 3 calvalry only to have it kill an equal number of mech infantry. 'nuff said.
          this was fixed in civ2 throught the use of a "power" type stat. There was a similarly annoying problem in the original civ where a phlanx with a 1/1/1 rating would wade off multitudes of attacking battle ships.

          for civ3, Sid's gang decided to break it again. I read somewhere in the manual I think that "the game engine has been tweaked to negate this feature so it was taken out." GREAT CALL. When was the last time an inferior unit could stand a chance against a more advanced/modern unit in civ2/SMAC? Brian's absence on this project is obvious.
          I hate Civ3!


          • #20
            response, and ideas

            1) I totally agree.

            2) Totally agree.

            3) Agree, but I don't want to see artilery toned back to SMAC damage levels. It was mostly worthless in SMAC because the damage it did was so minimal. I would rather have artilery simply have a chance of killing a unit at 1 hit point, even if it's only 10% or so. Especially bombers should be able to kill units, I agree.

            4) Disagree, I don't want to see all these armies running around. They're extremely powerful--they should be rare.

            5) Would be nice..

            6) I don't know about signifiantly increasing the speed of naval units, but one point would be nice.

            7) Totally agree, what is the argument for having a nuke -not- destroy all the units in it's blast radius? Underground bunkers??? I just don't get it...

            8) Okay.

            9) Totally DISAGREE. Units having 10 hit points was a horrible mistake in Civ2 and SMAC. It prevents weaker units from winning battles, period. It makes the game too deterministic, especially for multiplayer. The player with the better tech wins every time, regardless of military tactics, strategy, etc. Although I think that 3 hit points is better than 1, as in Civ1. It's a perfect compromise, Sid's a genius.

            10) Slightly agree, but don't have a strong opinion. If artilery could kill units, this wouldn't be an issue.

            11) The coastal fortress should be fixed.

            12) I would like to see a longer period of time in the game when frigates/
            galeons/privateers are the dominant naval unit (i.e. before ironclads). I hardly ever build these units because in a tech or two, I've got ironclads, which are far superior. Either these units should be available earlier, they should be cheaper, or the resources required to build them (iron, saltpeter) should be reduced. Perhaps just iron. Ironclads only require one resource, coal, and are superior in this way as well.

            12a) The privateer maybe should be upgraded. Why doesn't it have a 2 attack like it says in the rulebook? Typo or bug?

