First off, I LOVE CIV3 and can't stop playing. This is the first time in a LONG while I've gotten so much into a game that I go on the boards to complain. anyways, now i can start ranting:
I haven't really seen this mentioned much, but DAMN that broken air superiority pisses me off. It pretty much negates the usefulness of any and ALL air units for you. the uselessness of the fighters are evident, but since the A.S. isn't broken for the AI, it ruins the usefulness of the bomber.
what needs to be done:
I. FIX THE GOD DAMN AIR SUPERIORITY. It frustrates the HELL out of me when I've built like 8 jets just sitting around on a A.S. mission while bombers come in and kill all my roads.
2. ADD ESCORT MISSIONS FOR BOMBERS so A.S actually MEANS something. (i.e. they won't just be shot down with a stupid biplane and your jets just set there at home and can't do anything about it)
3. ALLOW units to be killed through aerial bombardment. AERIAL bombardment. Bombardment is pretty weak as it is. In modern warfare, the aircraft carrier is supposed to represent a HUGE tactical advantage both navally as well as on the ground, but that is not at all evident here. How can a freaking ironclad just waddle on up and destroy your carrier full of bombers!? Bombers should automatically be used to sink attacking enemy ships!
Which brings me to another point: eliminate the free artillary strike on the defense to tone down artillary units if you must, but GROUND bombardment should be done SMAC style, which damages ALL units in a stack with bombardment (which was GREAT, and i'd expect damage to decrease but that's FINE!) Artillary is VERY weak on the siege, especially since units heal to full in barracks, so they should be toned up to SMAC style to balance.
**The above suggestion has also the benefit of toning up the military portion of the game, which I feel is heavily compromised**
AERIAL bombardment should be ALLOWED to destroy units (which kills two bad birds with one stone, the carrier defense and the usefulness of bombardment.) I understand why ARTILLARY can't kill, and I'm fine with that. AERIAL bombardment should be considered seperately. I justify this by saying, if CRUISE missiles can kill, then so should aerial bombardment.
4. ARMIES shouldn't require leaders to start! MILITARY academies shouldn't require so much crap!! i mean, come on, it doesn't exactly take NAPOLEON to realize that "grouped units are good," does it? military academies should be available in the industrial age at the latest!
5. STACKED movement. The lack of ARMIES wouldn't be that much of a pain in the ass if there was some way (easily implemented with a shift click or something) to move entire STACKS.
6. INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY the speed of naval units. It doesn't take 10 years for the Enterprise carrier battle group to get to Afghanistan. It takes half a month at worst. I know that the time isn't completely realistic, but come on, this is ridiculous. on the land, the movement time is fixed with the advent of railroads, but there's nothing of the sort for naval units, and the slow movement is yet another blow for the utility of naval units.
7. NUCLEAR WEAPONS need to be actually DEVESTATING. it should destroy AT LEAST half the units of the stack, and preferably ALL. come on, nukes are nukes. Cruise missiles seem more effective than nukes as is, and that's freaking ridiculous.
8. SORTING by unit TYPE when giving orders. eliminates a helluva lot of clicking, nuff said.
9. Unit OBSOLESCENCE (mentioned by someone else) When fighting a unit from any advanced AGE, combat stats should be halved. It's ridiculous to siege a city with 3 calvalry only to have it kill an equal number of mech infantry. 'nuff said.
10. ***Units should ONLY heal ONE bar when it has done nothing in a round, BUT has come under attack the prior round, even if it is in a BARRACKS*** This significantly improves the siege situation.
11. Take some of the othergood suggestions on this board. =)
Thanks for reading this! =)
I haven't really seen this mentioned much, but DAMN that broken air superiority pisses me off. It pretty much negates the usefulness of any and ALL air units for you. the uselessness of the fighters are evident, but since the A.S. isn't broken for the AI, it ruins the usefulness of the bomber.
what needs to be done:
I. FIX THE GOD DAMN AIR SUPERIORITY. It frustrates the HELL out of me when I've built like 8 jets just sitting around on a A.S. mission while bombers come in and kill all my roads.
2. ADD ESCORT MISSIONS FOR BOMBERS so A.S actually MEANS something. (i.e. they won't just be shot down with a stupid biplane and your jets just set there at home and can't do anything about it)
3. ALLOW units to be killed through aerial bombardment. AERIAL bombardment. Bombardment is pretty weak as it is. In modern warfare, the aircraft carrier is supposed to represent a HUGE tactical advantage both navally as well as on the ground, but that is not at all evident here. How can a freaking ironclad just waddle on up and destroy your carrier full of bombers!? Bombers should automatically be used to sink attacking enemy ships!
Which brings me to another point: eliminate the free artillary strike on the defense to tone down artillary units if you must, but GROUND bombardment should be done SMAC style, which damages ALL units in a stack with bombardment (which was GREAT, and i'd expect damage to decrease but that's FINE!) Artillary is VERY weak on the siege, especially since units heal to full in barracks, so they should be toned up to SMAC style to balance.
**The above suggestion has also the benefit of toning up the military portion of the game, which I feel is heavily compromised**
AERIAL bombardment should be ALLOWED to destroy units (which kills two bad birds with one stone, the carrier defense and the usefulness of bombardment.) I understand why ARTILLARY can't kill, and I'm fine with that. AERIAL bombardment should be considered seperately. I justify this by saying, if CRUISE missiles can kill, then so should aerial bombardment.
4. ARMIES shouldn't require leaders to start! MILITARY academies shouldn't require so much crap!! i mean, come on, it doesn't exactly take NAPOLEON to realize that "grouped units are good," does it? military academies should be available in the industrial age at the latest!
5. STACKED movement. The lack of ARMIES wouldn't be that much of a pain in the ass if there was some way (easily implemented with a shift click or something) to move entire STACKS.
6. INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY the speed of naval units. It doesn't take 10 years for the Enterprise carrier battle group to get to Afghanistan. It takes half a month at worst. I know that the time isn't completely realistic, but come on, this is ridiculous. on the land, the movement time is fixed with the advent of railroads, but there's nothing of the sort for naval units, and the slow movement is yet another blow for the utility of naval units.
7. NUCLEAR WEAPONS need to be actually DEVESTATING. it should destroy AT LEAST half the units of the stack, and preferably ALL. come on, nukes are nukes. Cruise missiles seem more effective than nukes as is, and that's freaking ridiculous.
8. SORTING by unit TYPE when giving orders. eliminates a helluva lot of clicking, nuff said.
9. Unit OBSOLESCENCE (mentioned by someone else) When fighting a unit from any advanced AGE, combat stats should be halved. It's ridiculous to siege a city with 3 calvalry only to have it kill an equal number of mech infantry. 'nuff said.
10. ***Units should ONLY heal ONE bar when it has done nothing in a round, BUT has come under attack the prior round, even if it is in a BARRACKS*** This significantly improves the siege situation.
11. Take some of the othergood suggestions on this board. =)
Thanks for reading this! =)