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Atn: Firaxis - Request For Some Features In Next Patch

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  • #46
    Re: Re: Options

    Originally posted by LaRusso
    IMHO anything but 'normal' concentration would spoil a game. too much and there would be no competiton for resources, too little and it would be too arbitrary...
    I'm content with resources the way they are too. Unfortunately you & I are not all the people. Many have complained about there not being enough resources. And 2nd, if it's just an option it isn't going to hurt anyone & who knows someday you may feel like a game with few luxuries or something. The solution I gave also stops future newbies coming in here to post how there are not enough resources.


    • #47
      I don't see a reason why you should limit air unit's ability to rebase to cities within their operational range. Because of the more abstract yet realistic way they handle air combat, this makes perfect sense - I just assumed that when I rebased an air unit from one side of my empire to the other, it got there through a multi-legged trip stopping at my cities along the way and/or using in-air refueling. Better than 'In 1951 my bomber flew from Washington to Dallas, in 1952 it flew from Dallas to Seattle, and in 1953 it flew from Seattle to Anchorage, next year it can start flying missions out of Anchorage'.

      I've also been having little problem with corruption, but the only cities I bother keeping that are far away from my original empire are ones that exist solely to provide resources or a military base - much like real-life colonies. Britain wouldn't have made much money off of India if it wasn't for the luxury items it was producing.

      One tweak I would like to see is to improve the AI of the computer opponent so it doesn't build cities that are certain to be taken by culture. I always end up with way more cities than I wanted, because the computer opponent will put a colony everywhere there is at least two squares of space outside of my borders, even if it's in the heart of my empire. If I wanted a city there I would built it myself. As it is I keep the city and have higher corruption and a city that will never get big enough to be useful to take care of because the other option is worse.

      I like that I usually am missing a vital resource or two. Otherwise, I would never initiate wars, which is unrealistic in the broad scope this game encompasses.


      • #48
        Minor things-
        Its near impossible to see culture borders in jungles.

        Re: Resources-
        You can already change those in the editor if you want to make a new rule set and don't mind the science advisor being messed up.

        Bombardment - non-lethal, its been mentioned but its not good. It at least needs a check box in the editor to make a units bombardment lethal.

        Cities reverting to their old owners due to nationality - Happens way too much. Your units shouldn't convert. Possibly just go back to the civ2 style partisans springing up due to it. Also a related bug, the manual says making workers uses up foreign nationals first, that doesnt seem to be the case when I tried it.

        And I guess Ill throw in my enhancement that I know wont happen but it'd be nice:

        Border Patrol Like war mobilization sort of, just make it a global toggle on the military advisor screen that costs more gold the larger your border is. When your using it, other civ's can't enter your borders without declaring war on you. It should be fairly expensive for large empires though, so much so its not worth it in most cases. Shouldn't be too hard to do since total land area is already calculated. Also if the ai really, really wants to cross your border (bad enough that'd he'd of declared war anyways if you told him to leave), he should just declare war over the border patrolling :P


        • #49
          A few more that occured to me over breakfast

          colonies - Should automatically be considered to have a harbor if they are on water. At least then you could setup overseas colonies in that way.

          Oil - Should appear in coastal areas, and be allowed as a strategic resource source without a road to it if you have the oil platform improvement in a city whose radius overlaps it.

          Global/Empire specific max city/unit limits - Just to make the game playable on huge maps with 16 civs on slower computers. I know if it makes my 1 gig athlon crawl after the world is filled it does it to other machines too. It should of off by default. It'd also be an interesting varient on play to limit each civ to say 7 cities or something (it'd disallow building cities only not conquering). I wouldn't put this in the game itself but in the editor as a general rule setting that can be changed for scenarios.


          • #50
            Can we have specific figures for how much a courthouse reduces corruption. What is the point of not providing figures for this. Same thing for war weariness. It is a pain in the neck building improvements only to find that they have had no effect. This should not happen in a strategy game.


            • #51
              I would like to see the following additional things:

              Being able to change wonders from small to large, especially the Manhattan project! I hate this large wonder!! There is no point in building it myself, because everybody can nuke me then.

              More use for Aircraft Carrier battle groups, being able to add subs and fighter patrols to create formidable floating armies.

              More CIVS...

              I want to play 32 civs at the same time

              Spanish, Mongols, Dutch, Portugese, Australians, Brazilians...
              Cubans, Iraqi's, Serbs and Afghans ??



              • #52
                ------------------STUFF FIRAXIS CAN DO------------------------------------

                Firaxis Idea 1). Rework the Firaxis-supplied editor to allow you to ADD new
                types of units, etc instead of simply RENAMING them, because that
                was a bad design decision of Civ 2, limiting it to just X number
                of units, and this will make it easier for you to focus on quashing
                genuine bugs instead of catering to the demands of technopiles like
                me as shown in the next part.

                Firaxis Idea 2). If it's not already in the game, add a new unit tag for nuclear
                powered units, indicating that they have a 50/50 chance of irraddating
                the square when destroyed. Also this tag, allows a new diplomacy option
                to be created......for example: New Zealand in real life, does not like
                US Navy Nuclear-powered ships/boats to be in her territorial waters....
                make a "non-right of passage for Nuclear-powered craft" diplomacy option...

                Firaxis Idea 3). Start fixing some of the niggling bugs in the game,
                concerning Culture, Combat (how a spearman defeats the USS Iowa),
                and Corruption.

                Firaxis Idea 4). Completely rework the entire Naval game, adding
                a new field for naval units, determining how many turns they can
                go before having to stop at a coastal city for refuelling......of couse, sailing ships and Nuclear powered vessels wouldn't
                have to refuel in harbors.....this would simulate the need by
                the British empire for very long range light cruisers as well as
                a multitude of small coaling stations all over the world.


                • #53
                  Okay, I'll throw my hat in the ring:

                  1. AIRBASES! I don't know why this terrain improvement was dropped.

                  2. Nuke Subs/ Carriers should be able to carry cruise missiles. So a "Can carry Cruise Missiles" is a needed tag in the editor.

                  3. Air range should be editable above "8" with the editor

                  4. Corruption fix: Add "Reduces Corruption" to police stations, AND if the city is "connected" (road/harbor/airport) it has a max. cap for corruption based on goverment (90% Anarchy, 80% despotism, 70% Monarchy/Communism, 60% Repunlic, 50% Democracy)... it would be nice if this cap was a seperate entry for the editor.

                  5. Border Fix: If you just kicked units out of your territory (The option "Leave or we'll declare war should be available on the second turn a unit is witin your borders after you've asked them to leave) they are sent back to THEIR territory (if they have any), and if they try to enter within the next 20 (# can be changed) turns they MUST declare war first. New Cities can NOT be built if it would alter another civ's borders unless you are at war. This will fix a lot of issues with the AI use of settlers.

                  6. Make sure that theroy of evolution gives 2 techs even if that means they must come from the modern era.

                  7. Nukes should kill all units at ground zero unless they are in a city... 80% chance for death in a town, 65% in a city, 50% in a metropolis.

                  8. I STRONGLY DISAGREE with CHANGING the RE-BASE command as mentioned above, unless it is to require an airport if outside the plane's zone of operation.

                  9. An ability in the editor to allow a city improvement/wonder/tech to remove the need for a particular strategic resource. (i.e., Synthetic Fossil Fuels = No more need for oil)

                  10. Specialists (Tax collectors and Scientists) desperately need to have improved effect, say +3 Tax or +3 Science.

                  11. Fix the annoying bug of naval vessels using the goto command to auto attack (and declare war on) subs... give us a pop-up!

                  12. When you set a worker to CLEAN POLLUTION ONLY, allow it to retain those orders even if there is no pollution at the momment... or perhaps make that a seperate command.

                  Well, those are my main points.
                  Last edited by Trachmyr; November 10, 2001, 22:08.


                  • #54


                    • #55
                      I'm way to tired to reply right now (it's 1 AM here :-D), but I'll put my comments in tomorrow. Until then, I've started a poll on the stack-move thing, it's at:

                      As of now, only one person has said that they don't want to see it in the game in some form. Outside of this poll, I have not heard anyone say they feel this way.

                      Again, will try to help with keeping this bumped and will put what I think in tomorrow (or at a more reasonable time today, i guess ).

                      -- adaMada
                      Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                      PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                      Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                      • #56
                        Okay, I am going to remove the bug list section of this thread, since there is already a detailed list here.

                        I do hope Firaxis will look at the other requests here though . . .


                        • #57

                          Will try to actually read this entire thread and post my comments sometime soon .

                          -- adaMada
                          Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                          PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                          Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                          • #58
                            Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                            PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                            Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton

