When I bought the game i thought i was going to get a game with many more things then it came with. Alpha Centauri had so many cool features. You could raise lower terrain. You could terraform water and you had many more things you could do with the terain. The terrain in Alpha centauri seemed more realistic with the way it moved up and down. They could have at least come to a midway point in terms of the terrain. Alpha centauri had a excelent council system but what did Civ3 come with. You could build the UN and win thats it. In alpha centuari you had movies for wonders, quotes for improvments and text for advances now all you get is a small upgrade for your palace. Also couldn't they have found some way to improve the governments. Instead of making the Governments more distinct they made them so similar that there are only two choices in the late game and in the early game you just change as they come along. Alpha centuari had sides that were very distinct and had distinct advantages and disadvantages. In Civ3 you only have minor advantages and disadvantages that many sides share. And espionoge now seems to take a back seat. You can't steal units from people which gave a reason to gather large amounts money. It isn't a big deal that the took away the unit builder but you should have some options. If you don't have Iron but want to build a swords man why couldn't you build a bronze swords man. And what about all the special abilities you could put on units it seems they stripped the game down to make it compatible for ancient times.
Now im not going to say it is a terrible game it deserves a 5 out of 10. The trade system is well done but it doesn't allow you to trade units with other people and the enemy civilizations are completly unreasonable asking for Techs just for a world map. I also wonder why they bothered giving you the option of buying cities since the AI will never let you buy one unless you give them something which i have yet to achieve.
Culture is good but the effects aren't apparent to me since creating a powerful culture just to take over a city really isn't possible and winning through culture requires you to expand so much early on that you could easily win any way you want.
Resources seem to be the best improvment. I have to give them Kudos for it. It works great and it adds a great level of strategy to the game. Over all to me though the game seems to be a quickly slapped together game that only seems great because of its near flawless balancing.
To sum it up if they just worked on Alpha Centauri and fixed every problem changed the Graphics,altered some things and put in the improvments of Civ3 They would have made a much supeior game then this stripped down shell.
Now im not going to say it is a terrible game it deserves a 5 out of 10. The trade system is well done but it doesn't allow you to trade units with other people and the enemy civilizations are completly unreasonable asking for Techs just for a world map. I also wonder why they bothered giving you the option of buying cities since the AI will never let you buy one unless you give them something which i have yet to achieve.
Culture is good but the effects aren't apparent to me since creating a powerful culture just to take over a city really isn't possible and winning through culture requires you to expand so much early on that you could easily win any way you want.
Resources seem to be the best improvment. I have to give them Kudos for it. It works great and it adds a great level of strategy to the game. Over all to me though the game seems to be a quickly slapped together game that only seems great because of its near flawless balancing.

To sum it up if they just worked on Alpha Centauri and fixed every problem changed the Graphics,altered some things and put in the improvments of Civ3 They would have made a much supeior game then this stripped down shell.