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Annoyed with too brave units?

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  • Annoyed with too brave units?

    In Civ I and Civ II a unit who attacks didn't take the square of a defeated unit. But in CIV III units do, like CTP too.

    This is quite annoying when you have units in your cities and the enemy is attacking you, if you contra-attack and your unit is victorious it leaves their initial position indoors and goes outdoors, so your city can run into a bigger danger.

    In addition to this, if you attack and win your unit can be too near of the enemy lines and easy defeated whereas the rest of your army is some squares far away.

    Does it annoy you? or you think it is more realistic?

    On the other hand this behaviour of units is more realistic because units indoors cannot kill attackers unless they use bows or artillery (catapults, cannons, ...). So defenders may be fortified and no contra-attack, and if you contra-attack tackle the consequences of leaving your citywalls.

    What do you think?
    «… Santander, al marchar te diré, guarda mi corazón, que por él volveré ». // Awarded with the Silver Fleece Medal SEP/OCT 2003 by "The Spanish Civilization Site" Spanish Heroes: "Blas de Lezo Bio" "Luis Vicente de Velasco Bio" "Andrés de Urdaneta Bio" "Don Juan de Austria Bio"

  • #2
    Well, this is quite realistic, how the hell could you attack another unit without going to where they are?? If you don't go there, the enemy comes where you are and then you are defending.


    • #3
      Zone's of control

      according to the civilipedia.

      Some Units have a zone of control in the 8 squares around them because of that units ability to project it's combat power.

      any enemy unit that enters that units zone of control will be attacked without starting a full battle.

      I think this means that the attacking unit will not move.

      I'd think that if you put several of these units by a city, you might get several free attacks when an enemy unit moves in.

      I'll have to check into this more in my next game.

      The units that have a zone of control are...(these are listed in the civilipeda)

      Aegis Cruiser
      Chinese riders
      German Panzers
      Iroquois Mounted warriors
      mech Infantry
      Modern Armor
      Radar Artillery
      Russin Cossacks

      Hope this info helps someone.

      Prepare for the Rise of My Empire into the History Books.....Again!


      • #4
        I was playing Iroques and didn't notice that Mounted Warriors were shooting at the enemy. However all ranged units did(such as Catapult and the rest of artillery, modern armor).


        • #5
          yeah this is annoying... I plant my troops on hills and mountains then they move to the plains after a win Usually, it isn't a big deal but when units have more than one movement the enemy always get to you before you can go back to the original position...


