is it just me, or do the civs all try to rip you off completely? I always play regent, i dont know if that has anything to do with it? This game im playing now i am the most advanced, strongest army, culture beyond any of the other civ's imagination (every race is "in awe of" my culture) yet they always try to rip me off on trades!!! If i ask for ivory form germany, he wants wine, incense AND a tech! if i want gems form england, she wants wine, and 2 techs! Meanwhile i could just take the resources by force with a swift easy military campaign. I thought civs now know fear and are respectful of higher culture?
No announcement yet.
do civs make unreasonable negotiations?
Yes, I think the AI tries to scam you. In Civ2 you could trade techs one for one but in Civ3 its one of their techs for two of yours or one of yours plus some cash. It doesn't really bother me yet. But I'm sure once I start playing on the higher levels every piece of gold will count."To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
"One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.
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is it just me, or do the civs all try to rip you off completely? I always play regent, i dont know if that has anything to do with it? This game im playing now i am the most advanced, strongest army, culture beyond any of the other civ's imagination (every race is "in awe of" my culture) yet they always try to rip me off on trades!!! If i ask for ivory form germany, he wants wine, incense AND a tech! if i want gems form england, she wants wine, and 2 techs! Meanwhile i could just take the resources by force with a swift easy military campaign. I thought civs now know fear and are respectful of higher culture?
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STOP RIGHT THERE! how do you become in this state!!!! I cannot balance my gameplay out. i am either high culture lower military. less military more sience and money. more expansion, less army. BUT of course the can do 2 of these at once. *#&^
FUK I am going to go break something! AI MAKES ME MENTEL AS SH*T!!!
Hehe, the AI gets pretty retarded in negotations. I went to war with the Americans because they kept demanding a tech and gold from me for one of their techs. I finally got fed up, took over all of their cities but 2. Went to negotations again. They wouldn't sign the peace treaty unless I included a tech and money in the deal. I almost fell over laughing when they did it. They wouldn't back down either, had to eventually finish them off.Diamondbacks Win!! Congratulations Schilling and Johnson, and to New York for playing one of the most incredible World Series in years.
Ok so I was the Russians trading with the Germans and I managed to give up my world map and Monarchy and I got like 4 techs and 50 gold. I noticed that as I added techs, the advisor kept sayin' "this deal will probably be accepted."
My first Civ3 AI exploitation."You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon
(NOTE: Until I get reaquainted with Civ-style, I'm still playing Chieftain. Going from Transcend on SMAC to Chieftain on Civ 3 is still a lot...)
Odd, the AI loves me. I trade my Iron for Inscence and 30 gold per turn... and some techs for 100 gold per turn...
Is it that different on the higher difficulties?-Æther SPOON!, the one who tormented Firaxis by asking questions about SMAC under Win2000 :P
It depends how powerful you are compared to them, if you have a weaker military but more technology they will stomp all over you and abuse you, often demanding technology. If you have a strong military and weak technology, they won't be so quick to war - but they won't take you seriously and will often make outrageous demands. if you are their equal - they will treat you like one (more or less.. depending on the civs personalities), if you are superior to them, they might do a bit of sucking up.Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
My experiences seem to indicate that unless the AI REALLY needs something you have (like saltpeter in the musketman age), it wants to 'win' every trade deal it conducts. It also puts a surprising (to me) value on maps, and will offer remarkable stuff for them.
Yes yes yes.
When you offer them some luxury resource they dont have in exchange for some luxury you dont have it's a win win situation but they still dont accept it.
One, I offered 3 techs, 4 cities(size 3-4) and couple hundreds of Gold for one size 1 city. And they didnt agree."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
Originally posted by Eli
One, I offered 3 techs, 4 cities(size 3-4) and couple hundreds of Gold for one size 1 city. And they didnt agree.Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves