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Civ3 tried to discourage ICS and failed

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  • #46
    One thing should be fixed for sure. When the ai builds a city on the one square of open land in the middle of your borders. It's a dumb move on their part because they will lose the city eventually through cultural conquest. And it's super annoying to me because then I'm left with a crappy city crowding me.

    (it would also really help if we could get rid of cities somehow)


    • #47
      Originally posted by kimmygibler
      (it would also really help if we could get rid of cities somehow)
      Isnt this already possible?

      Just adjust the city-area production so that your city doesnt grow any further. Then let that unwanted city produce settlers/workers only, and re-establish those pop-reducing units to some of your other cities instead. The city-population gonna drop all the way to zero (I guess). In the meantime; sell out any remaining city-improvements in that city also.


      • #48
        So I always have to play on a tiny or small maps? My first 2 games were on the standard map. Playing against 3 or 5 civs does not appeal to me.
        Yeah, if you don't want to have the ability, or at least less of a drastic effect, to do ICS.

        As far as the number of players goes, isn't there a way to force up to 16 civs on a tiny map with the editor?
        "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


        • #49

          You people used ICS indescriminately against the AI for years with Civ and Civ2. Did it complain? NO!

          So stop complaining when the AI ICS's YOU!

          Besides, it's a legitamite strategy. Look what the Russians did in the Siberian Corridor in the "Age of Expansion". Mass settlement of hundreds of small towns. America in the "Land Rush" era. Mass settlement of the wild west.

