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no help for the colour blind

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  • no help for the colour blind

    The one thing that I find annoying about Civ3 is that there's no way to find out who a city belongs to other than by the colour. I'm a tad colour blind, so this doesn't always help me.

    In previous versions of the game, if I clicked on a city, it would tell me somewhere who it belonged to.

    Now, if I missed some way of finding out, please please let me know! Thanks...

  • #2
    IM also a bit color blind

    In the early game, if you memeorize the names of the cities, you can tell which civ they correspond to (i.e Leipzig=German) Later on tho, it gets harder for me to tell.
    "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


    • #3

      It's a good thing, though, that you can right click on the units and find out who they belong to...otherwise it would *really* have been annoying. At least cities stay in one place and only change hands every so often.


      • #4
        In my game, I have all 16 civs on a huge map and it's difficult to tell the difference between the romans and japanese, especially since they border each other and they are of only slightly different shades of red. On the minimap it is very difficult to distinguish them, but on the map I've been looking at the architecture style to tell. But the Romans have now been destroyed, so I no longer have any difficulties there. The Americans and Persians are als difficult to distinguish from each other, but since I am the Persians, I have no problem with that. The Babylonians and Germans are have very similar shades of blue, but since they are on different continents, I've had no problems with that.


        • #5
          You can use the editor to assign different colors (from a limited amount though) to civilizations. If you set your mod to have no map, your mod can do anything a normal game can, except that the colors are different (I think).
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


          • #6
            If memory serves me right for SMAC or Civ2....can not remember which....didn't they add a color blind feature in one of their patches. Maybe they will do the same for Civ3.


            • #7
              Yep, for SMAC they released a high contrast mod for the terrain. It helped, but it was ugly as sin. It got me thinking though; I reloaded the original graphics, but edited the graphic files myself, adding little grey stars and other symbols on the corner of each type of terrain so I could see the difference. That ended up working well.

