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My 2 cents about units balance

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  • My 2 cents about units balance

    Let see,

    Swordmen, very powerfull and all purpose unit with its cheap cost, it dominates completly, if you have Iron. It's cost should be 40, so it won't make archers & spearmen "obsolete" (from cost 30).

    Privater: This units have ablities of Galley? Should be 2/1/4 like in the manual. This way it actually can kill Galleon. (BUG)

    Caravel: I don't sea why defense of 2, it is not a Galleon & cannons are probably not yet invented, it should have defense of 1.

    Musketmen: COST of 60? Why whould I buy it, if Pikemen is 30, it should be 50.

    Riflemen, Infantry: 70 & 80 (instead 80 & 90), similar reasons, Riflemen should be cheper than Cavalry, etc...

    Marine & Paratrooper should have cost of 80 like Infanrty, since they already have POOR defense (instead of 100). And why whould they cost like Panzer?

    Nuclear Sub. Movement of 4, it needs to be quicker than regular sub (BUG)

    Carrier: should have movement of 5 like Battleship (instead of 4)

    Jet fighter: should have rate of fire set to 2 (instead of 1), since they don't use mach. guns when bombing, they use MISSLES.

    Subs & Nuc. Subs should have higher attack, with this one, they can't kill anything (10 would be OK)

  • #2
    Re: My 2 cents about units balance

    Originally posted by player1

    Privater: This units have ablities of Galley? Should be 2/1/4 like in the manual. This way it actually can kill Galleon. (BUG)

    Nuclear Sub. Movement of 4, it needs to be quicker than regular sub (BUG)
    A design decision thatyou happen not to agree with is not a bug.


    • #3
      privateers should be able to kill Caravals and Galleons for sure, and they have done so many times in RL.
      Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


      • #4
        The Privateer can't even kill ships from its own age! It only has a chance against Ancient ships. The only difference between a Nuclear Sub and a Sub is that the nuc boat can carry 1 tac nuke? How good is that? It cost 20 shields more and requires uranium to run and has the same stats. Im sorry, but a WW2 diesel sub could never keep up with a Nuc Boat. On top of that, the Nuclear Sub is nothing more than a launching platform for a single tactical nukes. It is what they call a 'boomer' and not a 'fast attack.' If its a boomer, then it should have at least the space to carry and extra tac nuke. If its a fast attack, then it should be able to destroy ships in its age (which it can't.) A carrier should be faster than a battleship. Does the AEGIS cruiser still get *2 defense against missile attacks, or is it another useless ship?
        "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


        • #5
          In civilopedia says that Nuclear subs are quicker than normal subs, so THERE IS A BUG (units stats or in Civilopedia)
          About Privatters, have you notice that is has SAME ABILITIES AS GALLEY (wich cost 30) & requires resouses. I THINK that this is a BUG, an error in implementation, not a design error (I don't think that Firaxis is than STUPID)

          Other things are design errors, at least in my opinion.
          If they are not changed in patch I could live with it.

          But these two errors are more like BUGS, MISTAKES, a TYPO.
          They should be corrected in patch.


          • #6
            Hah. Privateer isn't even good against ancient era ships both of the ones i built lost to friking galleys.


            And while the combat engine seems to be working correctly most of the time, its pissing me off. Friking musket carryin cavalry (attack 6) is absolutly SLAUGHTERING my tanks (def 8) and infantry (def 10!!!!).

            what the hell is this crap?
            By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


            • #7
              use the editor
              And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


              • #8
                Swordsman/Samurai vs tanks and cavalry?

                I went to war and i'm far ahead of the computers in technology. I have tanks and cavalry as the backbone of my ground forces. I find that the chinese and japanese i'm fighting (they are allied, how ironic is that) have swordsman, samurai and other assorted ancient units. I attacked a samurai with a tank and the tank lost, horribly. This is a block of moving steal against a guy on foot with a sword??? Then I lost some tanks to swordsman. Once again, guys with swords. I don't mind loosing a tank to cavalry but melee units shouldn't have a chance!

