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*Neutral* observations after playing...

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  • *Neutral* observations after playing...

    I start this thread to make a small list of things that can be observed playing Civ3 that aren't necessarily subjective in nature. These 'facts' are hopefully very informative about the game for those who haven't got it yet.

    I noted the following things myself:

    1) The game crashed on me quite abruptly after about 30 minutes of play. There was only Civ3 running. After that I restarted and played on.

    2) The AI cheats heavily like it did in Civ2. On Deity -which I of course played my very first game at- the enemy cities grow *much* faster than your own, and AI production levels are staggering. My size 1 capital had barely built a spearmen unit when the AI opponents had fielded about 4 units... hmmmm When my city was size 3 (1 settler built) and my second city size 1, the enemies had cities size 5 and at least 4 cities total each. Also, they were completing wonders while I hadn't even been able to built a granary.
    ***note: this is not my incompetency, this all happened very early in the game, where mistakes aren't really made yet, i.e. what did you do wrong when you built your first warrior and the enemy has two?***

    3) Player options are extremely limited. I immediately noted the forced Leader choice... no more typing in your awesome alias or choosing a title. It's one of the pre-fabbed bunch or nothing. (Ok so sue me I want to add a little subjective thing here: all leaders look like total wimps). Another example: the palace can't be turned off. It could in Civ2.

    4) The interface doesn't only differ from Civ2, it is also flawed. Sometimes you must double-click an option, sometimes you mustn't. Sometimes you can press space, sometimes you can't. Sometimes a click activates a unit, sometimes it zooms to the city... It looks like it isn't 100% consistent.

    5) Scrolling isn't 'slow', but it's fixed at a certain amount of squares, which makes it seem like it isn't fluid. It isn't optimally implemented.

    To be expanded.

  • #2
    Re: *Neutral* observations after playing...

    Originally posted by Grim Legacy

    3) Player options are extremely limited. I immediately noted the forced Leader choice... no more typing in your awesome alias or choosing a title. It's one of the pre-fabbed bunch or nothing. (Ok so sue me I want to add a little subjective thing here: all leaders look like total wimps). Another example: the palace can't be turned off. It could in Civ2.
    On the player setup screen, click the box in the middle directly under the picture of the leader. You can enter in a unique name, title, and all the adjectives.

    Dan Magaha
    Firaxis Games, Inc.


    • #3
      2. Firaxis have said earlier that AI cheats against you -prince-> and for you <-prince-, at prince -level AI does't cheat. (Or so they say..)

      3. You can change your leader name etc. by clicking the name.


      • #4
        Re: Re: *Neutral* observations after playing...

        Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

        On the player setup screen, click the box in the middle directly under the picture of the leader. You can enter in a unique name, title, and all the adjectives.

        Whoops... thanks for the tip.

        Don't let my small oversight stifle the amassment of more 'neutral' comments, now!


        • #5
          Re: *Neutral* observations after playing...

          Originally posted by Grim Legacy
          2) The AI cheats heavily like it did in Civ2. On Deity -which I of course played my very first game at- the enemy cities grow *much* faster than your own, and AI production levels are staggering. My size 1 capital had barely built a spearmen unit when the AI opponents had fielded about 4 units... hmmmm When my city was size 3 (1 settler built) and my second city size 1, the enemies had cities size 5 and at least 4 cities total each. Also, they were completing wonders while I hadn't even been able to built a granary.
          ***note: this is not my incompetency, this all happened very early in the game, where mistakes aren't really made yet, i.e. what did you do wrong when you built your first warrior and the enemy has two?***
          Yes, the AI cheats heavily on Deity. One of the complaints about Civ2 was that Deity was "too easy." I'm not sure if that was just breast-beating or not, but we were determined to make the game more difficult on the highest difficulty level. Thus, I weighed the game heavily in favor of the AI at that level, and when I thought that perhaps I had made it too hard, I made it even harder still. The truth is that there is no way we can predict how good human players will eventually become at Civ3, so I had to take my "best guess." And yes, you should consider that a challenge.

          If you do not want to play against a cheating AI, then play on Regent, which is the level at which the AI receive NO game bonuses.
          - What's that?
          - It's a cannon fuse.
          - What's it for?
          - It's for my cannon.


          • #6
            Thanks for posting Soren, I'm glad you cleared that up. If you read this post, then I would like it if there was an option to disable AI cheating completely in a game, so that we could play against the AI when it is playing at its strongest without it cheating, because a lot of people don't like it cheating.
            Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Deathray
              Thanks for posting Soren, I'm glad you cleared that up. If you read this post, then I would like it if there was an option to disable AI cheating completely in a game, so that we could play against the AI when it is playing at its strongest without it cheating, because a lot of people don't like it cheating.
              Actually, the AI is basically at full strength intelligence-wise at all levels, which is why we have seen some people losing on Chieftain even though the human is able to build and research twice as fast as the AI at that level. (It is a little less aggressive at Chieftain/Warlord and a little more aggressive at Emperor/Deity...)
              - What's that?
              - It's a cannon fuse.
              - What's it for?
              - It's for my cannon.


              • #8

                Of COURSE the AI cheats at Deity. The difference is, the computer is hard when he DOESN'T cheat (easier levels) in *this* game. I think beating deity is going to be virtually impossible early on.


                • #9
                  Speaking of 'neutral observations' - some people claim that corruption and waste are quite unmanageable even in Democracy. (See the 'Forbidden palace' thread.) Firaxis members, would you mind to throw light on this issue?
                  Last edited by lockstep; November 1, 2001, 14:15.
                  "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                  • #10
                    double post
                    "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lockstep
                      Speaking of 'neutral observations' - some people claim that corruption and waste are quite unmanageable even in Democracy. (See the 'Forbidden palace' thread.) Firaxis members, would you mind to throw light on this issue?
                      The way corruption works is one of the biggest changes from Civ2, so I am not surprised that people are having difficulties adjusting. Under this new system, you _cannot_ control ever city in the world and expect them to still function. Thus, it takes a slightly different approach than Civ2 (or Civ1 or SMAC) required. Simply put, more cities is not always better.

                      There are two factors affecting corruption levels: distance from capitol (like Civ2) and number of cities (unlike Civ2).

                      You can fight the distance factor by:

                      - moving your capitol to a more optimal location
                      - building a Courthouse in the city
                      - building a Forbidden Palace near your corrupt cities
                      - switching to a less-corrupt government type
                      - being connected to your capitol via road/harbor/airport
                      - putting your city in "We Love the King Day" (works for shields only...)

                      You can fight the number of cities factor by:

                      - lowering the difficulty level
                      - building a Courthouse in the city
                      - building a Forbidden Palace in any city
                      - playing a civilization with the Commercial bonus
                      - switching to a less-corrupt government type
                      - putting your city in "We Love the King Day" (works for shields only...)

                      and finally...

                      - emphasize building a few great cities instead of a bunch of puny ones

                      and also...

                      - think about razing cities when you capture them (although be careful... you might create an enemy for the rest of the game...)

                      Hope that helps.
                      - What's that?
                      - It's a cannon fuse.
                      - What's it for?
                      - It's for my cannon.


                      • #12
                        Thanks to:

                        Grim Legacy for informing us about issues that may or may not be a problem.

                        Soren Johnson for a speedy, polite and reasonable response.

                        Threads like this one are what I would like to see more often in this forum.
                        Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                        Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                        • #13
                          So happiness/culture levels have nothing to do with corruption? (as someone else suggested in another thread..)


                          • #14
                            Re: Re: *Neutral* observations after playing...

                            Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis

                            Yes, the AI cheats heavily on Deity. One of the complaints about Civ2 was that Deity was "too easy." I'm not sure if that was just breast-beating or not, but we were determined to make the game more difficult on the highest difficulty level. Thus, I weighed the game heavily in favor of the AI at that level, and when I thought that perhaps I had made it too hard, I made it even harder still. The truth is that there is no way we can predict how good human players will eventually become at Civ3, so I had to take my "best guess." And yes, you should consider that a challenge.

                            If you do not want to play against a cheating AI, then play on Regent, which is the level at which the AI receive NO game bonuses.
                            Thank you for confirming that. I quickly noticed (some of) the AI bonuses, being used to them in Civ2. I did indeed also note that you've increased them quite a bit still!
                            I personally do think it is a challenge to try to beat such a difficult game, and I will certainly try so before I yield to choosing Regent levels!
                            The drawback is that the imbalance is so clear, so that players may get the feeling that they only lost because of the cheating, not because they used inferior strategies. There were some comments on this aspect on these forums earlier.
                            I do understand it will be virtually impossible to have an AI that doesn't cheat and still is able to withstand the best Civ3 players for the foreseeable future.

                            Just for the record, is the cheating at Monarch about the same as it was under Deity in Civ2?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                              Thanks to:

                              Grim Legacy for informing us about issues that may or may not be a problem.

                              Soren Johnson for a speedy, polite and reasonable response.

                              Threads like this one are what I would like to see more often in this forum.
                              Thanks for the kind words, Comrade Tribune. I do hope to expand this thread or start others focusing more on 'factual' information instead of wading in the swamps of subjective cries (pink is such an ugly color! etc). I think this may help us in our quest for effective information.

