According to the FAQ of the official Civ3 site, you can not trade resources overseas without harbors. But what about maps and techs? Is it possible to give away your world map in exchange for a tech in principle (even if the AI may not consider it a good deal)? I don´t have the game or the manual, so please tell me!
(Note: I have been tinkering with ideas for additional civ-specific abilities - namely 'agricultural' and 'seafaring' -, and if map and tech trading is possible without harbours, a 'seafaring' civ - with some sort of canoe/catamaran as an early CSA-specific unit - could explore the map really fast and get a lead in science only by means of trade.)
(Note: I have been tinkering with ideas for additional civ-specific abilities - namely 'agricultural' and 'seafaring' -, and if map and tech trading is possible without harbours, a 'seafaring' civ - with some sort of canoe/catamaran as an early CSA-specific unit - could explore the map really fast and get a lead in science only by means of trade.)