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If you haven't bought Civ3 yet...

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  • If you haven't bought Civ3 yet... might want to consider hanging on to your money. It looks a lot like Call to Power to me, but with very familiar techs, units and improvements from Civ2. There is NO multiplayer and NO scenarios. Key tools to make scenarios are missing, particularly any events language. So despite all the editors, don't expect any real scenarios anytime soon.

    If you're a real fanatic and have lots of money, by all means go right out and get it. But if you're a bit short on cash, or there's another game you'd just as soon have, you might be better off to wait awhile. Let all the hype and eye candy wear off a bit and see if people are still excited about Civ3 a couple of months from now. I wish I had.
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios

  • #2
    Umm, so they improved the graphics. That was the idea. The important thing is it doesn't play like CTP at all. It plays like Civ2.

    No multiplayer and no scenarios point towards a rushed release from Infrogrames. You should be used to the fact that alot of big titles are pushed out early to increase sales. It would have probably been another 2-3 months in development if they decided to ship with multiplayer. Holiday sales play a big part in releasing early. I'm sure an expansion pack or possibly a patch will include multiplayer down the road. Wouldn't bet on the latter.

    You know it really gets to me to see all these so called Civ fans whining about how horrible CTP is and how they'd wish Sid and company would produce an official sequel, but then totally dog the game once it's released because it's missing multiplayer. It's quite typical I know. It just goes to show you that you'll never be able to please everyone.

    Be thankful you are able to get anything at all.


    • #3
      You know, I never played Call to power 1 or 2.

      What's wrong with them?


      • #4
        Whats right with them

        They were both good games ( the first less than the second ), buy we expecting something better from a game which carried the name 'Civilization'.
        A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


        • #5
          I've played civ and civ2 for 10 years, never played any scenario more than 10 turns.
          I've played muuuuch single player games, and of course I did enjoy the mp games very much, but that doesn't mean I didn't like the sp.

          why should I not buy civ3 if it doesn't contain scenarios and mp ?
          civ never had any scenarios ! Civ2 originally didn't contain any mp.

          why does everybody suddenly pop up telling us to not buy the game for strange reasons ? If you're sick of your game you can send it ot me. I'll pay you $30 if it arives within 2 weeks

          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #6
            Re: If you haven't bought Civ3 yet...

            Originally posted by techumseh
   might want to consider hanging on to your money. It looks a lot like Call to Power to me, but with very familiar techs, units and improvements from Civ2. There is NO multiplayer and NO scenarios. Key tools to make scenarios are missing, particularly any events language. So despite all the editors, don't expect any real scenarios anytime soon.

            If you're a real fanatic and have lots of money, by all means go right out and get it. But if you're a bit short on cash, or there's another game you'd just as soon have, you might be better off to wait awhile. Let all the hype and eye candy wear off a bit and see if people are still excited about Civ3 a couple of months from now. I wish I had.
            i am a real fanatic. since when is USD 50 a lot of money, even outside america?


            • #7
              If you haven't bought Civ3 yet...then use your free time to mail to Firaxis and ask for the things (events/mp/etc) that are not included now!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Siej

                Be thankful you are able to get anything at all.
                "Brilliant, absolutely f*****g brilliant! I just payed $50 for this game. I'm entitled to my opinion about the game, entitled to share it with people and entitled to not be satisfied. Do you think only favourable comments should be posted here?

                It always amazes me how some people always pipe up with comments like this. Doesn't it occur to you that these game companies are not producing products as a personal favour? They do it to make money. And they may produce a very good product in the process. Or not. But if they give you the full package in one CD, they will certainly make less money.

                Use your explorer to check out the installed Civ3 files. Open the text file called "Jackal." In it you will find commands related to multi-player games. Perhaps they've already designed the game for multi-player, but have not included multi-player functionality in this release so they can sell you another CD for 50 bucks in 6 months or a year. I'm sure you'll be suitably thankful.

                Am I paranoid? Perhaps, but that's exactly what happened with Civ2. The suggestion that multi-player functionality or scenario events language has been left out because the game was "rushed' (they've been working on it for over a year) is very naive. All the hype about the fancy scenario editors means little, since you can't make a decent scenario without events. So you'll have to buy the next upgrade before those editors will be much use.

                Civ3 Scenarios.....49.99
                Civ3 Multi-player..49.99
                Civ3 Gold Edition..49.99

                Get the picture?

                Let us give thanks!
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #9
                  Re: If you haven't bought Civ3 yet...

                  Originally posted by techumseh
                  There is NO multiplayer and NO scenarios. Key tools to make scenarios are missing, particularly any events language. So despite all the editors, don't expect any real scenarios anytime soon.
                  That's sound strange to me: no script language, no triggered events... heavy to very hard work for MODders/scenario builders.

                  How can Firaxis officially claim their large support and hopes for fan developing large number of improvement, with MODs and Scenaries available everywhere.
                  Come on, it seems to really be PR bull#§%$ to sell to potential customers a great game support that can't really develop from the arid background they offer!

                  Why anything but the really basic game seems to add bad news to the pack? I have that strange vision of a flashing neon RUSHED alert.
                  Nah, after so many dreams of Civ III, I'm probably shifted to an almost nightmare moment.
                  Back to sleep now; when I'll be awake there will be a perfectly patched DVD version, tuned to perfection with the help of you kind early buyers. Thank you in advance
                  "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                  - Admiral Naismith


                  • #10
                    I think I made the mistake of getting too hyped up about civ3 too. After the initial spate of the basic game wore off in civ2 (took about 6 months though ) scenarios really made it still worthwhile all through the next 5-odd years (and now will continue to do so). Lack of scenarios in civ3 really bites.

                    "Luckily" for me it won't be here for several weeks and I'll be able to decide whether to buy it or not after we know more about what is proposed further down the line.


                    • #11
                      i do not remember playing ANY game for more than 6 months. except civilization on board


                      • #12

                        *Shrug* I'm used to publishers using such strategy with big name franchises they know will sell. It's not 100% up to Firaxis on what is included. It's simple market strategy and logic not to include multiplayer in Civ3 and then sell the 'much awaited' multiplayer version for $30. That's smart business and that's life.

                        Do you have a right to post your opinion on this forum? Damn right. Does it get you anywhere? Nope. This is a Civ fan forum and a place for us to all get together and be giddy over the latest and greatest iteration. It's all been said before about the missing multiplayer and I guess my words weren't rightly chosen when asking you to be thankful for what you have.

                        Hopefully you enjoy the game enough to wait for a patch or expansion. If you are unwilling to support their product further thats your business. Just letting you know its a common trend with games and don't expect it to ever change. Money is king.


                        • #13
                          The missing events/scripting structure still has me worried. A bad move from the developers... and a big step back from Civ2, even if one had to edit text files back then.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Siej

                            Do you have a right to post your opinion on this forum? Damn right. Does it get you anywhere? Nope. This is a Civ fan forum and a place for us to all get together and be giddy over the latest and greatest iteration.
                            Whaaat? Illness! This is NOT a place to gather and get giddy over Civ! This is *as much* a place for critical and constructive opinions!

                            In fact, adoration will lead to higher prices (oh they want it badly, let's raise that MRP), while critisism will lead to improvement (maybe more then 7 civs *is* cool) and lower prices (they are all bashing for lack of MP, let's offer it as a free DL before Civ3 dies in 4 months).


                            • #15
                              Grim Legacy,

                              Nope. The people that actually complain here on this forum and other places are such a small majority of those that purchase the game. Lower prices? Don't hold your breath.

