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Taking Requests for Screenshots!

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  • #31
    Tleilaxu.....A fan of Emperor, huh?


    • #32
      Originally posted by tleilaxu
      when i get my copy in two weeks or so I'll do a remake of the civ 2 large world map, but with resources in the good places. that map was decent....

      can anyone tell me what the size of the civ 2 world map is? n x n
      120x75. That's 9000 squares total, compared to 32,400 for the "huge" map that comes with Civ 3.


      • #33
        Originally posted by RodLosAngeles
        Well whoever creates a 256x256 Earth map first, put me at the top of your list to send it to!
        Or send it to a civ website like....... oh whats the name of that one I visit the forums of? Apoly-something

        I agree the world map isn't great but **** that's no reason not to buy the game. Most of the problems mentioned can be fixed with the editor. I just hope any patches will support any work done with the editor ( or I may only make very few changes. Don't wanna keep on doing them )

        This is just a problem of limited playtesting - buck up people.

        IIRC you can access the 256X map by setting the dimensions for a 'huge' map to that in the editor.
        A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


        • #34
          if the civ 2 huge map was 120x75 then we could do a 240x150 map which would be the same proportions just 4 squares in place of 1... this could be made very detailed... anyone else think this idea has promise? it would give us a good starting point... personally i liked the civ 2 huge world map except some of the inaccuracies...

          tleilaxu is from the dune series by frank herbert, which the rt wargames were very loosly based from.....


          • #35
            Yeah I know......Tleilaxu are on of the indiginous tribes in Emperor: Battle For Dune


            • #36
              I wouldn't mind seeing more screenshots of the editor.
              IOU One sig file


              • #37
                Originally posted by LTD
                I wouldn't mind seeing more screenshots of the editor.
                Here's a few of the editor.

                Enjoy, I haven't played to much with the editor yet. It looks like there are already some guys hacking away at it. Check out the creation forums.

                Edit Citizens

                Edit Advances

                Edit Civilizations

                Edit Combat
                The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in
                time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.--Dante


                • #38
                  Thank You!

                  What I would be very interested in: Civilopedia Entries:

                  -Corruption and Waste
                  -Civil Disorder
                  -War Weariness
                  Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                  Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.

