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  • too bad he did not have the time to insert multiplayer button on that pic....that would just make the forum go mad


    • Have we heard the last of BlueHooHoo? He hasn't been here for a while!
      Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
      "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


      • Doh!... spoke too soon! Hi Blue! How's it going?
        Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
        "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


        • LARUSSO - adding a multiplayer button would have been fun!!!! You sir, have a devious mind!

          The colonies work really well; it can take an awful long time to build a road out to them though, especially if it's to some ore up in a mountain range .You need the road connecting them to get the benefit of the resource. But it’s cheaper and safer than building a new town. The AI can be pretty aggressive in acquiring new territory, it has colonies and towns springing up all over the place, the map (at least in my games) filled up very quickly.


          • Originally posted by BlueHooHoo
            SERAPISIV - Damn, no sign of Elvis yet. Surely he can't have left the building?
            I've heard rumors of Groucho Marx being a replacement, is that true? Do each culture types have different pix for entertainer/scientist/tax etc, or are the constant between say the Zulus, the Japanese, and the Germans?

            Thanks for all the info. You gonna be in the chat room any time soon?


            • Originally posted by BlueHooHoo
              The AI can be pretty aggressive in acquiring new territory, it has colonies and towns springing up all over the place, the map (at least in my games) filled up very quickly.
              That was my impression from the screenshots I've seen - full map just after 0 A.D. That's going to create some friction between Civs. Does the AI city placement appear to make sense (relative to the sometimes bizarre city placements in Civ2)?

              How about some more screens, please?
              "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
              "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
              "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


              • BlueHoo, can I have a Despotism pic?

                If you press 'Load Scenario', what does happen? Any scenarios there?
                Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                • Blue is it possible to show a pic of Gr Britian on the huge map in the editor? I think many of us are interested in seeing that.


                  • BlueHooHoo

                    can you answer a few questions of mine please?

                    1. Could you post a picture of a tactical nuke like you did for the ICBM?

                    2. How much damage does an ICBM and a tactical nuke inflict on a city?

                    3. Does the ICBM hit as soon as you fire it or does it hit on the next turn?

                    4. How much does each wonder cost?

                    thank you!
                    i really hope you answer


                    • Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                      If you press 'Load Scenario', what does happen? Any scenarios there?
                      During a chat on Saturday, Blue said that his version doesn't include any scenarios. However, that doesn't mean that the release version doesn't as he also didn't recieve a manual besides a pdf file, so he might be missing a few extras even though the game is totally complete


                      • The Rook:Blue is it possible to show a pic of Gr Britian on the huge map in the editor? I think many of us are interested in seeing that.
                        If he loads up the editor he would be able to position it perfectly & display a full mini-map. That would also show us if NewZealand & the SouthPole exist or not on the Huge Map via the min-map.


                        • SERAPISIV - Elvis might be in the game after all!, the entertainers change with each age, I just haven't had time to get far enough.

                          KORN469 - Nuclear attack. You launch a nuclear attack in the same way as you target an air unit bombing mission. All units in the target square and adjacent squares are destroyed, regardless of their cultural allegiance (in other words everyone gets blown away). In addition, a bombed city is completely destroyed. The defence against most attacks is the small wonder SDI defence.

                          ROOK and PYRODREW - I loaded the huge map in the Editor, you don't get a view of the minimap and with the size of the screen grabs I can post, both islands just look like funny shaped greeny/brown blobs!

                          COMRADE TRIBUNE - I'll try and post Despotism when I get a bit of time
                          Attached Files


                          • *oops, posted to quickly, can't delete*
                            "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" --Henry David Thoreau


                            • Originally posted by BlueHooHoo

                              ROOK and PYRODREW - I loaded the huge map in the Editor, you don't get a view of the minimap and with the size of the screen grabs I can post, both islands just look like funny shaped greeny/brown blobs!
                              Hmmm, well I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.


                              • Originally posted by BlueHooHoo
                                In addition, a bombed city is completely destroyed.
                                Holy ****!

