How many of you are planning to buy the LE?
I still haven't made up my mind. On the one hand the 15 buck difference isn't that much. OTOH there isn't that much in the LE. If there had been even a half-decent strategy guide or an extra scenario I would probably have brought it.
The tech tree pullout will be useful but I feel that Firaxis is cheating us by including something that was available in the regular version earlier, only in the limited edition this time.
Does anyone know what the designer notes include? If it's interesting I might consider buying the LE.
The tin box is neat but it's worth extra money only if I really like Civ 3 and keep it as a memento and I can't know that until I buy and play the game.
Finally wouldn't it have been a great idea to release the LE. one or two weeks early? That would have been a great way of getting extra dollars from the hardcore fans. I am guessing most of us would have bought the LE by now if it had been released early.
I still haven't made up my mind. On the one hand the 15 buck difference isn't that much. OTOH there isn't that much in the LE. If there had been even a half-decent strategy guide or an extra scenario I would probably have brought it.
The tech tree pullout will be useful but I feel that Firaxis is cheating us by including something that was available in the regular version earlier, only in the limited edition this time.
Does anyone know what the designer notes include? If it's interesting I might consider buying the LE.
The tin box is neat but it's worth extra money only if I really like Civ 3 and keep it as a memento and I can't know that until I buy and play the game.
Finally wouldn't it have been a great idea to release the LE. one or two weeks early? That would have been a great way of getting extra dollars from the hardcore fans. I am guessing most of us would have bought the LE by now if it had been released early.