Originally posted by Wittlich
Actually, I don't agree. If you made the mistake and left your size 30 city weakly defended, then you also take the risk of it being taken over and possibly "razed" to the ground.
Yes, it is a rather harsh lesson to be made...But I believe you would only make this mistake once!
Actually, I don't agree. If you made the mistake and left your size 30 city weakly defended, then you also take the risk of it being taken over and possibly "razed" to the ground.

Yes, it is a rather harsh lesson to be made...But I believe you would only make this mistake once!

Yeah, I know you could destroy a city with nukes or whatever, but in this case it's a gameplay vs. realism matter, and gameplay should win. I'd say that it should take multiple turns to raze larger cities, just to balance things.