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Game Speed

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  • #46
    Originally posted by fluxcapacitor
    c/o CygnusZ :

    Phuck You!!!
    1) This forum isn't really the place to go political
    2) And if you do go political, please, we've all heard plenty of your Left-Wing, Socialist BULLSHlT!!!
    Isn't that a Catch-22?


    • #47
      Originally posted by VetteroX
      A coulpe things. Templar, Ive heard left wing babble like your for way too long now, I don't even listen anymore. Why should programmers program down for cheap skates like you?
      I originally wrote:

      ANd you know what? If we all stick to slower machines longer, software companies who want to sell as much product as possible will tell the programmers to find some other way to deal with their penis issues and program down so that they can sell product to slower machines.
      That's why software makers should program down. If the vast majority of users put themselves on a five year cycle of machine replacement, if software makers want to sell more product, then they'll have to meet the specs the majority of people have. How much more capitalistic can you get? I offer a market based solution to the phenomena of planned obscelecence and I'm a socialist? Typical Republican - only favors the free market when the free market favors the rich. Against welfare for the poor, but in favor of corporate welfare.

      Furthermore, I gave some advice (buying down) that would help people buy more powerfu machines on the cheap. So the fact that most people, my self included, don't like the fact that when we buy a top of the line computer for $2000+ only to see it plummet in value 6 months later makes me a cheapskate? Well Mr. Fatcat, I suggest you read a good conservative author, like Ben Franklin maybe or even Aristotle, and learn about virtue of frugality - i.e. not wasting your money

      They should program for people who care about great effects in games and buy decent machines to be able to play these high end games/programs.
      Is this some sort of moral imperative on the part of software makers? You did use the word 'should' after all. I would think that a good Republican would say that the moral imperative governing the software makers would be to secure the highest return for the shareholder. And what if that means programming down (because people wise up and quit buying expensive new computers)? Would it still be morally binding for developers to program up for your enjoyment in that case?

      Secondly, I remeber there have been numerous arguments about "Americas bad, Americas good" well, heres another Good for America, people can get high paying jobs if they look around, theres more oppertunity, not like europe where you get the equiv of $4 or $2.
      I am an American thank you very much, and I happen to think America is very good. But there is always room for improvement. And its not the exact numeric figure that counts, its the purchasing power of the money.

      And whats wrong with having money if you earn it? I was working at the jobs I described, I interviewed for them, and I got em. If you people can't, thats because you messed up, not my fualt. And if europe doesnt offer good jobs, do what millions of others of your people did, move to America.
      There's nothing wrong with you spending money you earned. But there isn't anything right in profligate spending. Moreover, one can be socially aware when he or she spends.

      And to that other guy (I dont know how to quate) I do work when it benafits me, otherwise, there is no point.
      So I suppose you won't put any of your labor into community service? How very sad.

      Well Vetterox, I can see that you have thoroughly immersed yourself in right wing ideology (minus work ethic). Too bad you can't put a descent argument together. You contradict yourself (how can I be a socialist when I recommend market solutions), assume facts not in evidence (that I am not an American), and can't even keep the moral tenants of your ideology straight (putting the good of your game experience above the good of the shareholder). But hey, who needs argument when you have ideology right? Come back when you have something intelligent to say.
      Last edited by The Templar; October 27, 2001, 16:43.
      - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
      - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
      - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


      • #48
        Originally posted by VetteroX
        A coulpe things. Templar, Ive heard left wing babble like your for way too long now, I don't even listen anymore. Why should programmers program down for cheap skates like you? They should program for people who care about great effects in games and buy decent machines to be able to play these high end games/programs.

        Secondly, I remeber there have been numerous arguments about "Americas bad, Americas good" well, heres another Good for America, people can get high paying jobs if they look around, theres more oppertunity, not like europe where you get the equiv of $4 or $2.

        And whats wrong with having money if you earn it? I was working at the jobs I described, I interviewed for them, and I got em. If you people can't, thats because you messed up, not my fualt. And if europe doesnt offer good jobs, do what millions of others of your people did, move to America.
        Wait a second, I thought the big lesson we were supposed to be learning from the conservative leadership of America was that "home" is something special? That people shouldn't be forced to leave their home because of circumstances? Isn't that what President Bush is attempting to illustrate every time he goes back to that heck-hole he calls a ranch?

        Isn't that what the entire concept of a grass-roots political movement is about? The concept of smaller government and less federal participation? Fleeing one's home is not the ultimate solution to a problem, that it is important to organize on the local level and fight for equality despite living conditions.

        And yet, here you are expousing that people should just pack up and leave because they're not getting enough money where they live? This is hardly what I consider the Republican line of thought.

        And everyone, next time, don't take a little political joke so seriously.


        • #49
          Disregard I meant to clik edit, not reply with quote.
          - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
          - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
          - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


          • #50
            Whoops! Double post.
            - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
            - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
            - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


            • #51
              I suggest the moderators rename this thread to something like "Comparative analysis of income between various social classes; right-wing social ethics and ideologies in connection with computer industry" and move it to the Off-Topic as soon as possible... I fail to see any discussion regarding game speed here...

              On the topic of game speed, however, I am hoping and counting on that you can turn off the most processor-intensive animations etc. in Civ 3 so that any computer meeting the specifications will run the game at an acceptable speed even late in the game with lots of units visible at the same time. I can scarcely afford to replace my 400 MHz AMD K6-2 with a new computer for the sake of a single game, since I am otherwise very happy with it for the time being.


              • #52

                "heres another Good for America, people can get high paying jobs if they look around, theres more oppertunity, not like europe where you get the equiv of $4 or $2."

                - a classic example of an American assuming that the reason they are richer than Europe is beacuse they have higher wages.

                Average Wage in 1998 (converted into dollars using Purchasing Power Parities).

                United States: $37,000
                Germany: $28,000
                France: $29,000
                Britian: $27,000

                Average Hours worked per year:

                United States: 2,000
                Germany: 1,600
                France: 1,600
                Britian: 1,700

                Therefore average hourly pay:

                United States: $19
                Germany: $17
                France: $18
                Britian: $16

                (Source: OECD)

                As you can see the real reason that Europeans earn less is because they take more leisure time than Americans do.

                I myself earn around £30 ($45) an hour but then I'm in my 30's with a wife and 3 children (wives and children act like an additional 90% tax rate ).
                19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European

