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Okay, so do the new techs just kinda suck?

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  • #16
    This would be a bad thing? I get alot of music here these days because the music industry puts out so much garbage.
    I'm gonna make this brief so that this thread doesn't close- YES, the music industry puts out lots of garbage, but so does EVERY OTHER industry that I know of (if you think of an exception, let me know).
    Seriously, and on-topically, I think ANY additional advance is welcome, regardless of seeming insignificance, UP TO A POINT.
    Civ is macro scale at its most abstract
    I see what you're sayin', and I agree. If we had to research thirteen different types of plastics, two hundred different types of guns, and sixteen different airplane engines I would buy a different game.
    "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


    • #17
      I like the traditional CIV tech tree that Firaxis has implemented for CivIII. The system suggested is overly complex for this game.
      K.I.S.S.- Keep It Sympol Stoopid!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Faboba
        Well to be honest my only contact with it was via Baldurs Gate ( in the name of the holy BlackIsle, amen ) but from what I saw in that the whole system seemed needlessly complicated in some points.

        I mean anyone know what dice roll a kensai with weapons mastery in katanas and using a +2 weapon of that type and a base Thac0 of -22 needs to hit a green dragon with a base AC of -10 and using Improved invisibility?

        No. I didn't think so. I'm just glad it was the game calculated all that!
        Well, you'd take the -22 Thac0, subtract the -10 AC, realize the dragon was invisible, and you couldn't attack it anyway!


        • #19
          Some fellow posters seem to have missed out what this game is about: Civilisation. What we have with the game are civ advances that allow a player's nation to progress from a bunch of cave dwellers to a group of enlightened individuals.

          I see the new civ advances as part of an - and overdue - overhaul to a system that used to lean too much on the warmongering side.

          [Off topic]
          AD&D is needlessly complicated. It is just a pile of things haphazardly thrown together. Later editions improve the situation somewhat, but still fail to provide a system that is based on a few overarching rules.
          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

