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The Civ III Economy

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Anunikoba
    Good point! I wonder if we will be able to 'distribute' resources from one civ to another and make a bit of profit.

    Though, once the other player finds out (if AI is that smart), you will probably lose your business.
    Isn't that what the history of the world revolves around? Selling and obtaining resources? The silk and spice trade from China to Europe went through many different countries, and each country wanted it's share of the profits. The much more expensive prices encouraged the Portoguese (sp?) and the Spaniards to send ships to the far reaches of the globe looking for away to by past all the middle men, and get their silk and spices cheaper than their neighbors.


    • #17
      The most significant change in moneymanaging is that units have support cost in gold. I like that production is no longer bogged down by sheild support (particularly city-specific support). You will now be losing gold proportional to your military size. It's realistic and goes a long way toward eliminating tedious micropmanagement. Damn I hate clicking "support from this city" over and over again.


      • #18
        Originally posted by BigLupu
        I wonder if I could do some real interesting business as a "dealer" or "retailer" of resources: Buying a resource from one civilization and selling it to other civilization with higher price?
        For this to work it must be possible to revoke trade agreements. Do we know if this is possible?

        ie if we agree to give Coal to the French for X gold (per turn? not seen a screenshot explaining this), can we later cancel that agreement, or demand more gold for it?


        • #19
          Originally posted by LarryLard

          For this to work it must be possible to revoke trade agreements. Do we know if this is possible?

          ie if we agree to give Coal to the French for X gold (per turn? not seen a screenshot explaining this), can we later cancel that agreement, or demand more gold for it?
          You can only cancel the deal peacefully after 20 turns.


          • #20
            In civ3 it look like CASH is almost wortless.
            Only if armies are almost worthless...
            I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen


            • #21
              The first dude in this thread said caravans were 40 shields in civ2...

              They are 50 shields...all those people that never corrected him earlier haven't played enough civ2 to be thinking about civ3!


              • #22
                Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
                The first dude in this thread said caravans were 40 shields in civ2...

                They are 50 shields...all those people that never corrected him earlier haven't played enough civ2 to be thinking about civ3!

                Italics added

                Or we decided it wasn't worth nitpicking this time.
                I know, I have nitpicked enough. Actually, I am thankful I don't have any nits in my neighborhood (as in lice).

                It was probably just a typo, anyway. Typos are so common on the web! Doesn't anyone proof what they type anymore?
                It's either that or spelling and grammer is really atrocious, these days.*

                *(People for whom English is not their primary language are excused).


                • #23
                  Wouldn't it be cool if you could charge gold for having a trade route pass through your civs borders. Thereby acting as a middle man. So even when the AIs do know eachother and are at peace they still will have to pay you to get their commodity from one to another.

                  And Jaybe, no one proofreads because it is useless waste of time for informal activities. As long as people can understand what you're saying its good enough
                  Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

                  "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jaybe

                    It's either that or spelling and grammer is really atrocious, these days.*
                    Haha, ...spelling and grammar are really ...

                    Mars: I'm sure you can do that indirectly. You would just have to know which resource was in demand by another civ and trade for it. Then, by trading it to another civ, ask for some money also.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mars
                      Wouldn't it be cool if you could charge gold for having a trade route pass through your civs borders. Thereby acting as a middle man. So even when the AIs do know eachother and are at peace they still will have to pay you to get their commodity from one to another.
                      You can charge any amount you want for the Right of Passage Treaty.....
                      "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                      "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                      "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                      • #26
                        Supposesdly, the "wall street" minor wonder gives you interest on the funds in your treasury.

                        As for the new trading system, its all done on a single screen similar to the one for diplomacy.

                        As for gold being worthless in civ 2, the ability to rush wonders and the power of the sequential rush-buy always broke the balance of the game. The fact that wonders now generate culture points ( at least I think from what I've heard ) could have ruined the game if it wasent for the fact the you now need Great Leaders in a city in order to rush wonders.
                        Last edited by ndnls; October 22, 2001, 17:11.


                        • #27
                          I just hope that I don't need to have 40% tax in Despotism or Monrachy becouse of 60% science maximum,
                          That way you are forced to earn wortless CASH with witch you can't do almost anything.
                          If there is no slider % limit (like in civ1, not in civ2)
                          I would be satisfied.
                          If I don't like extra cash I would have 10 or 20% tax and 80% science.
                          So if I have cash I would lose it gradualy and get extra science.


                          • #28
                            The fact that you now need gold to support your army is all you need to know about the importance of gold. True you can't rush buy anymore under certain governments, but I think that making army support dependent on gold more than offsets not having rush buy.

                            And of course, as has been mentioned, generating more gold means you can set your science rate higher and still be able to maintain your army and city improvements. And if setting the science rate higher isn't important, I don't know what is!

                            Because you can't bribe units, gold will not be as important as it was in SMAC (where you could win the game with a strong economy alone). But it will still be very important.
                            Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by player1
                              I just hope that I don't need to have 40% tax in Despotism or Monrachy becouse of 60% science maximum,
                              That way you are forced to earn wortless CASH with witch you can't do almost anything.
                              If there is no slider % limit (like in civ1, not in civ2)
                              I would be satisfied.
                              If I don't like extra cash I would have 10 or 20% tax and 80% science.
                              So if I have cash I would lose it gradualy and get extra science.
                              I believe it's been officially stated that there are no science/luxury limits in Civ3. I'm not sure if it was just for certain government types or all government types. I'm sure somebody here knows and will post it shortly. . .
                              Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                              • #30
                                Now I can play my favorite strategy from civ1:
                                -if I have to much gold I just put sliders to 100% science

