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No Airstrips?

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  • No Airstrips?

    Quote from the latest Ask the Civ Team:

    Air units now operate out of base of operations (which in Civ III is either a friendly city or an aircraft carrier)
    Hey - does this mean that there are no Airstrips in Civ3?

    What if: I am fighting a war against an enemy, the ocean is not near by (rules out Aircraft Carrier), I have no cities nearby and obviously establishing one on the front is a bad idea, and there are no friendly cities nearby?

    What then? No air power? Or am I missing something?


  • #2
    there must be some sort of airbase like in civ2
    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


    • #3
      I refuse to believe that such an obvious oversight would be allowed to be sighted over beyond the point of gold...
      To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


      • #4
        I agree this is ridiculus, when you dont have an air base, why they have reworked air combat ...


        • #5
          Someone who knows, please tell us!


          • #6
            Why does every change get complained about here on 'poly like its the end of the world?

            I've got no problem with air bases being tossed, just involves a different strategy, one which forces a little more strategy about planning wars.

            If there is a landlocked country im trying to attack, and its out of operational range of my planes (I'm not clear how common thats even going to be, but anyway) -- I just have to either found a small city, or send an invasion and take over one of my enemies cities.

            That to me is much more interesting strategically than being able to march my army to their border, plop down an air base with litttle effort or risk, and go nuts from there.

            I'm glad there gone, but even if you aren't... honestly, you don't even know how often its going to be necessary since we don't know the ranges, and I can't imagine how it could be that big of a deal.

            PS For realism types:
            Where are the US launching air strikes from now? Well, stealth bombers are flying from *missouri*, others from aircraft carriers, and some from basis in countries that have agreed to let the US use their air fields. Modeling that in diplomacy ("use our air bases") sounds like a confusing pain to me (way too nuanced).


            • #7
              They had their place in civ2, but they may not in 3. If there is a suitable replacement, I'm not that worried.

              But airbases are quite realistic if you think about it. Cities in civ represent urban centers. The areas that are not incity ranges represent rural areas. Most major cities do not have military airbases located in their center, they have them nearby in a less populated zone.

              So the idea of airbases is not an un-realistic one (as long as people don't go crazy and build them everywhere)

              IMO of course.
              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


              • #8
                Can you use your ally's bases to fly your air missions, like in SMAC?


                • #9

                  unless firaxis has changed the attributes of the stealth bomber, it has an operational range of 8 so this means that the operational ranges of other units like normal bomber might be even lower...even the smallest map in Civ3 is 60x60 so the operation range of a stealth bomber is about 13% of the map (flat map or flying north to south or 26% of a round world map flying east to west), the two Earth maps in civ3 are 100x100 and airbases could prove to be a useful thing

                  and for realism types, besides US carriers the most important base in the region for strategic bombers is Diego Garcia


                  it seems quite likely that if you have a military alliance that you should be able to use your ally's bases like in SMAC


                  • #10
                    When you run down the list of Civ features, "airbase" is pretty far down the list. It is possible that it is in the game and no one has talked about it because it's not really on the same level as "better graphics" or "civ-specific units" or even "countering ICS". They're airstrips. They are a place for planes to land. I think I've used them twice ever.

                    I'm trying to think of a less crucial facet of Civ than the airbase. I'm having a hard time. The About Screen? The noise the menu makes when you bring it up?



                    • #11
                      All that whining while the solution is simple :
                      Build a carrier that can move over land!

                      See? Problem solved...
                      Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                      Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                      • #12
                        Do we know yet what RoF means? How many missions a plane can perform per turn, what?
                        Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                        • #13

                          no official word on Rate of Fire, but most likely it is how many air missions per turn an air unit can conduct


                          • #14
                            I wonder if colonies act as airbases?


                            • #15
                              I doubt it...

