I don't know if anyone knows the answer to this, but...
Will the AI be smart/friendly enough to use their workers to build roads linking their cities to your cities for the purpose of trade?
I remember in one post Jeffrey Morris saying that you can build roads in ALL territories, and that he does it all the time with his workers to make trade routes with other nations...
If that's the case, does that mean it is up to the PLAYER to build all/most of the trade routes? Will the computer ever go out of its way to do the same? Does the AI have that capacity?
I really hope so.
Will the AI be smart/friendly enough to use their workers to build roads linking their cities to your cities for the purpose of trade?
I remember in one post Jeffrey Morris saying that you can build roads in ALL territories, and that he does it all the time with his workers to make trade routes with other nations...
If that's the case, does that mean it is up to the PLAYER to build all/most of the trade routes? Will the computer ever go out of its way to do the same? Does the AI have that capacity?
I really hope so.