in the previous civ installments, after you increase the technological gap between you and your opponents above a certain limit, that was very hard for your foes to beat you (not mentioning AI) because you could produce more advanced units than they were capable of resisting..
however, considering the new resource system, things will not be the same again.. say you invent gunpowder but dont have access to saltpeter.. what you are going to do? try to gather it through trade.. but u know what; you are the first civ to discover gunpowder, therefore no other civ is producing saltpeter.. your new invention is useless..
wonder whether you will be able to see resource tiles in your opponents territories.. in that case at least you can try to capture the resource..
anyway.. playing the game will be stange..
however, considering the new resource system, things will not be the same again.. say you invent gunpowder but dont have access to saltpeter.. what you are going to do? try to gather it through trade.. but u know what; you are the first civ to discover gunpowder, therefore no other civ is producing saltpeter.. your new invention is useless..

wonder whether you will be able to see resource tiles in your opponents territories.. in that case at least you can try to capture the resource..
anyway.. playing the game will be stange..