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A Thread To End Threads...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Executor
    Yin's not pessimistic, he's just cautiously optimistic.
    So was the iron curtain........
    A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


    • #17
      Originally posted by yin26
      Well, I have just posted my final comment about the SID IS GOD thread. Enough of it.

      As for the rest, time will tell. I expect a few weeks of euphoria as the 'shiny box' drug clouds people's objectivity. Once the dust settles, we'll see exactly how things turned out.

      Until then, the flood of new people here will rise...and they know nothing about the past 2 years of the efforts made on this forum. Fair enough. I and others know enough...
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #18
        Originally posted by Faboba

        So was the iron curtain........
        i'd like to see you explain that one for me.

        please note that not in any sarcastic/condensending tone, i just honestly want to know why you think the iron curtain was cautiously optimistic.
        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


        • #19
          In the same kind of 'waving large object just in case in the hopes of never using it' kind of sense as much of the pessimism on this board.

          Most people are going to buy the game but still saying how dreadful it will be because of X

          ( where X is = to a tiny little detail like lack of multiplayer, limited number of enemy civs, removal of wonder movies, inability to move stacked units .... etc )

          This is 'cautiously optimistic'

          You'd like to hope for the best but have prepared for the worst.

          The USSR wanted to hope for the best in that the rest of the world would decide how great communism was and none of their own citizens would defect with military secrets. But just in case they closed and reinforced their borders. Cautious optimism of the same breed I feel........
          A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


          • #20
            I think that the optimism and the pessimism shown here are perfectly suited for these anticipating moments. We don't know what we may find when Civ3 is finally released and properly installed on our HDs.

            Some people like to be pessimist about the game, so they can cope with two possible scenarios: 1) the game is horrible and then they would not feel so bad about it ("I knew it would be bad"); 2) the game is wonderful and they can feel instant gratification ("Wow, they really have excelled themselves this time!").

            As for me, I don't think that lack of multiplayer is a "tiny little detail", though I personally don't play MP. Most games nowadays include MP support, and a game so anticipated as Civ3 should not ignore this trend. But if MP is included on a patch or on a expansion pack, fine (I won't bother too much, anyway).

            But take the stacked units issue, for instance. For me, it is a very important part of the game, and one of those few points that CtP really managed to innovate. For me (and I want to stress this "me" position), stacked units working like armies, with the ability to be moved together as an army, IS a concept that really adds to the gameplay. So, is it disappointing that Civ3 does not include that option? For me, yes. Not for others.

            All in all, I think Civ3 will have a lot of interesting features, which might or not compensate the lack of some other features from former games. We will have to wait and see.
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • #21
              the reason why I dont like yins pessimism is that he wont allow for ANYTHING good to posibly happen on these forums, if you try to make a thread saying "this game is so COOL!" or somthing, you get bashed for being TO HAPPY! Why? Its not totally yins fault but if he had never been here there would have never been the whole optimists vs pessimists thing. The main reason is that somewhere allong the lines, everyone happy stoped posting, why I dont know, then the board was full of people who look at the game as if its a life vs death type thing. people have long forgotten that whether the game is god or crap, tommorow is still gona happen. If you want to be a blind optimist, you should, in the end its just a game. And whats wrong with being happy? christ people, you only live once...

              just my $0.02
              "Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"


              • #22
                Originally posted by splangy
                the reason why I dont like yins pessimism is that he wont allow for ANYTHING good to posibly happen on these forums, if you try to make a thread saying "this game is so COOL!" or somthing, you get bashed for being TO HAPPY! Why? Its not totally yins fault but if he had never been here there would have never been the whole optimists vs pessimists thing. The main reason is that somewhere allong the lines, everyone happy stoped posting, why I dont know, then the board was full of people who look at the game as if its a life vs death type thing. people have long forgotten that whether the game is god or crap, tommorow is still gona happen. If you want to be a blind optimist, you should, in the end its just a game. And whats wrong with being happy? christ people, you only live once...

                just my $0.02
                Thank you, yes, put simply

                is better than

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                "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld

