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No Wonder movies- oh well

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  • No Wonder movies- oh well

    Here is some info from a recent Firaxis interview:

    "Do cut-scenes, such as Wonders movies, play an important role in the
    Over all feel of the game? What another animations (cut-scene or otherwise) will feature in the game?

    NR-B: We decided not to have wonder movies in CIV III mainly because we’ve spent a lot of time creating this beautiful immersive world and the wonder movies take you out of the world and interrupt game-play. The decision was influenced by feedback from CIV players who let us know that the wonder movies were not that important to them. There will be some very cool in-game visual rewards when you build a wonder. We do have an opening movie and a victory movie. I came up with the concepts for them, and our team created them. The rest of the game is chock-full of beautiful character animation."

    Which is great IMO. I never had the wonder movies enabled, but they were fun to watch (once) outside of the game by loading them up in a player.

    So as they say in Michigan: .... Cya!

    [oh, and btw, here is a link for that interview: ]

  • #2
    Yeah, this was confirmed a while back.
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #3
      Turned them off in Civ II after seeing them all once. So I won't miss them.
      Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.


      • #4
        Yeah, I turned them off too.


        • #5
          I will miss them, because I did like them.


          • #6
            They were enjoyable the first 3-4 times I played the game, but after that I turned them off. As long as they will replace it with something to display your achievement, I won't miss the movies. But I'm happy they still kept the opening and victory movies.


            • #7
              civ2 had some great movies. Darwin's voyage, etc, looked awesome. And good music. I always watched them.

              However, Alpha Centauri's were rather cheap computer generated animations and collages, often reminiscent of tron or something. The artwork went down a notch. I skipped AC's after the first time.

              Though I support Firaxis, I think the argument they have for "takes you out of the game" is backwards. Possibly the argument was used because they really didn't want to spend the artistic time on them? Anyhow, they don't take you out of the game if you turn them off. If you leave them on, they draw you into the game by associating real video with what is animaed on your screen. It makes things seem that much more real.

              So, Firaxis, I am not buying your "takes you out of the game" argument. You probably did not have the time to do it right (go ahead and say it please, there is nothing wrong with that) since it does not take you out of the game.

              If anything took you out of the game it was the text screens in SMAC.


              • #8
                I'll miss the sense of achievement, seeing those first few frames just after the message popped up telling me another civ had just started/was about to complete the same wonder. But didn't Dan mummer something about an impressive display on the map itself?

                "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


                • #9
                  Wonder movies were fun....once. I enjoyed them, but turned them off after only 1 or 2 games. Firaxis made a good choice here. By leaving out movies, they gave themselves a little more time to work on the important stuff.


                  • #10
                    WHAT A F***

                    NO WONDER MOWIES ?!?!

                    Sid, what is with you? I still remember movies from Civ2... They were so good!

                    civ2 had some great movies. Darwin's voyage, etc, looked awesome. And good music. I always watched them
                    I agree with you, and I always wathed them!

                    Though I support Firaxis, I think the argument they have for "takes you out of the game" is backwards. Possibly the argument was used because they really didn't want to spend the artistic time on them? Anyhow, they don't take you out of the game if you turn them off. If you leave them on, they draw you into the game by associating real video with what is animaed on your screen. It makes things seem that much more real.
                    I'm with you Squid !!!


                    the wonder movies take you out of the world and interrupt game-play
                    You must be kidding !!!

                    There will be some very cool in-game visual rewards when you build a wonder.
                    Nothing can replace with the same effect WONDER MOVIES !!!

                    When I played Civ2, I often had built wonder only for oportunity of seeing a WONDER MOVIE !!!

                    Todays possibility allows to create ewen greater WONDER MOVIES than they were in Civ2 - these were movies, not animations...

                    I WANT WONDER MOVIES !!!

                    NO WONDER MOWIES ?!?!

                    WHAT A F***


                    • #11
                      Well, I am still glad they are gone. Even though the movies were cute, they really didn't add a whole lot to the CIV experience. But, be upset if you must.


                      • #12
                        Except now it seems we get a crappy popup instead, which both interrupts the game play and gives no sense of reward or achievement. Bad choice all round IMO.

                        "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


                        • #13
                          Actually i think the wonder popups look good, much better than a movie that took a few precious seconds to load, then forcing me to click to kill it...
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #14
                            I agree with anunikoba that they arnt important, but with squid on that why do they take us out of the game? they made it more real, for me... anyway. the one part im wondring about is this
                            The decision was influenced by feedback from CIV players who let us know that the wonder movies were not that important to them.
                            did we really say that? because i would have guessed there would be more people like ogotai on these forums than annunukoba
                            And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


                            • #15
                              Wonder movies sucked!. They really put u out of the atmosphere. I think was a good choice to get rid of them. Really sucked.
                              Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.

