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No Mp It's Official!

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  • No Mp It's Official!

    In response to is MP in the game they replied:

    Johnson: No. We're working on multiplayer
    but we're not ready to make any
    announcements about how it will be

    So there ya go, no MP out of the box...

    ...dang this'll be like throwing gasoline on a bonfire in this board...

    check out the interview at gamespy- it's on the lower part of the fron page.

  • #2
    Could you post a link?

    If this is true, this makes me laugh at all those who tried to outthink everybody by coming up with convlouted reasons why they haven't responded to the question earlier. I really like the one about how they wanted to surprise everyone by including MP. Um, yeah.

    It was really very simple. They weren't responding because there is no MP. I was 99% certain there wouldn't be from the lack of response.


    • #3
      Here is the link to the beginning of the article:

      And here is the link directly to the MP part of the article:

      At first I was a little distraught that the game may not ship with MP initially. But now, I am just thankful that we will have CivIII available so soon.


      • #4
        I like the wat they are doing it. I would rather have the SP game now than to have to wait 2 months just because of the multiplayer. Multiplayer isn't even that great in turn based games, whats the big deal?
        I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

        I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Green Giant
          ........Multiplayer isn't even that great in turn based games, whats the big deal?
          *throwing himself bodily infront of Green Giant*

          .....please... he doesn't know what he is saying...

          *stage whisper* claim temporary insanity.
          tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

          6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting


          • #6
            If it was going to significantly delay the game, I think I can wait for a patch. They should not charge for this patch however since they were originaly planning to put it in the game.


            • #7
              Let me clarify. I am not saying it isn't fun, oh god no. I played a week-long large SMAC game with my cousin and it was a blast. My problem is its hard to get someone to commit to a long turn based game and even harder to find someone who will play at all. There needs to be a revision in how turn-based games work out multiplayer to attract a larger amount of dedicated players. Firaxis is doing that. I am just not willing to wait for a large delay just because of a feature which i have not used with very much success in the past.
              I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

              I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Green Giant
                Let me clarify. I am not saying it isn't fun, oh god no. I played a week-long large SMAC game with my cousin and it was a blast. My problem is its hard to get someone to commit to a long turn based game and even harder to find someone who will play at all. There needs to be a revision in how turn-based games work out multiplayer to attract a larger amount of dedicated players. Firaxis is doing that. I am just not willing to wait for a large delay just because of a feature which i have not used with very much success in the past.
                In another thread here, I and other SMAC pbem regulars were talking about the pbem aspect to the game. There is actually quite a large following of pbem for SMAC (well, there was, but with CivIII it has been slowly draining).

                I expect there to be just as big, and probably an even BIGGER following of multiplayer gaming for CivIII than there was for SMAC, and for the obvious reasons: one, the pbem play will probably be even better implemented in CivIII; and two, CIV is more popular than the spin-off of SMAC.


                • #9
                  The thing that I don't like about multiplayer is that some players bolt on the first sign that they may be loosing. Instead of trying to make a come-back or go out kicking and screeming, and maybe launch a couple of nukes just to piss the other guy off (that's how I'd go out), they just exit the game, and you end up playing the AI.

                  Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
                  "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


                  • #10
                    Sounds like you need to get a new crew together Jason. There are reliable people, you just need to search for them.

                    No Mp? Oh well
                    Theres still civ2 mp to keep us mp people occupied.
                    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                    • #11
                      I for one don't have time for multiplayer. I vote no for it. When CIV1 and CIV2 was originally released it was a single player game. It don't bother me one way or another if it remains a single player game.


                      • #12
                        The truth of the matter here

                        Is that Firaxis is all about money. They are going to cater to the majority, which is sp.

                        Our individual opinions are irrelevant.
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • #13
                          I'm personally of the opinion that Firaxis is working right now on multiplayer and will release it as a launch-simultaneous download.

                          But then again I'm an optimist
                          "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


                          • #14
                            Re: The truth of the matter here

                            Originally posted by drake
                            Firaxis is all about money. They are going to cater to the majority, which is sp.

                            Our individual opinions are irrelevant.
                            That is so BS!

                            It's much better to have great SP than SP and some ****ty MP. It's good that they used all the time to make SP great. It's hard to find good way to implement MP to a game like Civ. It's not the best "ground" to make a MP-game, far from it.

                            So, I hope now they polish SP as much as they can and forget the whole MP thing. When SP is really done, THEN they should start to think ways to make MP great, which isn't easy. I know there are these which I'll now call "hardcore Civ-multiplayers" who'll enjoy playing couple of years one Civ game as PBEM, but I think majority find all MP-Civs rather boring, because the game is made for SP-play and there's just too much waiting and nothing to do in MP game. I'm one of those.

                            I hope Firaxis finds some good solutions to make Civ3 a great MP experience and I'm more than ready to pay for that, because I love good multiplayer-games.


                            • #15
                              I happy that Civ III will soon be available in the stores. But I expect of Firaxis that people that buy the SP will have to pay big bucks again when the MP comes out. A refund or something, or free on the Internet, whatever.

                              If they think there at Firaxis that I am willing to pay twice for one game. They are WRONG! I will find a way round it then. Illegal stuff enough out there. And understand me well, I like to support Firaxis, but paying for a MP would be more profitable for Infogrames than for Firaxis.

